Anudamini is an Indian Hindi drama which premiered on DD National on 31 March 2014 to 16 December 2015.[1] It was produced by Raujesh Kumar Jain[2] under the banner of Krish Movies. It starred Sachin Shroff, Alihassan Turabi, Supriya Kumari,[3] Deepali Sahay, Neetu Singh, Shyam Mashalkar, and Raujesh Kumar Jain. PlotAnudamini is a story of a small town girl, who has never stepped out of her village. She is placed in a sophisticated background after her marriage to the character Dev, and struggles to cope with the different lifestyle and acceptance from her husband and family. BroadcastAnudamini daily soap is first aired between 2014–15 and the opera re-aired at DD1 in 2016. The Serial is Again re-telecasting at DD National in 2021–22. Cast