He wrote many publications throughout his lifetime on various topics from the fabrication of paper to the cultivation of industrial potatoes. (All published between 1861-1898)[2]
He died at 67 years old and was buried in the renowned Père Lachaise cemetery.[4]
Selected writings
Recherches sur la composition des raisins des principaux cépages de France, 1895 (Research on grape composition involving the principal grapes of France).
Mémoire sur l'hydro-cellulose et ses dérivés, 1881 (Memoirs on hydro-cellulose and its derivatives).
Recherches sur la culture de la pomme de terre industrielle, 1889 ( Research on the cultivation of industrial potatoes.)
Introduction au Dictionnaire de chimie industrielle, 1861 (Introduction to the dictionary of industrial chemistry).
Composition chimique et valeur alimentaire des diverses parties du grain de froment, 1884 (Chemical composition and nutritive value involving different parts of wheat grain).
Recherches sur le développement progressif de la grappe de raisin, 1898. (Research on the gradual development of the grape cluster.)
^[1]Archived 2016-11-30 at the Wayback Machine AIME-GIRARD Alfred on Père-Lachaise et autres cimetières : histoire, personnalités, monuments..., updated on the 20/01/2013