Aaron's Way
Aaron's Way is an American family television drama series that aired on NBC from March 9 to May 25, 1988. It stars Merlin Olsen as Aaron Miller, the husband and father of an Amish family that moves to California and follows the family's attempts to adapt to Californian culture while retaining their personal values. Also appearing on it were Samantha Mathis and Belinda Montgomery. SynopsisAaron Miller's eldest son Noah has left the Amish community for the world, but Aaron keeps in touch with him using a post office box. When Aaron learns that Noah died in a surfing accident, he goes to California for his funeral, where he learns that Noah had been living with a woman named Susanna Lo Verde, who owns a vineyard and is pregnant by Noah. Aaron returns to Pennsylvania to consider what to do. Soon a relative of Susanna's arrives by motorcycle and relates her difficulties, and Aaron tells his wife, who had been surprised that Aaron had kept in touch with Noah, that they need to go help her. To Susanna's surprise, the family arrives and begins helping out while trying to cope with the unfamiliar society and technology. The three Miller children are enrolled in the public school system. Subsequent episodes of this short-lived series deal with the continuing clash (and sometimes complementary meeting) between the Millers and their worldly hosts and neighbors. Aaron's dedication to the values of integrity and justice bend a few dishonest people their way. Cast
Episodes{{Episode table |overall= |title= |director= |writer= |airdate= |prodcode=|overallT=No. |episodes=
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