A Tale of Two Critters
A Tale of Two Critters is an American adventure documentary film produced by Walt Disney Productions, written and directed by Jack Speirs and released theatrically by Buena Vista Distribution on June 20, 1977.[1] PremiseA glimpse at the relationship that develops between a young raccoon and a bear cub. As they play together in the splendor of the Pacific Northwest, the two grow into adulthood through a spirited odyssey filled with adventure in the wilds. Cast
Home mediaThe exact release date for a Tale of Two Critters to VHS format is unknown. It was however, mentioned in the magazine High Fidelity for their April 1982 issue under "New programming".[2] As of 2014, the film is available as a digital download on Amazon Video,[3] YouTube[4] and iTunes Store.[5] As of 2020, the film is available to stream on Disney's streaming service, Disney+. References
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