2014 in Costa Rica

Costa Rica

See also:

Events in the year 2014 in Costa Rica.


succeeded by Luis Guillermo Solís Rivera (Partido Acción Ciudadana – PAC).
succeeded by Helio Fallas Venegas (PAC).
succeeded by Ana Helena Chacón Echeverría (PAC).
succeeded by Henry Mora Jiménez (PAC).



  • 1 January – New Year's Day, a national holiday.[1]
  • 5 January – The annual Fiestas de Zapote (in Spanish) which began on Christmas Day came to an end, but not before an improvisada was thrown into the air by a 500 kilogram bull, but she was unhurt. Between Christmas Day and New Year's Day alone, 135 improvisados required hospital treatment at an average cost to the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social of ¢660,938 each.[2][3]
  • January 15–27 – The annual Palmares Festival took place offering "bullfights" (which involve improvisados running from bulls), carnival rides, a famous tope (horse parade) lasting for hours and involving thousands of riders on 16 January, concerts, a carnival parade with bands and costumed salsa, merengue, cumbia, and mambo dancing troupes, lots of drinking, and a closing fireworks display. About a million people or roughly one fifth of the population were expected to attend.[4][5][6]
  • 23 January – Twelve cantons banned the sale of alcohol on the day of the forthcoming elections on 2 February in accordance with Article 26 of Law 9047. The cantons were Alajuelita, Aserrí, Athens, Brokers, Cartago, Dota, Guácimo, Los Chiles, Poas, San Ramon, and Upala. San José imposed an even longer ban, from 1 to 3 February. Other cantons decided against the prohibition: Buenos Aires, Desamparados, Garabito, Golfito, La Cruz, León Cortes, Naranjo, Parrita, Talamanca, Tibás, and Turrialba; while yet others remained undecided. Nevertheless, San José decided not to enforce its own ban because placing closure notices on bars on a previous occasion was tedious and cost ₡6 million.[7][8][9]
  • 27 January – President Laura Chinchilla Miranda attended the presidential inauguration ceremony of Juan Orlando Hernández of Honduras. Afterwards, she became the first Costa Rican president to visit Cuba in 52 years when she attended a meeting of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States. Costa Rica broke diplomatic relations with Cuba on 10 September 1961. President Óscar Arias Sánchez resumed bilateral relations on 18 March 2009 following the Cold War political and ideological differences between the two nations.[10]
  • 29 January
    • During her visit to Havana, President Chinchilla avoided direct criticism of Cuba but, during a speech in the presence of Raúl Castro, called on governments to be more open to initiatives by civil society. She also referred to the commitment of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States to democracy and human rights. Meanwhile, her Director of Foreign Policy, Linyi Baidal, met with Cuban dissidents at the Costa Rican embassy in Havana. In another pleasing gesture to Cuban opposition leaders, Chinchilla spoke of the forthcoming "free and competitive" general election in Costa Rica.[11]
    • At a service including religious figures gathered at the Metropolitan Cathedral in San José, the Bishop of Cartago, Francisco Ulloa, reminded voters in the forthcoming election to support candidates who were anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage. Juan Luis Calvo, president of the Evangelical Alliance called on the government to rethink guidelines on sexuality published by the Ministry of Public Education.[12]


