Der Parsec Award ist ein jährlich vergebener Literaturpreis, der für Podcasts und deren Autoren aus dem Bereich der Science-Fiction und der spekulativen Literatur im Allgemeinen verliehen wird. Der Preis wurde 2006 von Mur Lafferty, Michael R. Mennenga und Tracy Hickman mit Unterstützung von Farpoint Media initiiert und im gleichen Jahr erstmals vergeben. Nominierungen können durch jeden Podcast-Hörer erfolgen, aus den Nominierungen wird dann durch das Organisationskomitee eine Vorauswahl getroffen, über die Finalisten und Sieger entscheidet eine unabhängige Jury.[1] Die Zahl der Kategorien stieg von anfangs 9 auf 14 Kategorien im Jahr 2017. Die Preisverleihung findet am Labor-Day-Wochenende auf der Dragon*Con in Atlanta statt.
Best Speculative Fiction Comedy/Parody Podcast: Christopher Rathjen and the USS Sisyphus Cast & Crew (Improvised): Improvised Star Trek -The Voyages of the USS Sisyphus
Best Podcast about Speculative Fiction Content Creation: Alastair Stephens: The Journeyman Writer
Best Speculative Fiction Fan or News Podcast (Specific): Deborah Stanish, Erika Ensign, Katrina Griffiths, L. M. Myles, Lynne M. Thomas, Tansy Rayner Roberts: Verity Podcast
Best Speculative Fiction Magazine or Anthology Podcast: Lynne M. Thomas, Michael Damian Thomas, Erika Ensign, Steven Schapansky: The Uncanny Magazine Podcast
Best Speculative Fiction Fan or News Podcast (General): Jason Snell: The Incomparable
Best Fact Behind the Fiction Podcast: Fraser Cain: Universe Today’s Guide to Space
Best Speculative Fiction Video Story: Grant Baciocco, Russ Walko: The Ultimate Nerd-ament
Best New Speculative Fiction Podcaster/Team: Todd Faulkner, Alison Crane: Uncanny County
Best Speculative Fiction Audio Drama (Long Form): Todd Faulkner, Alison Crane: Uncanny County
Best Speculative Fiction Story – Large Cast (Long Form): Ryan P. Duke: Reading Out Loud – Property Damage Claim #1-1403986
Best Speculative Fiction Story – Small Cast (Long Form): Mike Bennett: After the Plague
Best Speculative Fiction Story – Small Cast (Short Form): Justin Cawthorne: Tales to Terrify – Graves
Best Speculative Fiction Audio Drama (Short Form): David A. Mackenzie: The Galaxy Quest Restoration Project – Balance of Darkness
Best Speculative Fiction Story – Large Cast (Short Form): Jared Axelrod: The Voice of Free Planet X – Oddfellows Local
Best Speculative Fiction Audio Drama (Long Form): Michael McQuilkin, Richard Wentworth, Hadron Gospel Hour: The Sinister Secret of StarNasty OR A Mike in the Mechanics
Best Speculative Fiction Audio Drama (Short Form): Mike Meraz, Aaron Meraz: Aaron’s World
Best Podcast about Speculative Fiction Content Creation: The Journeyman Writer
Best Speculative Fiction Comedy/Parody Podcast: [1] New Message
Best Fact Behind the Fiction Podcast: Universe Today’s Guide to Space
Best Speculative Fiction Fan or News Podcast (General): The Incomparable
Best Speculative Fiction Fan or News Podcast (Specific): The Scot and the Sassenach
Best Speculative Fiction Story – Large Cast (Short Form): Rish Outfield, Bigg Anklevich, The Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine: Last Contact
Best Speculative Fiction Magazine or Anthology Podcast: Seminar
Best New Speculative Fiction Podcaster/Team: PleasureTown
Best Speculative Fiction Story – Small Cast (Novella & Long Form) (Combined due to number of small numbers of nominees): The Black
Best Speculative Fiction Story – Small Cast (Short Form): V. C. Morrison, Seminar: O’Malley’s Media Storm
Best Speculative Fiction Video Story: Mario Warfare
Best Speculative Fiction Story (Short Form): Scott Sigler: The Tank
Best Speculative Fiction Story (Novella Form): J.C. Hutchins: Personal Effects: Sword of Blood
Best Speculative Fiction Story (Long Form): Nathan Lowell: Captain’s Share
Best Speculative Fiction Audio Drama (Short Form): Chris Lester: The Metamor City Podcast – Whispers in the Wood
Best Speculative Fiction Audio Drama (Long Form): Gregg Taylor: Decoder Ring Theatre
Best Speculative Fiction Video Story: David Nett, Andrew R. Deutsch: GOLD: Season 1
Best Speculative Fiction Magazine or Anthology Podcast: Norm Sherman: The Drabblecast
Best New Speculative Fiction Podcaster/Team: Nathaniel Tapley: In The Gloaming
Best Speculative Fiction Fan or News Podcast (Specific): Kari Haley, Kevin Bachelder, Kara Helgren, Les Howard, Jutta Jordans, Dave Tomasic, Andy King, Nick Edwards, Miranda Thomas, Helen Eaton, Anna Snyder, James Parkinson, Jill Arroway: The Signal
Best Speculative Fiction Fan or News Podcast (General): Audra, Chuck & Sean: Galactic Watercooler
Best Speculative Fiction Story (Short Form): Michael Natale: Variant Frequencies – Under The Bed
Best Speculative Fiction Story (Novella Form): Scott Sigler: 7th Son: Obsidion – Eusocial Networking
Best Speculative Fiction Story (Long Form / Novel): James Durham: FETIDUS: The Foundation for the Ethical Treatment of the Innocently Damned, Undead and Supernatural
Best Speculative Fiction Audio Drama (Short Form including Independents): Grant Baciocco, Doug Price: The Radio Adventures of Doctor Floyd
Best Speculative Fiction Audio Drama (Long Form including Independents): Chris Lester: The Metamor City Podcast – Making the Cut
Best Speculative Fiction Magazine or Anthology Podcast: Ben Phillips, Alasdair Stuart: Pseudopod edited
Best Speculative Fiction Video Podcast: Earl Newton, David Kanter, Cody P. Christian: Stranger Things
Best Speculative Fiction Comedy / Parody Podcast: John Bell: Bell’s in the Batfry
Best Speculative Fiction Fan Podcast: Brent Barrett, Chris Polansky, Hank Shiffman, Kevin Bachelder, Kimberly Thompson, Lindy Rae, Michael Falkner, Sammy Mohr, Wendy Hembrock: The ScapeCast
Best Speculative Fiction News Podcast: Bruce Moyle, Chris Rattray, David Quinn, Dion Brooks, Tiarne Double: (Cool) Shite on the Tube
Best Gaming Podcast: Josh, Meg, Zeke, & Tom: Brilliant Gameologists
Best Speculative Fiction Infotainment Podcast: various contributors: The 365 Days of Astronomy, the daily podcast of the International Year of Astronomy 2009
Best Speculative Fiction Music Podcast: Devo Spice, Possible Oscar, Raymond and Scum, Rob Balder, Robert Lund &, Luke Ski, Tom Smith, Worm Quartet: The FuMP
Best Anime Podcast: Anime World Order
Best New Speculative Fiction Podcaster/Team: FETIDUS (James Durham)