BachiruBachiru (撥鏤) is the Japanese art technique and Japanese craft of engraving dyed ivory. Bachiru originated in Tang dynasty China, and was introduced to Japan in the 8th century C.E.[1] The ivory pieces to be decorated are first stained with pigment (usually red, green or blue). Ivory does not take colour easily and has to be put through a process of repeated boiling and soaking in dye in order to achieve the appropriate hue.[2] Images are incised on the coloured ivory using a technique known as keri-bori ("kick engraving").[3] The stained surface is scraped away to reveal the ivory underneath.[4] Additional detail is then sometimes added in another colour, using a fine paintbrush.[2] The art of bachiru was largely lost until its rediscovery in the 20th century by Yoshida Fumiyuki (1915-2004).[2] Yoshida was recognised as a Living National Treasure for his work with this art medium.[5] References