Awakened (film)
Awakened is a 2013 supernatural horror film directed by Joycelyn Engle and Arno Malarone. The film follows the story of a young woman by the name Samantha Winston, who wakes up in a morgue with no memory of how she got there. As she tries to unravel the mystery of her death and resurrection, she discovers dark and terrifying truths about the supernatural forces at play. PlotSamantha Winston (Julianne Michelle), a 22-year-old woman, returns to her home town after 14 years in search of answers to her mother's untimely death. She is convinced that her father, Jack Winston (John Savage), murdered her mother (Kiva Dawson). In a quest for vengeance, Samantha uncovers an evil and devastating truth. Samantha tried to escape tragedy much of her life. After her young mother's sudden passing, when Samantha was only 8 yrs old, she went to live with her aunt in Minnesota. Within one year her world was shattered again when her aunt was killed in a car crash. Young Samantha was then sent to live with abusive foster families, and finally she ran off to live on her own at age 16. Returning to her childhood home as a young adult conjures up loving memories of her life as a child. However, harsh reminders of her father's drunken rampages and the sudden death of her 32-year-old mother dominate her thoughts. She is convinced that her father, 20 years her mother's senior, a jealous and verbally abusive alcoholic, committed this unthinkable crime. In the exhaustive search for evidence Samantha seeks answers from Lucas Drake (Steven Bauer), her mother's best friend and a successful funeral director and mortuary owner, and her Uncle Thomas (Edward Furlong), among others. As the deep dark secrets of evil plots and schemes in this town unfold, the mystery thickens.[1] Cast
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