The documentary follows three young people, each a member of a fringe religious community, who have chosen to make their spiritual practice the center of their lives.[2][3][4][6]
A Pagan priest, or "witch." Morpheus has moved to rural California to create a sanctuary for Pagans in the Bay Area.
A Spiritualist medium, works on a farm in Upstate New York. He is learning to communicate with spirits through a local Spiritualist community.
A Lakota Sioux, lives in South Dakota, works in Rapid City, and is raising a child with his wife in their traditional way of life. They take long trips to the Pine Ridge Reservation to participate in their tribe's traditions.
The documentary's production took about two and a half years, completing in early 2010. It was filmed in Upstate New York, northern California, and South Dakota.[2] The movie was edited by Andy Grieve (a collaborator of Errol Morris and Alex Gibney) and scored by composer Nathan Larson (formerly of the band Shudder to Think).