Andy Williams (drummer)
Andrew Sebastian Williams (born 18 February 1970) is the drummer and vocalist of Doves.[1] He is the son of noted modernist architect Desmond Williams and the twin brother of bandmate Jez. Andy and Jez were born in Manchester, England and have a brother Dominic and sister Sarah. Before forming Doves, the band's three members were a dance-club music trio called Sub Sub. While Doves were on a hiatus between 2010 and 2020, Andy and Jez Williams formed a side project called Black Rivers, releasing a self-titled album in February 2015. Andy sings occasional backing vocals and also lead vocals on some songs; "Rise", "Melody Calls" and the verses of "Here It Comes" from Lost Souls, "M62 Song" from The Last Broadcast, the B-sides "Hit the Ground Running", "45" (verses) & "At The Tower" (chorus), "Shadows of Salford" from Some Cities and the verses of "Blue Water" from the special edition of The Places Between: The Best of Doves. Andy plays the harmonica on several tracks, as well as the melodica during live acoustic versions of "Snowden" and "N.Y." References