Adventures in Time and Space is an American anthology of science fiction stories edited by Raymond J. Healy and J. Francis McComas and published in 1946 by Random House. A second edition was also published in 1946 that eliminated the last five stories.[1] A Modern Library edition was issued in 1957.[2] When it was re-released in 1975 by Ballantine Books, Analog book reviewer Lester del Rey referred to it as a book he often gave to people in order to turn them onto the genre. It is now once again out of print.
The book and A Treasury of Science Fiction were among the only science fiction hardcover books from large, mainstream publishers before about 1950.[3] The large (997 page) anthology collected numerous stories from the Golden Age of Science Fiction, which had originally appeared in pulp magazines (mostly Astounding Science Fiction) and are now regarded as classics of science fiction. According to Frederik Pohl, it was "A colossal achievement...the book that started the science-fiction publishing industry!"[4] In 1954, Anthony Boucher described it as "the one anthology unarguably essential to every reader."[5] In Astounding readers' surveys in both 1952 and 1956, it was rated the best science fiction book ever published.[6]