The Bagå Formation is a geological formation dating to around 176 to 170 million years ago, in the Early and Late Jurassic. It is located on the island of Bornholm, Denmark.[1]
Bonde, N. (2012). "Danish Dinosaurs: A Review". In Godefroit, P. Bernissart Dinosaurs. Indiana University Press. pp. 435-449
Mehlquist, K.; Larsson, L.M.; Vajda, V. (2009) "A Jurassic (Pliensbachian) flora from Bornholm, Denmark - a study of historic plant-fossil collection at Lund University, Sweden". GEF. 131:1. 137-146
Further reading
E. B. Koppelhus and D. J. Batten. 1992. Megaspore assemblages from the Jurassic and lowermost Cretaceous of Bornholm, Denmark. DGU, Danmarks Geologiske Undersogelse, Serie A 32:1-81