G-Liste zum US-Ordnance-Katalog

Die nachfolgende G-Liste zum US-Ordnance-Katalog entspricht einem Teil (Group G) eines etwa seit Mitte der 1920er Jahre eingeführten Ordnungssystems (Ordnance Provision System) vom United States Army Ordnance Corps (auch Ordnance Department), welches das Materialwesen der US-amerikanischen Streitkräfte strukturierte.

Hintergrund hierbei ist, dass Erzeugnisse unterschiedlicher Hersteller einen Planbedarf in der Heeresplanung erfüllen konnten und auch heutzutage können. Zur betriebswirtschaftlichen Auswertung des Gesamtbedarfs, war es erforderlich die Bedarfe aller Verbände und Waffengattungen harmonisiert zu erfassen und mit den nationalen Produktionskapazitäten zu decken. Gleichzeitig ergab sich für die Truppenteile aus dem Katalog die korrekte Bezeichnung eines Anforderungsgegenstands, denn die Liste konnte als Lieferkatalog genutzt werden.

Um die Planungsbedarfe systematisch zu decken, wurden vergleichbare Fahrzeuge unterschiedlicher Hersteller, also Fahrzeuge mit ähnlichem Motor, Getriebe, Antriebsstrang und Fahrgestell, sprich Leistungsprofil, in einer G-Nummer zusammengefasst. Das die entsprechenden Fahrzeuge abhängig vom Hersteller dabei sehr unterschiedlich aussehen konnten, war irrelevant für die Nutzung und Bedarfsplanung.

Die bis in die 1960er genutzte Liste Standard Nomenclature List NO. G–1 (S.N.L. No. G–1) umfasst das gesamte "rollende Material", also Kraftfahrzeuge und Kampffahrzeuge, einschließlich zugehörigem Gerät.

Es geht also um Fahrzeuge, Module (Aufbauten), Teile und Kataloge für Liefer- und Reparaturzwecke.

Auch die Liste selbst konnte in der aktuellen Fassung als G–1 bestellt werden und ist im Katalog aufgeführt. Anzumerken ist, dass im Laufe der Zeit verschiedene Ausgaben der Liste entstanden sind.

Systematik und Nummernkreise

Der Ordnance Publications for Supply Index (kurz: OPSI) vom Juli 1943, mit 68 Seiten, fasst die Abdeckung der Gruppe G wie folgt zusammen:

„Gepanzerte Fahrzeuge, Halbkettenfahrzeuge und Aufklärungsfahrzeuge; Geschütz-, Haubitzen- und Mörserwagen; Fracht-, Mörser-, Personen-, Halbketten- und Universaltransporter; gepanzerte Amphibienfahrzeuge, leichte, mittlere und schwere Panzer; leichte, mittlere, schwere, Kran- und Amphibien-/Raupenschlepper; Radschlepper; gepanzerte, Bomben-, Schwerlast- und Traktorkrananhänger; Panzerbergungs- und Panzertransportanhänger mit ihren Teilen und ihrer Ausrüstung. Artilleriewartungs-, Bombendienst-, Notfallreparatur-, Maschinenwerkstatt- und Reparaturfahrzeuge mit ihren Teilen und ihrer Ausrüstung. Zugmaschinen, Personenkraftwagen, Kraftstofftankwagen, Kraftstoff- und Wassertankanhänger und Sattelanhänger; Lastwagen mit Pritschen-, Plattform-, Kipp- und Spezialaufbauten; Amphibienfracht- und Personenlastwagen; Motorräder und Beiwagen.“

