A Will of Their Own
A Will of Their Own is a 1998 American television miniseries directed by Karen Arthur. The film follows six generations of females within one family, and their struggle for power and independence in America. The film debuted on October 18, 1998, on the NBC network to strong critical reviews. It was released to DVD late 2003. PlotThe film begins in the 1890s and ends in the 1980s. Annie Jermaine (Reiko Aylesworth) immigrates from Europe to America where she becomes a housemaid for a wealthy doctor. She breaks class restrictions when she marries the doctor's son and begins training as a nurse. However, she is unable to utilize her knowledge due to the popular belief that women were not capable of practicing medicine. Amanda Steward (Lea Thompson) is a young woman who aspires to become a photographer but is turned down because she is a woman. She goes through life in trying to help women and make them stronger. Sarah (Paris Jefferson) faces difficulties being the wife of a powerful U.S. senator. Susan (Charlotte Ross) is a hippie who becomes a doctor and later opens up a health clinic for battered women. Jessie (Sônia Braga) is a farm worker who walked the fields of the San Joaquin Valley for nearly half a century. She is the first female organizer for the United Farm Workers. Seeing those around her struggle and sometimes die because of poor living and working conditions, she wanted to help and joined César Chávez to make a change. Cast
Awards and nominations
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