Ad Astra per Aspera (Japanese: アド アストラ ペル アスペラ, Hepburn: Ado Asutora peru Asupera) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kenjiro Hata. It started in Shogakukan's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Sunday in September 2015. Hata published the series on a monthly basis, with a "first season" of seven chapters published until May 2016. Hata stated that he will release a "second season", but it has not been decided when it will continue. Its chapters have been collected in one tankōbon volume as of February 2016.
Ad Astra per Aspera is written and illustrated by Kenjiro Hata. In July 2015, Hata announced that he would start a monthly series to be published in Shogakukan's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Sunday.[2]Ad Astra per Aspera debuted in the magazine on September 2, 2015.[2][3] The series' "first season" ran for seven chapters until May 11, 2016.[4][5] On the same day, Hata wrote that he will continue the series with a "second season", but it has not been decided when it will continue.[5] Shogakukan collected the first five chapters in a tankōbon volume, released on February 18, 2016.[6]