Arddhanaari (transl. Half-Woman) is a 2016 Indian Telugu-language vigilante action drama film written and directed by Bhanushanker Chowdary. The film stars newcomers Arjun Yajath as a transgender woman and Mouryaani. The film was dubbed into Hindi under the same name by Wide Angle Media Pvt. Ltd.[2][3] SummaryArddhanaari revolves around the protagonist who takes the disguise as Hijra and leads the fight against social injustice and turns punisher as well. Cast
ReceptionArddhanaari was released in 300 screens to mixed reviews.[4] Indiaglitz rated the film with 2.5/5 stars stating that the film may be enjoyed by C-class audience for its outmoded narration style,[5] while iluvcinema gave 3 stars mentioning it as an interesting, realistic revenge story of a transgender.[6] Awards and nominations
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