G-1 – G-99

G-Nr. Bezeichnung Hersteller/Bemerkung Bild
1 Hauptkatalog verschiedene Ausgaben:
1. Juli 1930
7. Dezember 1941
1. Juli 1943
26. April 1944
4. April 1949
1. April 1954
12. Januar 1956
2 Tractor, artillery, 5-ton, M1917 Holt Manufacturing Company
3 Tractor, artillery, 10-ton, M1917 Holt Manufacturing Company
Tractor, artillery, 10-ton, M1917, w/ capstan Holt Manufacturing Company
4 Trailer, 3-inch field gun, M1918
Trailer, 3-inch field gun, M1918A1, w/ cargo body, M1918
Trailer, 3-inch field gun, M1918A2, w/ cargo body, M1918, and 36×6-inch tires
Trailer, 3-inch field gun, M1918A3, w/ cargo body, M1918, and 36×7-inch tires
Trailer, 3-inch field gun, M1918A4, w/ cargo body, M1918, and 36×7-inch tires and ramps
5 Trailer, 10-ton, M1918
6 Trailer, shop, 4-ton, M1918
7 Tractor, ordnance, light, M2 Caterpillar Incorporated, Model 20
8 Body, repair, M1918
10 Truck, light, repair, M1918 Dodge Brothers Company
11 Trailer, machine gun, anti-aircraft, 1 1/2-ton, M1918
12 Tank, light, M1917, w/ 37 mm gun turret
Tank, light, M1917, w/ B. T. M. gun turret
Tank, light, M1917, w/ radio turret
13 Tank, Mark VIII
(Mark VIII (Panzer))
14 Car, cross country, M1
15 Tractor, 2-ton, ordnance, light, M1 Caterpillar Incorporated
16 Truck, light, shop, M1
17 Trailer, bar stock and hacksaw, M1918
Trailer, drill press, M1918
Trailer, generator, M1918
Trailer, lathe, M1918
Trailer, milling machine, M1918
Trailer, parts and stock room, M1918
Trailer, parts and stock room bin, M1918
Trailer, shop, 4-ton, w/ pipe frame body, M1918
Trailer, shop, 4-ton, with steel-screen body, M1918
Trailer, shop equipment, M1918
Trailer, welding and forge, M1918
18 Truck, repair, small arms, M1918
19 Interchangeability for special tools
20 Truck, air compressor, M1918
Truck, office and headquarters, M1918
Truck, power saw, M1918
Truck, shop equipment and spare parts, M1918
Truck, tool room, M1918
21 Tractor, medium, M1 Caterpillar Incorporated, Model 30
22 Tractor, heavy, M1, ordnance, Caterpillar Incorporated
in Russland nachgebaut als Stalinez-60
23 Tractor, rail, 4-ton, M1
36-inch for Hawaiian Dept. (narrow gauge)
4' 8 1/2 " for CONUS. (standard gauge)
60-Inch for Dept. of Panama (broad gauge)
24 Tractor, rail, 8-ton, M2
36-inch for Hawaiian Dept. (narrow gauge)
4' 8 1/2 " for CONUS. (standard gauge)
60-Inch for Dept. of Panama (broad gauge)
25 Tractor, w/ tracklaying adapters Fordson
26 Trailer, 6-ton, instrument, M1
27 S1. Tool sets (special), automotive and semi automotive (superseded by ORD 6, SNL J-16) (per 1955 index)
S2. Tool sets (common), specialists and organizational (superseded by group J SNLs) (per 1955 index)
28 Prime mover, anti-aircraft gun, 8-ton, M1 (T4) Corbitt Company, Model T95
29 Car, armored, M1 Cunningham, Model T4
30 Half-track, 4 1/2-ton, T1E1
31 Car, scout, M1 White Motor Company, Model T7
32 Car, scout, M2 Corbitt Company, Model T9
33 Half-track, wire laying, 5-ton, T4 GMC
34 Half-Track, 6-ton, T5 Cunningham
35 Car, armored, T11 (4-ton, 4×4)
Car, armored, T11E1
Car, armored, T11E2
36 Tractor, light, 3 1/2-ton Cletrac, Model 20C
37 Half-track, 20 1/2-ton, T3 Linn Mfg. Co.
38 Tank, light, M2
Tank, light, M2A1
Tank, light, M2A2
Tank, light, M2A3
Car, combat, M1
Car, combat, M1A1
39 Tank, light, M2A2
40 Tank, medium, 12-ton, T3 U.S. Convertible Systems Inc.
41 Tank, medium, 16-ton, T3E2 U.S. Convertible Systems Inc.
42 Tank, medium, 12-ton, T4 U.S. Convertible Systems Inc.
43 Car, combat, 12-ton, T1 U.S. Convertible Systems Inc.
45 Tractor, light, 3 1/2-ton, T3E3
Tractor, light, 3 1/2-ton, T4E4
46 Tractor, ordnance, 3 1/2-ton Caterpillar Incorporated, Model 25
47 Tractor, medium, M1 Caterpillar Incorporated, Model 35
48 Tractor, medium, M1 Allis-Chalmers, Model Monarch k35
49 Tractor, medium, M1 Cletrac, Model 35
50 Tractor, ordnance, 5-ton International Harvester, Model TA40
51 Tractor, ordnance Allis-Chalmers, Model Monarch k35
52 Tractor, ordnance, 10-ton Caterpillar Incorporated, Model 65
53 Tractor, heavy, M1 Allis-Chalmers, Model L
54 Tractor, ordnance Cletrac, Model 80
55 Tractor, ordnance, 3-ton, M1 Allis-Chalmers
56 Tractor, ordnance, T20 International Harvester
57 Truck,light machine shop, M3 General Motors, Model AFKX-352
Truck, machine shop, M4
58 Truck, tool and bench, M2 General Motors, Model AFKX-352
59 Truck, welding, M2 General Motors, Model AFKX-352
Truck, welding, M3
60 Car, squad, T2 White Motor Company
61 Truck, emergency repair, M1 (Telephone Company type body, 1/2-ton, 4×4) Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-41
Truck, emergency repair, M2 (3/4-ton, 4×4) Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-60
62 Truck, machine shop (heavy)
63 Truck, wrecking, heavy, M1 Corbitt Company
64 Tractor, crane, 1-ton, M1 Allis-Chalmers, Model M
65 Trailer, bomb, B1A
66 Car, scout, M4
67 Car, scout, M3A1
(Panzerspähwagen M3])
White Motor Company
68 Tractor, light, M2 Caterpillar Incorporated, Model R2
69 Tractor, medium, M1 Caterpillar Incorporated, Model RD6 (Diesel)
Tractor, crane, 2-ton Caterpillar Incorporated, Model D6
70 Tractor Marmon-Herrington, Model TA-30
71 Tractor, light, wheeled, T6
72 Truck, small arms repair, M1 General Motors
73 Truck, medium, wrecking, T2
74 Trailer, 2 1/2-ton, 3-wheel, bomb, M5 American Seating
Trailer, 2 1/2-ton, 3-wheel, bomb, M5 Oneida
Trailer, 2 1/2-ton, 3-wheel, bomb, M5 Saginaw
Trailer, 2 1/2-ton, 3-wheel, bomb, M5 Electric Wheel
Trailer, chemical, w/ trolly beam, M1
Trailer, chemical, M2
75 Half-track, M2A2 White Motor Company, Model T7
76 Car, command, armored, T1
77 Trainer, tank, T1
78 Trainer, combat car, T2
79 Carriage, motor, mortar M2 Scout car M1
80 Carriage, motor, mortar T5E1 Half-track M2A1
81 Tank, medium, M2 medium tank, M2A1
(M2 Medium Tank)
Tank, medium, M2A1
82 Truck, artillery repair, M1 General Motors
Truck, artillery repair, M2
83 Truck, automotive repair, M1 General Motors
Truck, automotive repair, M2
84 Truck, spare parts, M1 General Motors
Truck, spare parts, M2
85 Truck, bomb service, M1 Yellow Truck & Coach, Model AC-251
Truck, bomb service, M1 (1 1/2-ton, 4×4) Ford, Model 19Y
Truck, bomb service, M1 Diamond T, Model 201-B5
Truck, bomb service, M6 (1 1/2-ton, 4×4) Chevrolet, Model G-7128
86 Tank, light, M1
(M1 Combat Car)
Tank, light, M1A1
Tank, light, M2A4
87 Truck, half-track, M2 Ford/Marmon-Herrington
88 Tractor, medium, ordnance, w/ angle dozer, M1 Caterpillar Incorporated, Model R-4
89 Tractor, heavy, M1 Caterpillar Incorporated, Model D7 (Diesel)
TM 9-1773 Heavy Tractor M1[1]
90 Trailer, plotting room, M4
91 Truck, tank mainenence, M1 General Motors
92 Truck, instrument maintenence, M1 General Motors
93 T23E1 trailer, 1-ton
94 Tractor, light, wheelded, industrial type Allis-Chalmers, Model B
95 Tractor, medium, w/ angle dozer, M1 Cletrac, Model BC
96 Tractor, light, M2 Cletrac, Model AG
97 Trailer, heavy-duty, 14-ton Winter-Weiss Company
98 Tractor, heavy, M1 Allis-Chalmers, Model HD-10W (Diesel)
99 Tractor, medium, M1 International Harvester, Model TD-9 (Diesel)
Tractor, medium, M1 International Harvester, Model T-9 (Benzin)
Tractor, Crane, 2-ton, M5 International Harvester, Model T-9

