ADMIXTOOLS (or AdmixTools) is a software package that is primarily used for analyzing admixture in population genetics. The original version was developed as a set of standalone C programs by Nick Patterson and colleagues and published in 2012.[1][2] A reimplemented version, ADMIXTOOLS 2, was developed as an R package by Robert Maier and colleagues and published in 2023.[3][4]
Most ADMIXTOOLS programs are based on fitting demographic models to f-statistics, which are calculated from population allele frequencies.[5]
qpGraph is a software program that is part of the ADMIXTOOLS[2] software package developed by Patterson et al. (2012). qpGraph evaluates graph-based models of population relationships with genetic admixture.[1] It estimates likelihoods of graphs with a fixed topology,[6][7] while adjusting graph parameters to fit observed f-statistics.[8]
ADMIXTOOLS 2 adds functionality for finding optimized graph topologies, similar to programs like Treemix.[9]
Other tools
Related statistical tools in the ADMIXTOOLS software package include qpAdm,[10]qpfst, qpF4ratio, qp3Pop, qpBound,qpDstat, andqpWave.[11] qpDstat and qpWave test whether populations form clades, while qpAdm estimates ancestry proportions.[4]qpAdm is often used in conjunction with CP/NNLS.[12][13]