Alexander the Greatest
Alexander the Greatest is a British sitcom that aired on ITV from 1971 to 1972. Starring Gary Warren, it was written by Bernard Kops and made for the ITV network by ATV. Cast
PlotAlexander Green is a 16-year-old boy, who lives in Golders Green in London and who wants to leave his middle-class Jewish home. He is based on the writer's fourteen-year-old son Adam. Alexander's parents, Joe and Fay Green, try to understand him and he has a sister Renata. EpisodesSeries One (1971)
Series Two (1972)
Archival existenceCopies of all 13 episodes still exist, but (as of September 2013), 11 of these are in monochrome only as the original colour tapes were wiped in the mid 70's by ATV. The only 2 episodes left in colour are numbers 1 and 3 from the first series. References
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