Valerio Bona – Fourth book of canzonettas for three voices (Milan: Simon Tini & Francesco Besozzi)
Joachim a Burck – Quadraginta Odae catecheticae in laudem Dei, et piae iuventutis usum (Forty catechetical odes in praise of God for use by pious youth) for four voices (Mühlhausen: Hieronymous Reinhard), texts by Ludwig Helmbold
Giovanni Paolo Cima – First book of motets for four voices (Milan: Agostino Tradate)
Giovanni Croce – Masses for five and six voices (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti)
Baldassare Donato – First book of motets for five, six, and eight voices (Venice: Angelo Gardano)
Johannes Eccard – Hochzeit Liedt (Gleichwie ein Schütz) for six voices (Königsberg, Georg Osterberger), a wedding song
Neue Ausserlesene Weltliche Lieder (Exceptional New Secular Songs) for five voices (Frankfurt an der Oder: Friedrich Hartmann)
Neue geistliche, zu Christlicher Andacht bewegende Lieder (New Spiritual Songs that Evoke Christian Devotion) for five voices (Frankfurt an der Oder: Friedrich Hartmann)
John Farmer – The First Set Of English Madrigals: To Foure Voices (London: William Barley for Thomas Morley)
Ruggiero Giovannelli – Third book of madrigals for five voices (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti)
Anthony Holborne – Pavans, Galliards, Almains and other short Aeirs, both grave and light, in five parts, for Viols, Violins, or other Musicall Winde Instruments (London: William Barley)
Giovanni de Macque – Fourth book of madrigals for five voices (Naples: Giovanni Giacomo Carlino & Antonio Pace)