Arthur Kill Road is named for the waterway to its west, the Arthur Kill, which separates Staten Island from Union County and Middlesex County, New Jersey. It was known by other names in the 19th century, including Fresh Kills Road, Shore Road and Riverside Avenue.
The S74 and S84 are the primary routes of Arthur Kill Road, serving it east of Veterans Road West, near Bricktown Mall. There is no service between Bloomingdale Road and Rossville Avenue.
All S78 buses that run the full route serve between the Veterans Road West for Bricktown Mall, and either Main Street (St. George Ferry) or Johnson Avenue (mall).
Additional weekday service is provided by the following:
West of Richmond Avenue, the S55 runs to Annadale Road, and the S56 runs to Arden Avenue.
Express service is provided by the following:
The SIM2 and SIM22 run to Arden Avenue, the SIM23 runs to Richmond Avenue and heads south, the SIM24 runs non-stop to Huguenot Avenue, and the SIM25 runs to Rossville Avenue.
The Manhattan-bound SIM4 runs non-stop from Annadale Road to Richmond Avenue, heading north. Buses labeled “SIM4c” are extended in both directions to Arden Avenue, west of Annadale.
The SIM8 runs non-stop between Richmond Avenue and Woodrow Road.
The SIM15 serves Arthur Kill east of the Eltingville Transit Center, running with the non-stop SIM5 and SIM6 until Armstrong Avenue.