  • 2 February – First Sunday in February: Costa Ricans cast their ballots for a new president, two vice presidents, and 57 Legislative Assembly lawmakers. No presidential candidate won 40 percent of the vote so the two leading candidates, Luis Guillermo Solís (30.64%) and Johnny Araya Monge (29.71%), proceeded to a second round vote to take place on 6 April.[13][14][15] In the Legislative Assembly elections, the Partido Liberación Nacional won 18 Assembly seats (a loss of five); Partido Acción Ciudadana won 14 (a gain of three); Frente Amplio won nine (+8); Partido Unidad Social Cristiana won eight (+2); Movimiento Libertario won three (−6); Renovación Costarricense won two (+1); and the parties Partido Accesibilidad Sin Exclusión (−3), Alianza Demócrata Cristiana (+1), and Restauración Nacional (no change) won a single seat each.[16]
  • 4 February – A manual recount began of votes cast in the presidential election because the difference between the two leading candidates did not exceed two percent. The latest count showed Luis Guillermo Solís with 30.95 percent of the vote, and Johnny Araya having 29.59 percent. By law, the ballot count must be completed within 30 days of the election.[17]
  • 5 February – Award-winning investigative editor and pioneer of data journalism at La Nación, Giannina Segnini, resigned after 20 years working at the newspaper. She said that opportunities to conduct independent journalism had been reduced consistently in the past two years, while editorial decisions she described as unjournalistic made it impossible for her to continue.[18]
  • 6 February – The new school year began with children returning from holidays on the 6th (Wednesday) and 10th (Monday) of February. The school year will be 200 days long (41 teaching weeks) until 11 December, with a break from 1 to 12 July.[19][20]
  • 8–10 February – Laura Chinchilla attended the final international summit of her presidency when she took part in the eighth summit of the Pacific Alliance in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. She signed a protocol at a plenary session on the 10th finalising the process of Costa Rica's accession to full membership of the Alliance.[21][22]
  • 14–23 February – The annual Puntarenas Carnival was celebrated, consisting of concerts, street dancing, band and horse parades, a national beach volleyball competition, cimarrona band and clown performances, bullfights, street theatre, a fashion show, illuminations, and fireworks.[23][24][25]
  • 17 February – The Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones announced the final result in the first round vote of the presidential election held on February 2: Luis Guillermo Solís won 30.6% of the vote while Johnny Araya won 29.7%, with 19,232 votes separating them. José María Villata received 17.24%; Otto Guevara won 11.33%; and Rodolfo Piza gained 6.01%.[26]
  • 22 February–2 March – The Fiestas Cívicas Liberia took place, an annual festival in Liberia, including such diverse activities as horseriders parades, parades of bulls, bull riding, concerts, dances, free fairground rides for poor children and residents of old peoples' homes, drama performances, and fireworks displays.[27][28]
  • 25 February – Editor-in-Chief of La Nación, Yanancy Noguera, resigned after 24 years working at the newspaper. She said that recent "integrated newsroom" work flow changes had reduced her role and relevance, and introduced differences of vision between her and corporate management.[29]
  • 25 February – A phreatic explosion occurred at Poás Volcano sending a column of steam, water, ash, and small rocks 300 metres into the air. It occurred when magma reacted with water in the lake inside the crater. A spokeswoman for Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Costa Rica said the activity was normal although the height of the column was unusual.[30]


  • 5 March – A candidate in the presidential election second round, Johnny Araya Monge, withdrew from his election campaign and was designated leader of his political party by Partido Liberación Nacional deputies, to form an opposition to a new government led by Partido Acción Ciudadana. Araya's withdrawal followed the publication of an opinion survey by Semanario Universidad showing his opponent Luis Guillermo Solís leading the poll at 64.4 percent, with Araya trailing at a distant 20.9 percent. The political campaign continued as mandated by the constitution, but without electoral activity by Araya.[31][32]
  • 9 March – National Oxherds Day (Día Nacional del Boyero).
  • 19 March – Saint Joseph's Day.[1]
  • 30 March – The presidential election runoff campaign ended a week before polling day with leading candidate Luis Guillermo Solís of the Citizen Action Party holding a rally at the Plaza de Guarantías Sociales in San José to encourage his supporters to get out the vote. This Sunday was the final day when political parties could distribute or pay for election advertising.[33]


  • 6 April – First Sunday in April: In accordance with Article 138 of the constitution, a second round of voting took place in the presidential election, only the second time a run-off has occurred in the nation's history. The first was in 2002. Voting took place from 6am to 6pm, and turnout was low, at around 57 percent.[34][35][36] Luis Guillermo Solís Rivera was elected in a landslide, winning 77.88 percent of the vote.[37]
  • 11 April – Battle of Rivas Day, a national holiday.[1]
  • 17 April – Maundy Thursday, a national holiday.[1]
  • 18 April – Good Friday, a national holiday.[1]
  • 19 April – Aboriginal Day.[38]




  • 4 July – Día Nacional del Felino Silvestre.
  • 25 July – Guanacaste Day, a national holiday.[1]


