Bake Squad
Bake Squad is an American reality baking competition television series which premiered on August 11, 2021, for a first season of eight episodes and a second season published on January 20, 2023, with eight episodes.[1] It is presented by Christina Tosi, and features a returning group of four bakers who compete to make desserts for a different client each episode. FormatThe series is only lightly competitive, with no prizes or elimination-style elements.[2] Instead, the focus is on creating elaborate desserts for a per-episode client—usually for a celebration, wedding, or birthday. The bakers typically have seven hours to produce their desserts before presenting them. Bakers periodically request help from Tosi for equipment or decorative pieces, such as chocolate molds or a claw machine, to showcase enhance their creation. After the client chooses a dessert, Tosi takes a picture of the client(s) and the winning baker with an instant camera, which is placed on a bulletin board signifying the win. The episode finishes with scenes from the client's celebration. EpisodesBold indicates the baker(s) who produced the winning creation per-episode. Season 1 (2021)
Season 2 (2023)