G-100 – G-199

G-Nr. Bezeichnung Hersteller/Bemerkung Bild
100 Carrier, cross country, T5
101 Tractor, heavy, M1 International Harvester, Model TD-18 (Diesel)
102 Car, half-track, M2
(M3 (Halbkettenfahrzeug)
The Autocar Company
White Motor Company
Car, half-track, M2A1 The Autocar Company
White Motor Company
Carrier, personnel, half-Track, M3
(M3 (Halbkettenfahrzeug))
The Autocar Company
Diamond T Motor Car Company
White Motor Company
Carriage, motor, 75-mm gun, M3 The Autocar Company
Carrier, personnel, half-track, M3A1 The Autocar Company
Diamond T Motor Car Company
White Motor Company
Carriage, motor, 75-mm gun, M3A1
Carrier, 81-mm mortar, half-track, M4
Carrier, 81-mm mortar, half-track, M4A1
Carriage, motor, multiple gun, M13 (T1E4)
Carriage, motor, multiple gun, M15 The Autocar Co.
Carriage, motor, multiple gun, M15A1 The Autocar Co.
Carriage, motor, multiple gun, M16
(M16 (Halbkettenfahrzeug))
White Motor Company
Carriage, motor, multiple gun, M16A1 White Motor Company
Carrier, 81-mm mortar, half-track, M21
Carriage, motor, 105-mm howitzer, T19
Carriage, motor, 75-mm howitzer, T30
Carriage, motor, 57-mm gun, T48 Diamond T Motor Car Company
103 Tank, light, M3
Tank, light, M3A1
Tank, light, M3A3
Tank, light, M5
(M5 Light Tank)
Tank, light, M5A1
104 Tank, medium M3
(M3 Lee/Grant)
Tank, medium, M3A1
Tank, medium, M3A2
Tank, medium, M3A3
Tank, medium, M3A4
Tank, medium, M3A5
Tank, medium, M4
(M4 Sherman)
Tank, medium, M4, 105-mm howitzer
Tank, medium, M4A1, 75-mm gun
Tank, medium, M4A1, 76-mm gun
Tank, medium, M4A2, 75-mm gun
Tank, medium, M4A3, 75-mm gun
Tank, medium, M4A3, 76-mm gun
Tank, medium, M4A3, 105-mm howitzer
Tank, medium, M4A4, 75-mm gun
Tank, medium, M4A6, 75-mm gun
105 Tractor, medium, M1 Allis-Chalmers, Model WM
106 Tracor, medium, w/ angledozer, M1 International Harvester, Model T6
107 Tractor, heavy, M1 Allis-Chalmers, Model HD10W
108 Tractor, crane, 1-ton, M1 International Harvester, Model T-6
109 Truck, bomb service, M1 Ford Motor Company, Model 19F
110 Truck, bomb service, M1 Diamond T Motor Car Company, Model 201-BS
111 Tractor, high-speed, 7ton, M2 Cleveland Tractor Company, Model MG-1
112 Truck, emergency repair, M1 Dodge Brothers Company
113 Tractor, light, M2 International Harvester, Model T-6
115 Truck, bomb service, M6 Chevrolet Motor Division
116 Truck, 6-ton, 6×6, heavy wrecker, M1 Kenworth Truck Company, Model 570
Truck, 6-ton, 6×6, heavy wrecker, M1 Kenworth, Model 571
Truck, 6-ton, 6×6, heavy wrecker, M1 Kenworth, Model 572
Truck, 6-ton, 6×6, heavy wrecker, M1 Ward LaFrance, Model 1000
Truck, 6-ton, 6×6, heavy wrecker, M1A1 Kenworth, Model 573
Truck, 6-ton, 6×6, heavy wrecker, M1A1 Ward LaFrance, Model 1000, Serie 5
117 Trailer, 7-ton, 6-wheel, tractor crane, M6 (T26) Fruehauf Trailer Company
Trailer, tractor crane, M12 (9-ton)
118 Tank, heavy, M6
(M6 Heavy Tank)
Tank, heavy, M6A1
Tank, heavy, T1E1
119 Trailer, 6-ton, T23E2
120 Carriage, motor, 3-inch gun, M5 Cleveland Tractor Company
121 Carriage, motor, 37-mm gun, M6
(M6 Gun Motor Carriage)
122 Car, armored, T17E1 (4×4)
(T17E1 Staghound I)
Chevrolet Motor Division
Car, armored, T17E2 (4×4) Chevrolet Motor Division
123 Trailer, 6-ton, tracked Athey Truss Wheel Company, Model BT898-1
Trailer, 6-ton, tracked Athey Truss Wheel Company, Model BT898-4
Trailer, 20-ton, tracked Athey Truss Wheel Company, Model ET1076-1
124 Tractor, light Caterpillar Incorporated, Model D2
125 Tractor, medium, M1 Allis-Chalmers, Model HD-7W
126 Tractor, heavy Caterpillar Incorporated, Model D7
Tractor, crane, 6-ton, M4 Caterpillar Incorporated, Model D7
Cardwell Crane Company
127 Carriage, motor, 75-mm howitzer, M8
(M8 Scott)
Cadillac Motor Car Division
128 Carriage, motor, 105-mm howitzer, M7
(M7 (Panzerhaubitze))
American Locomotive Company
130 Carriage, motor, 3-inch gun, M10
(M10 Wolverine)
132 Tractor, medium, M1 International Harvester, Model TD-14
Tractor, crane, 2-ton, M3 International Harvester, Model TD-14
133 Car, armored, T18
(T18 Boarhound)
Yellow Coach Manufacturing Company
Car, armored, T18E2 Yellow Coach Manufacturing Company
134 Car, armored, T17 Ford Motor Company
135 Car, armored, T13 Reo Motor Car Company
136 Car, armored, light, M8 (T22E2)y
(M8 Greyhound)
Ford Motor Company
137 Tank, medium, M7 International Harvester
138 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, small arms repair, M7 GMC, Model CCKW
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, small arms repair, M7A1 GMC, Model CCKW
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, repair small arms, M7A2 GMC, Model CCKW
139 Truck, 2 1-2-ton, 6x6, automotive repair, M8 GMC, Model CCKW
Truck, 2 1-2-ton, 6x6, automotive repair, M8A1 GMC, Model CCKW
140 Truck, 2 1-2-ton, 6×6, artillery repair, M9 GMC, Model CCKW
Truck, 2 1-2-ton, 6×6, artillery repair, M9A1 GMC, Model CCKW
141 Truck, 2 1-2-ton, 6×6, instrument repair, M10 GMC, Model CCKW
Truck, 2 1-2-ton, 6×6, instrument repair, M10A1 GMC, Model CCKW
