Alvis–Curtis duality has order 2 and is an isometry on generalized characters.
Carter (1985, 8.2) discusses Alvis–Curtis duality in detail.
The dual ζ* of a character ζ of a finite groupG with a split BN-pair is defined to be
Here the sum is over all subsets J of the set R of simple roots of the Coxeter system of G. The character ζ PJ is the truncation of ζ to the parabolic subgroup PJ of the subset J, given by restricting ζ to PJ and then taking the space of invariants of the unipotent radical of PJ, and ζG PJ is the induced representation of G. (The operation of truncation is the adjoint functor of parabolic induction.)
The dual of a cuspidal character χ is (–1)|Δ|χ, where Δ is the set of simple roots.
The dual of the Gelfand–Graev character is the character taking value |ZF|ql on the regular unipotent elements and vanishing elsewhere.
Alvis, Dean (1979), "The duality operation in the character ring of a finite Chevalley group", Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, New Series, 1 (6): 907–911, doi:10.1090/S0273-0979-1979-14690-1, ISSN0002-9904, MR0546315