The American Peace Award is awarded to American citizens working to further the cause of world peace.
The 1924 American Peace Award
The American Peace Award was created in 1923 by Edward Bok, who believed that the United States government was not taking initiative to promote peace in the world.[1] $100,000 was to be awarded to the person submitting "the best practicable plan by which the United States may co-operate with other nations for the achievement and preservation of world peace."[2] The first half of the prize was awarded upon the selection of the plan by a jury, and the remainder upon acceptance by the United States Senate[3] or showing "sufficient popular support".[4] The 1924 American Peace Award received plans from thousands of applicants,[5] and caught the interest of the Senate.[6][7][8]
Franklin D. Roosevelt drafted a plan for the contest but did not submit it because his wife Eleanor Roosevelt was selected as a judge for the prize. His plan called for a new world organization that would replace the League of Nations.[9] Although Roosevelt had been the vice presidential candidate on the Democratic ticket of 1920 that supported the League of Nations, by 1924 he was ready to scrap it. His draft of a "Society of Nations" accepted the reservations proposed by Henry Cabot Lodge in the 1919 Senate debate. The new Society would not become involved in the Western Hemisphere, where the Monroe doctrine held sway. It would not have any control over any military forces. Although Roosevelt's plan was never made public, he thought about the problem a great deal, and incorporated some of his 1924 ideas into his design for the United Nations in 1944–1945.[10]
The American Peace Award was established in 2008 as a prize awarded to an American citizen or citizens working to further the cause of world peace, in the spirit of Edward W. Bok's original award. The American Peace Award is awarded by an advisory committee of artists, who present each recipient with an original work of art to honor their efforts.[14]
Bok, Edward W. "The Winning Plan: No. 1469 Selected by Jury of American Peace Award." Advocate of Peace through Justice 86.2 (1924): 86–92. online
Bok, Edward W., et al. "The Winning American Peace Award Plan." American Bar Association Journal 10.1 (1924): 64–68. online
DeBenedetti, Charles. "The $100,000 American peace award of 1924." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 98.2 (1974): 224–249. online
"Plan, Bok Peace," University Debaters' Annual 10 (1924): 249+. online
Rowe, L. S. "The American Peace Award." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 109 (1923): 307–310. online
Tryon, James L. Ways to Peace. Twenty plans selected from the most representative of those submitted to the American Peace Award for the best practicable plan by which the United States may cooperate with other nations to achieve and preserve the peace of the world, with an Introduction by Esther Everett Lape, member in charge of the Policy Committee, and a Preface by Edward W. Bok, founder of the award (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1924). pp. xviii, 465.
Willis, Hugh Evander. "The Road to World Peace: A Plan by Which the United States May Cooperate with Other Nations to Achieve and Preserve the Peace of the World." 58 American Law Review 551 (1924) online