142 Truck, 2 1-2-ton, 6×6, welding, M12 GMC, Model CCKW
Truck, 2 1-2-ton, 6×6, welding, M12A1 GMC, Model CCKW
143 Truck, repair, 2 1-2-ton, 6×6, tool and bench, M13 GMC, Model CCKW
144 Truck, 2 1-2-ton, 6×6, spare parts, M14 GMC, Model CCKW
145 Truck, 2 1-2-ton, 6×6, electric, M18 GMC, Model CCKW
146 Truck, 2 1-2-ton, 6×6, machine shop, M16 GMC, Model CCKW
Truck, 2 1-2-ton, 6×6, machine shop, M16A1 GMC, Model CCKW
Truck, 2 1-2-ton, 6×6, machine shop, M16A2 GMC, Model CCKW
147 Carrier, personnel, half-track, M5 International Harvester
Carrier, personnel, half-track, M5A1 International Harvester
Car, half-track, M9A1 International Harvester
Carriage, motor, multiple gun, M14 International Harvester
Carriage, motor, multiple gun, M17 International Harvester
148 Tank, light, T9E1
(M22 Locust)
149 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, electrical repair, M18 GMC, Model CCKW
Truck, 2 1-2-ton, 6×6, electrical repair, M18A1 GMC, Model CCKW
Truck, 2 1-2-ton, 6×6, electrical repair, M18A2 GMC, Model CCKW
150 Tractor, medium, M4 (T9E1)
(M4 High-Speed Tractor)
Tractor, high speed, 18-ton, M4A1 Allis-Chalmers
Tractor, high speed, 18-ton, M4C Allis-Chalmers
Tractor, high speed, 18-ton, M4A1C Allis-Chalmers
151 Tractor, medium Caterpillar Incorporated, Model D4
152 Tractor, medium, M1 Caterpillar Incorporated, Model D6
153 Tractor, heavy Caterpillar Incorporated, Model D8
154 Carrier, light cargo, T15
(M29 Weasel)
Studebaker Corporation
155 Trailer, plotting room, M4
156 Vehicle, landing, tracked (unarmored), Mk. I, LVT (1)
(Landing Vehicle Tracked)
157 Trailer, armored, M8 (T32) John Deere Plow Works
158 Carrier, Cargo, M30 (T14) Pressed Steel Car Company
Carriage, motor, 155-mm gun, M12
(M12 GMC9)
159 Truck, tank transporter, M19 Diamond T Motor Car Company, Model 980
Trailer, 45-ton, 12-wheel, transporter, M9 Checker Motors Corporation, Model CPT45SP
Trailer, 45-ton, 12-wheel, transporter, M9 Fruehauf Trailer Company, Model D45LF1
Trailer, 45-ton, 12-wheel, transporter, M9 Pointer-Willamette, Model D45LF1
Trailer, 45-ton, 12-wheel, transporter, M9 Rogers Brother, Model D45LF1
Trailer, 45-ton, 12-wheel, transporter, M9 Winter-Weiss, Model D45LF1
160 Truck, tractor, M26 (T25)
(Panzertransporter M25)
Pacific Car and Foundry Company
Semitrailer 40-ton, 8-wheel, transporter, M15 Fruehauf Trailer Company
Semitrailer 45-ton, 8-wheel, transporter, M15A1 Fruehauf Trailer Company
161 Trailer, 6-wheel, truck lift, M22 Weaver Manufacturing Company
162 Tractor, high-speed, 13-ton, M5 International Harvester
Tractor, high-speed, 13-ton, M5A1 International Harvester
Tractor, high-speed, 13-ton, M5A2 International Harvester
Tractor, high-speed, 13-ton, M5A3 International Harvester
Tractor, full tracked, high-speed, 13-ton, M5A4 International Harvester
163 Carriage, motor, 6-mm gun, M18
(M18 Hellcat)
Vehicle, armored, utility, M39
(M39 (Panzer))
164 Trainer, gunnery, tank, 37-mm gun, M10 (T7)
165 Tank, infantry, Mk. III
166 Carrier, universal, T16
(Universal Carrier)
Ford Motor Company, Model GAU
167 Vehicle, landing, tracked (unarmored), Mk. II, LVT (2)
(Landing Vehicle Tracked)
168 Vehicle, landing, tracked (armored), Army type, Mk. II, LVT (A) (2)
(Landing Vehicle Tracked
169 Vehicle, tank recovery, T2 Baldwin Locomotive Works
170 Carriage, motor, 3-inch gun, M10A1 Ford Motor Company
171 Tank, light, T16 Marmon-Herrington, Model CTLS-4TAC
172 Crane, truck mounted, M2 (T6) Thew Shovel Company, Model MC-6×6
Trailer, clamshell, M16
173 Trainer, gunnery, tank, 75-mm gun, M12 (T8)
174 Toboggan, motor Carl Eliason, Model C
FWD Corporation
175 Special tools for combat vehicles
176 Car, armored, utility, M20 Ford Motor Company
177 Trailer, 5-ton, 4-wheel, ammunition handling truck carrier Fontaine
178 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M23, instrument bench GMC, Model CCKW
179 Carrier, M29, cargo
(M29 Weasel)
Studebaker Corporation
Carrier, M29C, Cargo, amphibian
Carriage, motor, 105-mm rifle, T106
180 Exploder, mine, T3
181 Tractor, light Case Corporation, Model LAI
182 Parts common allotment kits
183 Tank, medium, T23
Tank, medium, T20
(Medium Tank T20)
184 Tractor, high-speed, 38-ton, M6 Allis-Chalmers
185 Vehicle, tank recovery, M32
Vehicle, tank recovery, M32B1
186 Vehicle, tank recovery, M32
Vehicle, tank recovery, M32B2
187 Vehicle, tank recovery, M32A1
Vehicle, tank recovery, M32B3
188 Vehicle, tank recovery, M32A1
Vehicle, tank recovery, M32B4
189 Truck, bomb lift, M1 Weaver Manufacturing Company
190 Tank, medium, M4E5 Continental Motors Company
191 Tank, medium, M4E5 Ford Motor Company
192 Truck, shop, motorized, 1 1/2 ton, 4x2 Type AAB
193 Tractor, medium, shop, T10
194 Tractor, snow, M7 Allis-Chalmers
195 Trailer, 1-ton, 2-wheel, snow, M19 Allis-Chalmers
196 Tractor, medium, T10 Cleveland Tractor Company, Model MG-2
197 Tank, medium, M23 (T23E1)
198 Tank, heavy, T26E1
199 Carriage, motor, 105-mm howitzer, M7B1
(M7 (Panzerhaubitze))
Pressed Steel Car Company