  • 1 August – National Science and Technology Day (August is Science and Technology Month).[50]
  • 2 August – Feast of Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles, patron saint of Costa Rica.[1]
  • 15 August – Mother's Day, a national holiday.[1]
  • 24 August – National Parks Day.[1]
  • 31 August – Day of the Black Person and Afro-Costa Rican Culture (Día de la Persona Negra y La Cultura Afro Costarricense).[51][52]


  • 9 September – Children's Day.[1]
  • 14 September – Annual Parade of Lanterns (Desfile de faroles) to celebrate El Grito de la Independencia.
  • 15 September – Independence Day, a national holiday.[1]



National Flag Day on 12 November
  • 2 November – All Soul's Day.[1]
  • 12 November – National Flag Day (Día del Pabellón Nacional).[53]
  • 22 November – Teacher's Day.[1]
  • 23 November – The seventeenth annual Fiesta de Música Boyera y Campesina.
  • 30 November – The eighteenth Oxcart Parade (Entrada de Santos y Desfile de Boyeros por San José) takes place in San José, an annual event on the last Sunday in November.


  • 8 December – Feast of the Immaculate Conception.[1]
  • 10 December – Schoolchildren celebrate the Festival of Joy (Fiesta de la Alegría) and the closure of schools for the holidays until 10 February by playing, dancing, and bursting piñatas.
  • 13 December – The 19th annual Festival of Lights (Festival de la Luz) marks the start of Christmas in San José on the second Saturday of December with a parade of floats, bands, and fireworks from La Sabana to Plaza de la Democracia.
  • 25 December – Christmas Day, a national holiday.[1]
  • 25 December–1 January – Celebration of the annual Fiestas de Zapote (in Spanish).
  • 26 December – The annual equestrian parade, the Tope Nacional de Caballos, is held in San José.
  • 27 December – The annual Carnival Nacional street festival is held in San José with live music, food, traditional costumes, decorations, fireworks, and parades.
  • 31 December – New Year's Eve.[1]


International football

Friendly matches
World Cup 2014
Group stage
Second round
  • 29 June – Costa Rica 1–1 Greece (Costa Rica won 5–3 in penalties after extra time).[66]
Quarter finals
  • 5 July – Netherlands 0–0 Costa Rica (Netherlands won 4–3 in penalties after extra time).[67]
Copa Centroamericana 2014


