8 Found Dead is a 2022 American horror film directed by Travis Greene, starring Aly Trasher, Alisha Soper, William Gabriel Grier, Eddy Acosta, Rosanne Limeres, Tim Simek and Nancy Linehan Charles.
Two couples plan a weekend getaway in the middle of the desert, only to discover that their Airbnb is already occupied.
The film was released to theatres and VOD on 8 September 2023.[1]
On Rotten Tomatoes it scored 71% from seven reviews.
Tyler Doupe' of Dread Central rated the film 3 stars out of 5 and wrote that while "not everything works", it is "ultimately an entertaining experience featuring two incredible unhinged performances from the central antagonists."[2]
Joel Harley of Starburst rated the film 3 stars out of 5 and called it an "entertaining, if slightly bumpy, ride."[3]
Leslie Felperin of The Guardian rated the film 2 stars out of 5 and wrote that "it is not hard to work out where this is going if you just do the maths."[4]
Possible sequel
The epilogue flashes back to thirty years previously with the words "to be continued".