Avataran is an upcoming Assamese-language science fiction film directed and produced by Tarunabh Dutta under the banner of TD Film Studio Productions. The film features Reema Kaif, Ananya Parashar, Devyam Seal, Govind Malakar, Rimpi Das, Saurabh Hazarika, Pranjal Saikia, Purnima Saikia and Sameer Ranjane.[1][2] The film was initially scheduled for a release on August 21, 2020, but the release date has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic in India.[3] This is the first Assamese science fiction film.[4] Cast
ProductionProduction and principal photography began in 2012. Filming took place in and around Guwahati, Assam.[5] [6][7] References
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