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Holidays in Costa Rica in 2014 TimeAndDate.com. Retrieved: 2013-12-22.
  2. ^ VIDEO: Costa Rican woman launched skyward by 1,100-pound bull Archived 2014-01-13 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2014-01-06.
  3. ^ Atención de cada torero improvisado herido le cuesta ¢660.000 a la CCSS La Nación, 2014-01-01. (in Spanish)
  4. ^ 5 things to know about Costa Rica's gigantic Palmares Festival Archived 2014-01-13 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2014-01-08.
  5. ^ Send in the cavalry: Palmares tope draws thousands The Tico Times, 2013-01-17.
  6. ^ Palmares 2014: la fiesta en grande continúa La Nación, 2014-01-24. (in Spanish)
  7. ^ 12 cantones prohíben venta de licor el día de elecciones La Nación, 2014-01-24. (in Spanish)
  8. ^ Ley de Regulación y Comercialización de bebidas con contenido alcohólico Archived 2014-02-02 at the Wayback Machine Sistema Costarricense de Información Jurídica. Retrieved: 2014-01-24. Quote: "Artículo 26: Cada municipalidad tendrá la facultad de regular la comercialización de bebidas alcohólicas y consumo de licor, los días que se celebren actos cívicos, desfiles u otras actividades cantonales, en la ruta asignada, y podrá delimitar el radio de acción." (in Spanish)
  9. ^ No, San José police won't enforce the 'dry law' during presidential elections (and the Super Bowl) The Tico Times, 2014-01-24.
  10. ^ Chinchilla aterriza en Cuba para asumir presidencia de la Celac La Nación, 2014-01-27. (in Spanish)
  11. ^ Laura Chinchilla se va de Cuba con un llamado por la sociedad civil La Nación, 2014-01-30. (in Spanish)
  12. ^ Iglesias piden ‘voto iluminado’ para defender vida y familia La Nación, 2014-01-30. (in Spanish)
  13. ^ Costa Rica's 2014 election season is officially open Archived 2013-11-11 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-10-02.
  14. ^ Cronograma Electoral Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, 2012-04-24. (in Spanish)
  15. ^ Inminente segunda ronda entre Johnny Araya y Luis Guillermo Solís La Nación, 2014-02-02. (in Spanish)
  16. ^ Mapa de Resultados Elecciones Costa Rica 2014 Archived 2014-02-03 at the Wayback Machine La Nación, 2014-02-10. (in Spanish)
  17. ^ Supreme Elections Tribunal begins manual recount of presidential votes The Tico Times, 2014-02-04.
  18. ^ Top investigative editor Giannina Segnini quits La Nación after 20 years The Tico Times, 2014-02-05.
  19. ^ Escuelas y colegios se preparan para recibir a estudiantes La Nación, 2014-02-02. (in Spanish)
  20. ^ CCSS atenderá a 200.000 niños en este curso lectivo La Nación, 2014-01-15. (in Spanish)
  21. ^ Chinchilla se despide de cumbres presidenciales en Colombia La Nación, 2014-02-09. (in Spanish)
  22. ^ Costa Rica firma la hoja de ruta para su adhesión a la Alianza del Pacífico La Nación, 2014-02-10. (in Spanish)
  23. ^ Los carnavales de Puntarenas le suben la temperatura al Puerto La Nación, 2014-02-14. (in Spanish)
  24. ^ Agenda de los Carnavales de Puntarenas La Nación, 2014-02-14. (in Spanish)
  25. ^ La fiesta porteña se despide con carnaval y conciertos La Nación, 2014-02-22. (in Spanish)
  26. ^ TSE anuncia resultado final de la elección del 2 de febrero: Luis Guillermo Solís 30,6%; Johnny Araya 29,7% La Nación, 2014-02-17. (in Spanish)
  27. ^ Liberia arrancó con sus festejos Diario Extra, 2014-02-22. (in Spanish)
  28. ^ Programa Oficial de las Fiestas Cívicas Liberia del 20 de Febrero al 02 de Marzo 2014 Radio Pampa, 2014-02-18. (in Spanish)
  29. ^ La Nación editor-in-chief quits The Tico Times, 2014-02-25.
  30. ^ Poás Volcano spews material 300 meters high after explosion inside crater The Tico Times, 2014-02-25.
  31. ^ Encuesta: Solís se enrumba a segunda ronda con clara ventaja sobre Araya Archived 2014-03-08 at the Wayback Machine Semanario Universidad, 2014-03-05.
  32. ^ Araya desiste de Presidencia y liderará al PLN en oposición La Nación, 2014-03-06. (in Spanish)
  33. ^ Costa Rica's runoff campaign season ended Sunday with Solís pressing supporters to get out and vote The Tico Times, 2014-03-31.
  34. ^ Analysts see Luis Guillermo Solís as a sign that politics as usual is (almost) over in Costa Rica The Tico Times, 2014-02-03.
  35. ^ Constitución Política de la República de Costa Rica Archived 2013-02-07 at the Wayback Machine Asamblea Legislativa, 1949-11-07. (in Spanish)
