The Singerman list is a numeric cataloging system for antisemitica items, as defined by the 1982 bibliographic listing, Antisemitic Propaganda: an annotated bibliography and research guide by Robert Singerman.
The list consists of a chronological listing, by year at least, of books, pamphlets, and other sorts of texts, with full bibliographic information. In addition each item is assigned a unique 4-digit number with a short, paragraph-length, annotation. For example, "Singerman 0121" identifies uniquely a particular imprint of The Jewish Bolshevism.
Series: Garland reference library of social science ; v. 112
LC Classification: Z6374.A56 S56 1982 DS141
Dewey Class No.: 016.3058/924 19
^Robert Singerman. "Antisemitic Propaganda: An Annotated Bibliography and Research Guide" (Book Review) Cohen, Naomi W. Jewish Social Studies; New York Vol. 44, N° 3, (Summer 1982): 332.