1775 Restraining Acts 1775 1775 in Canada Ezio (Mysliveček, 1775) Robert Livingston (1718–1775) Battle of Quebec (1775) 1775 Newfoundland hurricane 1775 in France Ottoman–Persian War (1775–1776) 1775 in Great Britain 1775 (TV pilot) Siamese conquest of Lan Na (1774–1775) Demofoonte (Mysliveček, 1775) USS Washington (1775) Burmese–Siamese War (1775–1776) John Blennerhassett (1691–1775) 2nd Connecticut Regiment (1775) Spanish–Algerian War (1775–1785) 1775 Liverpool seamen's revolt USS Liberty (1775) The American Revolution: 1775–1783 1775–1795 in Western fashion 1774–1775 papal conclave 1771…

1 to 1775 in sports Peter Burrell (1724–1775) John Pollen (died 1775) British Library, Harley MS 1775 USS Enterprise (1775) 1775–1782 North American smallpox epidemic Philip Gell (1775–1842) List of shipwrecks in 1775 Invasion of Quebec (1775) The Trans-Appalachian Frontier: People, Societies, and Institutions, 1775–1850 Military career of Benedict Arnold, 1775–1776 1775 in Russia HMS Actaeon (1775) Resistance, Politics

, and the American Struggle for Independence, 1765–1775 Robert Livingston (1688–1775) Robert Bolling (poet) History of English cricket (1751–1775) Adam Hay (Peeblesshire MP) 1775 in Scotland Blind Man's Buff (Fragonard, 1775–1780) UGC 1775 USS Royal Savage (1775) Christian Ditlev Reventlow (1710–1775) John Fitzgerald (1775–1852) James White (1775–1820) John Fane (1775–1850) 1775 in Wales 1775 in Norway Dutch–Moroccan War (1775–1777) Nancy (1775) 1775 in art 1775 Zimmerwald 1775 in Austria 1775 in Denmark Jean Kickx (1775–1831) 1775 in Sweden List of Continental Army units (1775) List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1775 1775 in Ireland List of ship launches in 1775 HM