Baidyapur Ramkrishna VidyapithBaidyapur RK Vidyapith or BRV) is a higher secondary school in the village Baidyapur which is located in Purba Bardhaman district. A local landlord named Kumar Krishna Nandi Chowdhuri donated the land for the school.
The present name of the school was taken on 1 January 1948.
First President: Sri Panchanan Nandi
First Secretary: Sri Kumar Krishna Nandi Chowdhuri
Cricket, Kabadi and Football are the main sports. 2015 is the greatest year for sports to this school. In this year, Rajib Gandhi Khel Ratna award was won by this school in Kalna-II Block stage in Football & Kabadi. The Kabbadi team has won the fourth place in Burdwan District stage.