G-200 – G-299

G-Nr. Bezeichnung Hersteller/Bemerkung Bild
200 Tank, light, M24y
(M24 Chaffee)
Massey Ferguson
201 Trailer, clamshell scoop, M16
202 Vehicle, tank recovery, w/ crane, M31A1 Kran montiert auf M3A1
203 Vehicle, tank recovery, w/crane, M31B2 Kran montiert auf M3A5
204 Tank, medium, 75-mm gun, wet, M4A3 GMC
205 Tank, medioum, 76-mm gun, wet, M4A3 Chrysler
206 Tank, medium, 76-mm gun, wet, M4
207 Tank, medium, 76-mm gun, wet, M4A1 Pressed Steel Car Company
208 Vehicle, landing, tracked, armored, Mk. II Food Machinery Corporation
209 Vehicle, landing, tracked, armored, Mk. III Food Machinery Corporation
210 Carriage, motor, 90-mm gun, T71 (M36)
212 M4A2 Medium Tank, 76-mm Gun, wet, GMC
213 Trailer, 4-ton, 2-wheel, ammunition, M21 Oneida
Trailer, 4-ton, 2-wheel, ammunition, M21 Trailmobile
214 Vehicle, landing, tracked, armored, 75-mm howitzer, Mk. IV Food Machinery Corporation
215 Vehicle, tank recovery, M34
216 Trailer, 8-ton, 4-wheel, ammuniton, M23 Utility Trailer Company
217 Carriage, .50 cal MG, M51
218 Exploder, mine, T1E1
219 Exploder, mine, T1E3
220 Trailer, 2-wheel, mount, quadmount, M20 Brill and Krieger
221 Trailer, 4-wheel, searchlight, 60-inch, M1 Fruehauf Trailer Company
Trailer, 4-wheel, generator, M7 Fruehauf Trailer Company
Trailer, 4-wheel, generator, M7 J. G. Brill Company
Trailer, 4-wheel, generator, M7 w/ generator unit M7 Fruehauf Trailer Company
Trailer, 4-wheel, generator, M7 w/ generator unit M7 J. G. Brill Company
Trailer, generator M7 w/ generator unit M18
Trailer 2-ton, 4-wheel, smoke generator, M7 J. G. Brill Company
Trailer, 4-wheel, director, soft top, M13 Fruehauf Trailer Company
Trailer, 4-wheel, director, soft top, M13 J. G. Brill Company
Trailer, 4-wheel, director, hard top, M14 Fruehauf Trailer Company
Trailer, 4-wheel, director, hard top, M14 J. G. Brill Company
Trailer, 4-wheel, mount, quadmount, M17 Fruehauf Trailer Company
Trailer, 4-wheel, mount, quadmount, M17 J. G. Brill Company
Trailer, 4-wheel, M18 Fruehauf Trailer Company
Trailer, 4-wheel, M18 J. G. Brill Company
Trailer, 4-wheel, director, hard top, M22 Fruehauf Trailer Company
Trailer, 4-wheel, director, hard top, M22 J. G. Brill Company
222 Excavator, mine, T5E3 and bulldozer, tank mounting, hydraulic operated
223 M35 Gun Motor Carriage, 3-inch Gun
224 Trailer, 1-ton, 4-wheel, bomb, T53 Strick Company
225 Tank, medium,75-mm gun, M4A3E2 GMC
226 Tank, medium, M26
Tank, medium, M26A1
Tank, medium, M45
227 Shop Van
228 Bulldozer, tank-mounting, M1 La Plante Choate Mfg. Co.
angebracht an M4A1
Bulldozer, tank-mounting, M1A1 La Plante Choate Mfg. Co.
angebracht an M4A3
Bulldozer, tank-mounting, M2 angebracht an M4A3
229 Truck, 2 1/2ton, 6x6, small arms repair (Signal Corps), M7 GMC CCKW
Truck, 2 1/2ton, 6x6, signal corps general repair, M31
230 Tank, medium, 75-mm gun, wet, M4A1
231 Tractor, snow, T36 Iron Fireman Manufacturing
232 Carriage, motor, 155-mm gun, M4
(M40 GMC)
Carriage, motor, 8-inch howitzer, T89
233 Carriage, motor, 90-mm gun, M36B1
(M36 Jackson)
Carriage, motor, 90-mm gun, M36B2
234 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, tire repair, M32, Load A GMC
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, tire repair, M32, Load B
Trailer, 1-ton, 2-wheel, tire repair, M25, Load A
Trailer, 1-ton, 2-wheel, tire repair, M25, Load B
235 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, Signal Corps repair, M30 GMC CCKW
236 Carriage, motor, 155-mm howitzer, M41
237 Carriage, motor, 90-mm gun, M36B2
238 Carriage, motor, 105-mm howitzer, M37
239 Tank, heavy, 105-mm howitzer, T26E
240 Trailer, 3/4-ton payload, 2-wheel, bomb, M29 American Bantam Car Company
241 Tank, medium, 75-mm gun, wet
242 Carriage, motor, 40-mm gun, wet, HXWH, M19
243 Exploder, mine, T1E4
Exploder, mine, T1E6
244 Tank, medium, M46y
(M46 (Kampfpanzer))
Tank, medium, M46A1
245 Carrier, cargo, amphibian, M76
246 Bulldozer, tank-mounting, M3 angebracht an M46
247 Bulldozer, tank-mounting, M2
248 Carriage, motor, twin 40-mm gun, M19 GMC
Carriage, motor, dual 40mm gun, M19A1 GMC
249 Winterization kits
Vol. 1, personnel heaters Stewart-Warner
Vol. 2, Engine heaters Perfection
Vol. 3, Winterization kit for cold starting aid, (slave kit) M40.
Vol. 4, MB/GPW's
Vol. 5, 3/4-ton WC's and 1+12-ton WC's. DEC-1954
Vol. 6, GMC-CCKW
Vol. 7, M-29 Weasel
Vol. 8, truck 2.5-ton, 6×6, cargo, COE, GMC-AFKWX353, (G-508)
Vol. 9, M38 jeeps
Vol. 10, M37, 3/4 ton trucks
Vol. 11, Chevrolet 1+12-ton, 4×4
Vol. 12, truck 2.5-ton, M34, and M35
Vol. 13, Winterization Equipment for Truck 2.5-ton, 6×6, M135 series
250 Deep water fording kits
251 Tank, light, 76-mm gun, M41
(M41 Walker Bulldog)
Tank, light, 76-mm gun, T14E1 Cadillac
252 Tractor, high-speed, w/ bulldozer, M8
(M8 High-Speed Tractor)
Tractor, cargo, M8E2
253 Carriage, motor, 40-mm gun, M42
(M42 Duster)
254 Tank, medium, 90-mm gun, M48
(M48 (Kampfpanzer))
255 T42 Tank, 90-mm Gun
256 Tank, 120-mm gun, T43E1
257 Carriage, motor, 155-mm howitzer, T99
258 Carriage, motor, 105-mm howitzer, T98E1
259 Carriage, motor, 155-mm gun, T97
Carriage, motor, 155-mm gun, M53
Carriage, motor, 8-inch, T108
260 Vehicle, armored, infantry, full-track, T18E1 (M75)
(M75 APC)
261 Carriage, motor, 8-inch howitzer, (T108), M55
262 Tank, medium, 90-mm gun, M47
(M47 (Kampfpanzer))
263 Trainer, tank, 76-mm gun, T17
264 Trainer, tank, 90-mm gun, T18
265 Bulldozer, tank-mounting, M4 angebracht an M24
266 Bulldozer, tractor-mounting, T8E4 angebracht an M8E2
Tractor, high-speed, M8
(M8 High-Speed Tractor)
Tractor, high-speed, bulldozer M8E4
268 Truck, gun lifting, heavy, 4×4, front, M249
Truck, gun lifting, heavy, 4×4, rear, M250
269 Vehicle, combat engineer, T39E1
270 Truck, cargo, T44
271 Tractor, high-speed, wrecker, T4E1
272 Tractor, high-speed, wrecker, T6
273 Bulldozer, tank-mounting, M3E1 angebracht an M47
274 Vehicle, tank recovery, M61 (T51)
275 Tractor, cargo, T44
276 Bulldozer, tank-mounting, T16
277 Vehicle, landing, tracked, personnel, LVTP-5
278 Bulldozer, tank-mounting, T18E1
279 Carriage, motor, 155-mm howitzer, M44
280 Carrier, personnel, full tracked, armored, M59
(M59 APC)
Vehicle, tank recovery, M59 (T74)
281 Vehicle, tank recovery, medium, M74
284 Bulldozer, tank-mounting, T18
285 Trainer, tank, 90-mm gun, M20
286 Bulldozer, tank-mounting, M6 M47
287 Tank, medium, M48A2
Trainer, tank, M26
tank, M67A1, flame thrower
288 Carriage, motor, multiple, 106-mm, M50
(M50 Ontos)
289 Carraige, motor, 90-mm gun, M56
(M56 Scorpion)
291 Bulldozer, tank-mounting, M8A1 M48A2
292 Tank, M60
(M60 (Kampfpanzer))
293 Tractor, loader, missile, M501
294 Carrier, personnel, armored, M113
295 Carriage, motor, gun, M107
(M107 Self-propelled gun)
296 Carriage, motor, 105-mm howitzer, M108
(M108 (Panzerhaubitze))
Carriage, motor, 155-mm howitzer, M109
(M109 (Panzerhaubitze))
298 Vehicle, recovery, M88
(Bergepanzer 1)
299 Carrier, cargo, tracked, M116