  36. ^ Votaciones de segunda ronda electoral concluyen con el cierre de las mesas La Nación, 2014-04-06. (in Spanish)
  37. ^ Live Costa Rica presidential election results The Tico Times, 2014-04-06.
  38. ^ 19 de abril, Día del aborigen costarricense Archived 2020-11-28 at the Wayback Machine Instituto de Cultura y Lengua Costarricense, 2012-04-21. (in Spanish)
  39. ^ Reglamento de la Asamblea Legislativa Archived 2014-02-21 at the Wayback Machine Asamblea Legislativa, 2012-02-27. (in Spanish)
  40. ^ Futuros diputados: obligados al diálogo para evitar parálisis La Nación, 2013-04-04. Quote: "Esto lo reconocen líderes de las bancadas que asumirán funciones este 1.° de mayo...." (in Spanish)
  41. ^ Rupturas y últimos amarres complicaron elección de presidente legislativo Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine La Nación, 2014-05-01. (in Spanish)
  42. ^ Banco Nacional cobra comisión por depósitos en monedas Archived 2014-05-13 at the Wayback Machine Repretel, 2014-05-10. (in Spanish)
  43. ^ Constitución Política de la República de Costa Rica Archived 2013-02-07 at the Wayback Machine Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica. Retrieved: 2013-12-28. (in Spanish)
  44. ^ Solís reconoce que gran reto será recuperar confianza de ciudadanía La Nación, 2014-05-08. (in Spanish)
  45. ^ Traspaso de poderes habilitará la galería del Estadio Nacional para 17.000 ciudadanos El Financiero, 2014-04-29. (in Spanish)
  46. ^ Cuarenta conductores estuvieron más de doce horas en medio de derrumbe en la ruta 32 La Nación, 2014-05-09. (in Spanish)
  47. ^ Landslide blocks route between San José and the Caribbean The Tico Times, 2014-05-09.
  48. ^ Ministerio de Agricultura pospone celebración del Día del Agricultor La Nación, 2014-05-14. (in Spanish)
  49. ^ Día del Agricultor SiCultura (Sistema de Información Cultural Costarricense), 2013. (in Spanish)
  50. ^ Costa Rica celebra a la ciencia y la tecnología este mes La Nación, 2013-08-01. (in Spanish)
  51. ^ 31 de agosto de cada año "Día del Negro Cultura Afrocostarricense" Archived 2013-12-24 at the Wayback Machine Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres, 1980-10-08. (1980 legislation) (in Spanish)
  52. ^ "Día de la Persona Negra y La Cultura Afro Costarricense (anteriormente denominado Día del Negro y La Cultura Afro Costarricense)" Archived 2013-12-24 at the Wayback Machine Asamblea Legislativa de la República de Costa Rica, 2010-11-30. (2010 legislation) (in Spanish)
  53. ^ 12 de noviembre Día del Pabellón Nacional Archived 2013-12-24 at the Wayback Machine Ediciones RH. Retrieved: 2013-11-03. (in Spanish)
  54. ^ La Tricolor fue goleada 4-0 por Chile La Nación, 2014-01-22. (in Spanish)
  55. ^ Selección Nacional desilusionó en amistoso ante Corea del Sur y perdió 0-1 La Nación, 2014-01-25. (in Spanish)
  56. ^ La Tricolor sufrió para vencer 2-1 a Paraguay La Nación, 2014-03-05. (in Spanish).
  57. ^ La Selección de Costa Rica quedó en un mar de dudas La Nación, 2014-06-03. (in Spanish)
  58. ^ Costa Rica igualó ante Irlanda con gol de Celso Borges en el último juego antes del Mundial La Nación, 2014-06-06. (in Spanish)
  59. ^ Selección de Costa Rica supera 3-4 a Omán con dudas por fallos defensivos La Nacion, 2014-10-10. (in Spanish)
  60. ^ Selección de Costa Rica sacó la casta y se impuso 3-1 a Corea del Sur La Nación, 2014-10-14. (in Spanish)
  61. ^ La Selección Nacional llevó la emoción al Centenario La Nación, 2014-11-14. (in Spanish)
  62. ^ Uruguay v Costa Rica FIFA, 2014-06-14.
  63. ^ Italy v Costa Rica FIFA, 2014-06-20.
  64. ^ Costa Rica v England FIFA, 2014-06-24.
  65. ^ Costa Rica reina en el grupo de los campeones y se prepara para agrandar su leyenda en los octavos La Nación, 2014-06-24. (in Spanish)
  66. ^ ¡Titanes! Costa Rica derrota a Grecia en penales y asciende al Olimpo del fútbol La Nación, 2014-06-29. (in Spanish)
  67. ^ Costa Rica cae en penales ante Holanda y se marcha con la frente en alto ¡Gracias muchachos! La Nación, 2014-07-05. (in Spanish)
  68. ^ Un primer paso para acomodar y soñar La Nación, 2014-09-03. (in Spanish)
  69. ^ Costa Rica v Panama Archived 2014-10-21 at the Wayback Machine CONCACAF, 2014-09-07.
  70. ^ Patrick Pemberton se viste de héroe y le da a Costa Rica un sufridísimo empate 2-2 ante Panamá La Nación, 2014-09-07. (in Spanish)
  71. ^ Guatemala v Costa Rica Archived 2018-02-20 at the Wayback Machine CONCACAF, 2014-09-13.