The name of the village is derived from a proto-Albanian substrate from the form Bard-Bardh (white) alongside the Slavic suffix - "ovci".[1][2]
According to the 1467-68 Ottoman defter, Bardovci appears as being inhabited by a Muslim population. The household heads' names are: Ali servant of Halil, Musa son of Abdullah, Ajdin servant of Haxhi Bula, Shahin son of Abdullah.[3]
As of the 2021 census, Bardovci had 2,291 residents with the following ethnic composition:[4]
Macedonians 2,075
Persons for whom data are taken from administrative sources 109
Serbs 42
Others 65
According to the 2002 census, the village had a total of 1,472 inhabitants.[5] Ethnic groups in the village include:[5]
^Rexha, Iljaz (2011). "Vendbanimet dhe popullsia albane gjatë mesjetës në hapësirën e Maqedonisë së sotme: Sipas burimeve sllave dhe osmane". Gjurmime Albanologjike: Seria e Shkencave Historike (41–42): 179. "Përveç vendbanimeve të lartpërmendura me etnonimin arban-alban, në defterët e shek. XV janë regjistruar edhe disa toponime tjera parasllave: vendbanimi mesjetar Bardofci,[41] i Shkupit i sajuar mbi substratin arban, nga Bard-Bardh-ofci i protoshqipes."; p. 213. "[41]. BOA, Rumeli tahrir defteri nr.12, Turski dokumenti- opsiren popisen defter od XV vek, tom III, Shkup 1976, f.176. TD. No-4, f.437."