Autor / Hrsg. des Bandes
Buchtitel (englisch)
Pero Tafur
Travels and Adventures 1435–1439
Andanças e viajes de Pero Tafur por diversas partes del mundo ávidas (1435–1439)
Textarchiv – Internet Archive
Ruy González de Clavijo
Clavijo’s embassy to Tamerlane 1403–1406
Transl. from the Spanish by Guy Le Strange with an introd.
Hans Staden
Hans Staden: the true history of his captivity, 1557.
Warhaftige Historia und beschreibung eyner Landtschafft der Wilden Nacketen, Grimmigen Menschfresser-Leuthen in der Newenwelt America gelegen...
Translated and edited by Malcolm Henry Ikin, with an introduction and notes.
Willem Ysbrantsz Bontekoe
Memorable Description of the East Indian Voyage 1618–1625.
Translated from the Dutch by Mrs. C. B. Bodde-Hodgkinson and Pieter Geyl. With an Introduction and Notes by Professor Geyl.
Regis Evariste Huc und Joseph Gabet
Travels in Tartary, thibet and China 1844–1846.
Translated by William Hazlitt. Now edited, with an Introduction by Professor Paul Pelliot.
Bernal Diaz del Castillo
The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico 1517–1521
Ed. from the original ms. by Genaro Garcia, translated with introduction and notes by A. P. Maudslay.
Elkan Nathan Adler, Hrsg.
Jewish Travellers
Textarchiv – Internet Archive
John Macdonald
Memoirs of an Eighteenth Century Footman; John Macdonald’s Travels (1745–1779)
Li Chih-Ch'ang (Li Zhichang)
The Travels of an Alchemist. The Journey of the Taoist Ch'ang-Ch'un from China to the Hindukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan. Recorded by his disciple Li Chih-Ch'ang
Changchun zhenren xiyou ji
Translated with an introduction by Arthur Waley
Marc Lescarbot
Nova Francia: a Description of Acadia, 1606
Thomas Herbert
Travels in Persia: 1627–1629
Abridged and ed. by Sir William Foster
Johann Albrecht von Mandelslo
The Voyages and Travels of Mandelslo
Fernão Guerreiro
Jahangir and the Jesuits; With an Account of the Benedict Goes and the Mission to Pegu
Textarchiv – Internet Archive
Charles Ralph Boxer, Hrsg.
Commentaries of Ruy Freyre de Andrada, in which are Related his Exploits from the Year 1619, in which he left this Kingdom of Portugal as General of the Sea of Ormuz, and Coast of Persia, and Arabia, until his Death
The first translation of the Commentarios since original publication in 1647.
Ibn Battuta
Travels in Asia and Africa 1325–1354
Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen Gibb (translator)
Marco Polo
The Travels of Marco Polo
Translated into English from the text of Luigi Foscolo Benedetto by Aldo Ricci.
Hernando Cortes
Five Letters 1519–1526
Translated by J. Bayard Morris.
Die fünf Briefe befassen sich mit der Eroberung und Unterwerfung von Mexiko der Jahre von 1519 bis 1526
Thomas Gage
The English-American: A New Survey of the West Indies, 1648
Ed. with an introd. by Arthur Percival Newton
Titel der 1. engl. Ausg.: The English-American: his travail by sea and land: or, a new survey of the West-Indias, containing a journall of three thousand and tree hundred miles within the main land of America … / by the true and painful endeavours of Thomas Gage … – London: Cotes, 1648
J. Courtenay Locke, Hrsg.
The First Englishmen in India: Letters and Narratives of Sundry Elizabethans written by themselves
Written by themselves and ed. with an introd. and notes by J. Courtenay Locke
Pierre du Jarric
Akbar I. and the Jesuits: an account of the Jesuit missions to the court of Akbar
Translated by Charles H. Payne
Textarchiv – Internet Archive
Edward Denison Ross (Hrsg.)
Sir Anthony Sherley and His Persian Adventure. Including some Contemporary Narratives relating thereto
Henry Teonge
The Diary of Henry Teonge: Chaplin on Board H.M.'s Ships Assistance, Bristol, and Royal Oak, 1675–1679.
Translated by G. E. Manwaring
Captain Basil Hall
Travels in India, Ceylon and Borneo
H. G. Rawlinson, ed.
Madame d' Aulnoy (Marie-Catherine d’Aulnoy, 1650 oder 51–1705)
Travels into Spain: Being The Ingenious Diverting Letters of the Lady – Travels into Spain.
Translated in the year of its publication from Relation du voyage d’espagne (1691) and now published with an Introduction and Notes by R. Foulche-Delbosc
Don Juan of Persia (fl. 1600)
Don Juan of Persia. A Shi'ah Catholic 1560–1604
Translated and Edited with an Introduction by Guy Le Strange.
Textarchiv – Internet Archive
Ippolito Desideri
An Account of Tibet: The Travels of Ippolito Desideri of Pistoia, S.J., 1712–1727
Filippo Di Filippi (Editor); C. Wessels S.J. (Introduction):
Francesco Carletti
Voyages (1594–1602)
Tr. and ed. Janet Ross.
André Thevet
The New-founde World or Antarcticke. 1568.
Ed. Charles Singer.
James Bruce
Journey to the Source of the Nile, 1768–1773
Abridged ed., Osbert Sitwell.