Bahumukham is a 2024 Indian Telugu-language feature film. It is directed and Produced by HarShiv Karthik and Co produced by Arvind Reddy under Crystal Mountain Productions. HarShiv Karthik and Maria Martynova, Swarnima Singh are in lead roles. The film was theatrically released on 5th April 2024.[1][2][3][4][5][6]
In Bahumukham, In the bustling city, where dreams are both born and shattered, our protagonist, Tanveer, emerges from a turbulent past spent in a detention center. As an aspiring young actor with a burning ambition ignited by his mother's dream, Tanveer embarks on a journey of self-discovery and redemption. Guiding him through this dicult path is Disha, a skilled psychotherapist whose monthly counseling sessions become a lifeline for Tanveer. Together, they navigate the complexities of his past while striving to manifest his and his mother's aspirations for a new beginning. Yet, beneath Tanveer's facade of hope and determination lies a chilling truth—a series of terrifying secrets that threaten to unravel his newfound path and endanger those around him. As our story unfolds, audiences will be taken on a journey lled with thrilling reveals and unexpected twists, exploring the depths of human nature and the complexities of redemption.[7][8][9][10][11]
Bahumukham - suspense psychological thriller was lmed in multiple locations in Atlanta, Macon, Canton, and the surroundings of Georgia, USA. The narrative style unearths the unvarnished truth of city life exploring the gritty realities, hidden secrets, and complex human emotions that lie beneath the surface.
The Hans India rated the film 2.75 out of 5, praising "Bahumukham is a Psychological thriller which has its high moments", and Deccan Chronicle stated that "Bahumukham" emerges as a commendable effort in the psychological thriller genre,[12] 10tv Rated 2.5 out of 5 by stating that "Bahumukham is a good thriller based on USA", Gulte Stated that praising "Bahumukham is a Mind-bending Ride".[13][14][15][16]