Always in Trouble
Always in Trouble is a 1938 American comedy film directed by Joseph Santley, and written by Robert Chapin and Karen DeWolf. The film stars Jane Withers, Jean Rogers, Arthur Treacher, Robert Kellard, Eddie Collins and Andrew Tombes. The film was released on October 28, 1938 by 20th Century-Fox.[1][2][3] Plot
Geraldine "Jerry" Darlington felt happier before her father J.C. struck it rich in the oil business and moved the family to Florida. She's irritated by her dad no longer working and her beautiful sister Virginia being pursued by men interested more by her money. A meek clerk from her dad's office, Pete Graham, is persuaded by Jerry to steer the family's boat. He accidentally runs the vessel aground and ends up falsely suspected of knocking J.C. unconscious and kidnapping the Darlingtons for ransom. Jerry amuses herself at first by not supporting Pete's story, but when real crooks get involved, Pete is able to clear his name and persuade Virginia he's sincere about his attraction to her. Cast
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