Barelli is a comics series featuring an eponymous character, created by Bob de Moor, which first appeared in the Franco-Belgian comics magazine Tintin on July 27, 1950.[1]Barelli made sporadic serial runs throughout the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s while 8 albums in the series were released by Lombard and Bédescope.[2]
Barelli is a theatre actor who often finds himself caught up in dangerous adventures.
Georges Barelli, a native of Yugoslavia with an Italian name, is a stage actor who achieved international stardom playing Antonio in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice.[3]
Inspector Moreau, from the Judicial Police in Paris.
Journalist Randor, a friend of Georges Barelli.
Anne Nannah, an actress and friend of the actor with whom she is discreetly infatuated.
Sophia Barelli, Georges' aunt or "Georgio".
Vittorio Barelli, Georges' uncle and Sophia's brother.