G-300 – G-399

G-Nr. Bezeichnung Hersteller/Bemerkung Bild
300 Carrier, command and reconnaissance, M114
(M114 (Panzer))
Cadillac Motor Car Division
301 Vehicle, armored, bridge launcher, M60A1
(M60A1 Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge (AVLB))
303 Vehicle, combat engineer, M728
(Combat Engineer Vehicle M728)
305 Tank, medium, 90-mm gun, M48A3
(M48 (Kampfpanzer))
306 Bulldozer, tank-mounting, M9 angebracht an M60
307 Trainer, tank, 76-mm gun, M17 (M41) Trainingsgerät für M41 Walker Bulldog
309 Vehicle, recovery, light, M578
(Bergepanzer M578)
310 Vehicle, armored, reconnaissance, M551
(M551 Sheridan)
311 Simulator, tank, gunfire, M4
312 carrier, armored, personnel, M113
314 Bulldozer, tank-mounting, M8A2 angebracht am Kampfpanzer M48
315 Carriage, motor, 105-mm howitzer, M104
316 Tank, flame thrower, M67A2 Umgebauter Kampfpanzer M48
336 Tank, 152-mm gun, M60A1E2
353 Carrier, 1 1/2-ton, M759, cargo
355 Tank, medium, 105-mm gun, M48A4
(M48 (Kampfpanzer))
390 Carrier, missile, lance guided, M667
392 Car, armored, M706
393 M727 Carrier, Guided Missile, (Hawk)
394 Carrier, missile, guided, M730
395 Truck, 1/4-ton, utility, M606 Willys-Overland Motors
396 Tank, combat assault, M729

G-400 – G-499

Dieser Nummernkreis blieb ungenutzt.

