10+2 (TV series)
10+2 is a children's animated series from Catalonia (Spain), produced by Accio Studios and Victory Media Group, and directed by Miquel Pujol i Lozano. The show debuted in 1991. SummaryThe series takes place in the fictional country of Numberland, centered in a school taught by the teacher Aristotle and his assistant Infinite. The students consist of ten living numbers from zero till nine, each with differing personalities. The characters are mute and only communicate in vocal noises and body language. Throughout the episodes, every night Aristotle would narrate the day's events in flashback, with moments of counting quantities corresponding to the number characters. However, in the movies all characters have full speech. CharactersSeries characters
Movies Characters
EpisodesSeason 1 (1991–92)
Season 2 (1998)
Season 3 (2003–04)
MoviesThe Magical NightIn 2000, Miquel Pujol created a 45-minute Christmas Special movie title "10+2: La Noche Mágica", where Infinite goes on a winter adventure after an embarrassing moment during Christmas preparations.[1] The Great SecretIn 2001, Miquel Pujol created an 85-minute movie titled "10+2: El Gran Secreto" starring Milesima and the new teacher Zenobia. It was nominated in the fifteenth edition of the Goya Awards in the category of best animated film.[2] Letters and PiratesIn 2005, a 47-minute movie was made titled "10+2: Cartes i Pirates", where Milesima as Captain Red Braid takes Infinite and the ten numbers on pirate voyage to find the treasure trove of Rocky Head Island.[3] References
External links