As a scientist, Copley studied the rheology of blood. In 1948 he introduced the word biorheology to describe rheology in biological systems.[3]
In 1952 he introduced the word hemorheology, to describe the study of the way blood and blood vessels function as part of the living organism.[4]
In 1966 he established the International Society of Hemorheology, which changed its name and scope in 1969 to the International Society of Biorheology (ISB).[3] In 1972 the ISB awarded him its Poiseuille gold medal.[5]
Müller-Yao, Marguerite Hui: Der Einfluß der Kunst der chinesischen Kalligraphie auf die westliche informelle Malerei, Diss. Bonn, Köln 1985. ISBN3-88375-051-4
Müller-Yao, Marguerite: Informelle Malerei und chinesische Kalligrafie, in: Informel, Begegnung und Wandel, (hrsg von Heinz Althöfer, Schriftenreihe des Museums am Ostwall; Bd. 2), Dortmund 2002, ISBN3-611-01062-6