G-500 – G-599

G-Nr. Bezeichnung Hersteller/Bemerkung Bild
501 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, amphibian, 1942
GMC, Model DUKW-353
502 Truck, 3/4-ton, 4x4, 1942-43, Ambulance Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-54
Truck, 3/4-ton, 4x4, 1942-43, Ambulance Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-64
Truck, 3/4-ton, 4x4, 1942-43, carryall Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-53
Truck, 3/4-ton, 4x4, 1942-43, command reconnaissance Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-56
Truck, 3/4-ton, 4x4, 1942-43, command reconnaissance, w/ winch Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-57
Truck, 3/4-ton, 4x4, 1942-43, emergency repair Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-60
Truck, 3/4-ton, 4x4, 1942-43, emergency repair, w/ winch Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-60
Truck, 3/4-ton, 4x4, 1942-43, radio Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-58
Truck, 3/4-ton, 4x4, 1942-43, telephone maintenance Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-59
Truck, 3/4-ton, 4x4, 1942-43, weapon carrier Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-51
Truck, 3/4-ton, 4x4, 1942-43, weapon carrier, w/ winch Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-52
503 Truck, 1/4-ton, 4x4, command reconnaissance Ford Motor Company, Model GP (1941)
Ford Motor Company, Model GPW (1942)
American Bantam, Model 40 (BRC)
Willys, Model MA-1941
Willys, Model MB1942-43
504 Truck, 1/4-ton, 4×4, amphibian Ford Motor Company, Model GPA
505 Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, command reconnaissance Dodge Brothers Company, Model VC-1
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, radio Dodge Brothers Company, Model VC-2
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, pickup, closed cab, w/ seats Dodge Brothers Company, Model VC-3
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, pickup, closed cab, w/o seats Dodge Brothers Company, Model VC-4
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, pickup, open cab, w/ bucket seats Dodge Brothers Company, Model VC-5
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, carryall Dodge Brothers Company, Model VC-6
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, express, closed cab, long. seats Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-1
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, express, open cab, (weapon carrier) Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-3
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, express, open cab, w/ winch (weapon carrier) Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-4
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, express, closed cab, no seats, emergency repair Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-5
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, command reconnaissance Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-6
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, command reconnaissance, w/ winch Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-7
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, radio reconnaissance Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-8
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, ambulance Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-9
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, carryall Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-10
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, panel Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-11
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, pickup, express, closed cab Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-12
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, pickup, open cab Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-13
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, pickup, closed cab, w/ bullet sealing tubes (emergency repair) Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-14
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, command reconnaissance Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-15
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, radio reconnaissance Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-16
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, carryall Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-17
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, ambulance DodDodge Brothers Companyge, Model WC-18
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, panel Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-19
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, chassis, closed cab Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-20
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, pickup, open cab (weapon carrier) Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-21
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, express, open cab (weapon carrier) Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-21
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, pickup, open cab, w/ winch (weapon carrier) Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-22
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, command reconnaissance Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-23
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, command reconnaissance, w/ winch Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-24
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, radio reconnaissance Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-25
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, carryall Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-26
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, ambulance Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-27
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, pickup, closed cab, emergency repair Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-40
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, chassis, closed cab Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-41
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, chassis, emergency repair Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-41
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, panel radio Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-42
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, telephone maintenence Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-43
506 Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, combination stake and platform, C.O.E. Chevrolet, Model G-4103-YX
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, combination stake and platform, C.O.E. (K-33) Chevrolet, Model G-4103-YX
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, combination stake and platform, C.O.E. (K-54) Chevrolet, Model G-4103-YX
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, panel Chevrolet, Model G-4105-ZP
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, airfield service Chevrolet, Model G-4112-YP
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, cargo Chevrolet, Model G-4112-YP
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, dump Chevrolet, Model G-4112-YP
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, panel Chevrolet, Model G-4112-YP
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, telephone maintenance, w/ winch and earth borer Chevrolet, Model G-4112-YP
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, tractor Chevrolet, Model G-4112-YP
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, cargo, long wheelbase Chevrolet, Model G-4112-YQ
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, crash truck Chevrolet, Model G-4112-ZP
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, chassis, w/ cab Chevrolet, Model G-4113-ZP
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, dump Chevrolet, Model G-4152-ZP
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, dump, w/ winch Chevrolet, Model G-4162-ZP
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, cargo, w/ winch Chevrolet, Model G-4163-ZP
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, tractor Chevrolet, Model G-4165-ZP
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, cargo, 175-inch wheelbase Chevrolet, Model G-4174-ZP
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, chassis, w/ cab Chevrolet, Model G-7103-NE
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, panel Chevrolet, Model G-7105-NG
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, dump Chevrolet, Model G-7106-NH
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, cargo Chevrolet, Model G-7107-NJ
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, tractor Chevrolet, Model G-7113-NK
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, dump w/ winch Chevrolet, Model G-7116-NL
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, cargo, w/ winch Chevrolet, Model G-7117-NM
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, combination stake and platform, C.O.E. Chevrolet, Model G-7123-NN
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, cargo, long wheelbase Chevrolet, Model G-7127
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, airfield crash Chevrolet, Model G-7133-NZ
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, telephone maintenance, w/ winch and earth borer Chevrolet, Model G-7163-NR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, telephone maintenance, w/ winch (K-42 / K-43) Chevrolet, Model G-7173-NS
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, turret trainer, type E-5 Chevrolet
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, field lightning (J-3 / J-4) Chevrolet
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, field lightning (J-5) Chevrolet
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, fire, class 135 Chevrolet
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, fire, class 300 Chevrolet
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, fire, class 525 Chevrolet
507 Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 6×6, personnel and cargo Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-62 (T223)
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 6×6, personnel and cargo Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-63 (T223)
508 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x4, cargo, stake and platform GMC, Model CCW-353 (1941)
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x4, cargo GMC, Model CCW-353 (1942)
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, cargo GMC, Model ACKWX-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, chassis GMC, Model ACKWX-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, stock rack GMC, Model ACKWX-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, wrecker GMC, Model ACKWX-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, cargo, C.O.E GMC, Model AFKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, cargo, C.O.E GMC, Model AFKWX-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, short wheelbase, cargo, w/o winch GMC, Model CCKW-352
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, short wheelbase, cargo, w/ winch, closed cab GMC, Model CCKW-352
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, short wheelbase, cargo, w/ winch, open cab GMC, Model CCKW-352
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, air compressor, closed cab GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, air compressor, open cab GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, long wheelbase, bomb service, M27 / M27B1 GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, cargo, w/o winch, closed cab GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, cargo, w/o winch, open cab GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, cargo, w/ winch, closed cab GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, cargo, w/ winch, open cab GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, chassis GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, long wheelbase, chemical service, M1 GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, long wheelbase, decontaminating GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, long wheelbase, dental operating, open cab GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, dump GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, fire, class 530, open cab GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, fuel tank, closed cab GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, fuel tank, open cab GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, map reproduction GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, repair shop GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, shop van GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, special ambulance GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, stock rack GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, oil servicing GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, long wheelbase, pipeline equipment, closed cab GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, long wheelbase, surgical, open cab GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, water purification GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, water tank, closed cab GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, water tank, open cab GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, wrecker GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, long wheelbase, van, closed cab (K-60) GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, long wheelbase, van, open cab (K-53) GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, long wheelbase, van type body, high lift, open cab GMC, Model CCKW-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, chassis, w/ winch GMC, Model CCKWX-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, cargo GMC, Model CCKWX-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, dump GMC, Model CCKWX-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, water purification GMC, Model CCKWX-353
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, long wheelbase, wrecker GMC, Model CCKWX-353
509 Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, cargo, w/ winch Diamond T, Model 967
Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, cargo, w/ winch Diamond T, Model 968
Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, cargo Diamond T, Model 968A
Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, chassis Diamond T, Model 968A
Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, cargo Diamond T, Model 968B
Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, wrecker, closed cab Diamond T, Model 969
Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, wrecker, open cab Diamond T, Model 969
Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, wrecker, closed cab Diamond T, Model 969A
Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, wrecker, open cab Diamond T, Model 969A
Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, wrecker Diamond T, Model 969B
Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, ponton, w/ winch Diamond T, Model 970
Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, ponton Diamond T, Model 970A
Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, dump Diamond T, Model 972
Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, distributor, asphalt Diamond T
Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, distributor, water Diamond T
Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, flat bed Diamond T
Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, truck-tractor Diamond T
Truck, 4-ton, 6x6, van, map reproduction equipment Diamond T
510 Truck, 4- to 5-ton, 4x4, C.O.E., tractor, closed cab Autocar, Model U-7144-T
Truck, 4- to 5-ton, 4x4, C.O.E., tractor, open cab Autocar, Model U-7144-T
511 Truck, 5- to 6-ton, 4×4, C.O.E., ponton tractor, closed cab Autocar, Model U-8144-T
Truck, 5- to 6-ton, 4×4, C.O.E., ponton tractor, open cab Autocar, Model U-8144-T
Truck, 5- to 6-ton, 4×4, C.O.E., tractor, w/ winch Autocar, Model U-8144-T
Truck, 5- to 6-ton, 4×4, C.O.E., van Autocar, Model U-8144
Truck, 5- to 6-ton, 4×4, C.O.E., wood body, soft top cab Autocar, Model U-8144
512 Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, cargo Corbitt Company, Model 50SD6
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, chassis Corbitt Company, Model 50SD6
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, gas tank, 2000 gal. Corbitt Company, Model 50SD6
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, prime mover Corbitt Company, Model 50SD6
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, tractor Corbitt Company, Model 50SD6
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, van Corbitt Company, Model 50SD6
513 Truck, 4- to 5-ton, 4×4, C.O.E., tractor Federal, Model 94×43A
Truck, 4- to 5-ton, 4×4, C.O.E., tractor Federal, Model 94×43B
Truck, 4- to 5-ton, 4×4, C.O.E., tractor Federal, Model 94×43C
514 Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, cargo White Motor Company, Model 666
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, chassis White Motor Company, Model 666
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, gas tank, 2000 gal. White Motor Company, Model 666
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, prime mover White Motor Company, Model 666
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, tractor White Motor Company, Model 666
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, van White Motor Company, Model 666
515 Trailer, 1/2-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo, van A. J. Miller (Auto Cruiser Trailer Company)
516 Trailer, 1/2-ton payload, 4-wheel, tandem axle, mobile command post A. J. Miller (Auto Cruiser Trailer Company), Model CP-1
517 Trailer, 1-ton payload, 4-ton gross, 2-wheel, communications A. J. Miller (Auto Cruiser Trailer Company), Model K-19 Special
518 Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, antenna mount, V1-15/T Superior Coach Corporation
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo American Bantam
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo American Scheetmetal
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Ben Hur, Model 41-33
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Ben Hur, Model 41-120
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Ben Hur, Model Lavine G 40-17
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Century Boat Works
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Checker, Model CC-5
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Dorsey
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Gerstenslager, Model A
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Henney
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Hercules Body
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Highland Body
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Hobbs
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Mifflinburg
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Naborn
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Nash-Kelvinator, Model A
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Olsen
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Omaha Std. Body
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Queen City
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Redman
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Saginaw, Model G-3
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Steel Products
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Stewart Bennet
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Streich U.S.
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Strick
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Transport Equipment
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Truck Engineering Corporation
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Utility
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Willys-Overland
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Winter-Weiss
519 Bicycle, military, men's, M305 Westfield, Serie MF und MG
Bicycle, military, women's, M306 Westfield, Serie MF und MG
520 Car, 5-passenger, light sedan, 4-door Chevrolet, Model KB
Car, 5-passenger, light sedan, 4-door Chevrolet, Model 1503-AG
Car, 5-passenger, light sedan, 4-door Chevrolet, Model 1503-BG
Car, 5-passenger, light sedan, 4-door Chevrolet, Model 1503-GJ
Car, 5-passenger, light sedan, 4-door Chevrolet, Model 1553-GJ
521 Car, 5-passenger, light sedan Plymouth, Model P9
Car, 5-passenger, light sedan Plymouth, Model P11
Car, 5-passenger, light sedan Plymouth, Model P12
Car, 5-passenger, light sedan Plymouth, Model P14
Car, 5-passenger, light sedan Plymouth, Model P15S
Car, 5-passenger, light sedan Plymouth, Model P18
522 Car, 5-passenger, sedan Ford, Model O1A
Car, 5-passenger, sedan Ford, Model 1GA73A
Car, 5-passenger, sedan Ford, Model 11A73A / 11A73B / 11A73C
Car, 5-passenger, sedan Ford, Model 2GA73A / 2GA73B / 2GA73C
Car, 5-passenger, sedan Ford, Model 21A73A / 21A73B / 21A73C
Car, 5-passenger, sedan Ford, Model 98HA
523 Motorcycle, chain drive, solo Harley-Davidson, Model 40 WLA
Motorcycle, chain drive, solo, 45-cu. in. Harley-Davidson, Model 40 WLA
Motorcycle, chain drive, solo, 74-cu. in. Harley-Davidson, Model 40 UA
Motorcycle, chain drive, side car Harley-Davidson, Model 40 LE
Motorcycle, chain drive, solo Harley-Davidson, Model 41 WLA
Motorcycle, chain drive, solo, 45-cu. in. Harley-Davidson, Model 41-42 WLA
Motorcycle, chain drive, twin solo, 45-cu. in. Harley-Davidson, Model 40-41 WLA
Motorcycle, chain drive, solo Harley-Davidson, Model 42 WLA
524 Motorcycle, chain drive, w/ side car Indian Motorcycle Company, Model 340
Motorcycle, chain drive, solo Indian, Model 340B
Motorcycle, chain drive, solo, 45-cu. in. Indian, Model 640
Motorcycle, chain drive, solo, 45-cu. in. Indian, Model 640B
Motorcycle, chain drive, solo Indian, Model 741B
525 Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10 1/2-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination animal and cargo Highway, Model SKD-1815
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10 1/2-ton gross, 2-wheel, van Highway, Model SKD-2215
526 Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, cargo, open cab White Motor Company, Model 666
527 Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, water tank, 250 gal. Ben Hur, Model KWT
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, water tank, 250-gal. Checker, Model CC-1
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, water tank, 250-gal. Checker, Model CC-1A
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, water tank, 250-gal. Checker, Model CC-1B
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, water tank, 250-gal. Checker, Model CC-1C
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, water tank, 250-gal. Springfield Wagon and Trailer, Model SWT (T1-250)
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, water tank, 250-gal. City Tank
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, water tank, 250-gal. David Welding
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, water tank, 250-gal. Fayette, Model 25
Trailer, 1-ton payload, 2-wheel, water tank, 250-gal. Lavine, Model KWT
528 Truck, 10-ton, 6x4, cargo, tank Mack, Model NR
Truck, 10-ton, 6x4, cargo Mack, Model N6
Truck, 10-ton, 6x4, cargo Mack, Model N7
Truck, 10-ton, 6x4, cargo Mack, Model N8
Truck, 10-ton, 6x4, cargo Mack, Model N9
Truck, 10-ton, 6x4, cargo Mack, Model N10
529 Trailer, 1/4-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo A Black
Trailer, 1/4-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo American Bantam Car Company, Model T-3
Trailer, 1/4-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Checker Cab
Trailer, 1/4-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Converto
Trailer, 1/4-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Fruehauf Trailer Company
Trailer, 1/4-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Pacific Car
Trailer, 1/4-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Springfield
Trailer, 1/4-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Strick
Trailer, 1/4-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Transportation Equipment
Trailer, 1/4-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Utility
Trailer, 1/4-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo Willys-Overland Motors, Model MBT, Amphibian
Trailer, 1/4-ton payload, 2-wheel, telephone cable splicer York Hoover Body Corporation, Model K-38
530 Semitrailer 3 1/2-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination stake and platform Black Diamond, Model T-118
Semitrailer 3 1/2-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination stake and platform Black Diamond, Model T-118-A
531 Truck, 4-ton, 4x4, cargo Four Wheel Drive Company, Model HAR-1
532 Truck, 7 1/2-ton, 6x6, prime mover Mack, Model NO
533 Bus, 5- to 6-ton, 4×2, 37-passenger Mack, Model EH
Truck, 5-ton, 4x2, chassis, conventional cab Mack, Model EH
Truck, 5-ton, 4x2, cargo Mack, Model EH
Truck, 5-ton, 4x2, chassis and cab Mack, Model EHT
Truck, 5-ton, 4x2, tractor, conventional cab Mack, Model EHT
Truck, 5-ton, 4x2, chassis, C.O.E. Mack, Model EHU
Truck, 5-ton, 4x2, tractor, C.O.E. Mack, Model EHUT
Truck, 5-ton, 4x2, tractor Mack Manufacturing Corporation, Model EMUT
534 Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, van, textile repair van Carter Manufacturing Company, Model C-15-531 D
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, van, special convertible van Carter Manufacturing Company, Model C-15-531 DR
535 Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, prime mover, w/o winch Mack, Model NM-1
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, prime mover, w/ winch Mack, Model NM-1
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, prime mover, w/o winch Mack, Model NM-2
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, prime mover, w/ winch Mack, Model NM-2
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, prime mover, w/o winch Mack, Model NM-3
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, prime mover, w/ winch Mack, Model NM-3
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, prime mover, w/o winch Mack, Model NM-5
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, prime mover, w/ winch Mack, Model NM-5
536 Truck, 5-ton, tractor Autocar Company
537 Trailer, 5- to 6-ton payload, 4-wheel, cargo Hobbs
538 Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, laundry van Lufkin, Model D-1346
539 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4x2, dump Federal Motor Truck Company, Model 2G
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4x2, telephone construction and maintenance Federal Motor Truck Company, Model 2G
540 Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, cargo Ford, Model G8T
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, chassis Ford, Model G8T
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, combination stake and platform Ford, Model G8T
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, cargo Ford, Model O1T
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, dump Ford, Model O1T
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, combination stake and platform Ford, Model O1W86
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, cargo Ford, Model 2G8T
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, combination stake and platform Ford, Model 2G8T
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, tractor Ford, Model 2G8T
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, combination stake and platform Ford, Model 2GT
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, cargo Ford, Model 2GT
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, dump Ford, Model 2GT
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, panel Ford, Model 2GT
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, tractor Ford, Model 2GT
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, combination stake and platform Ford, Model 2GT-86
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, dump Ford, Model 2GT-86
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, tractor Ford, Model 2GT-86
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, cargo Ford, Model 11-T
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, dump Ford, Model 11-T-80
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, combination stake and platform Ford, Model 11-T-80
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, panel Ford, Model 11-W
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, combination stake and platform Ford, Model 018T
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, combination stake and platform Ford, Model 19T
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, platform (firefighting) Ford, Model 29T80
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, repair shop, C.O.E. Ford, Model 29W81
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, cargo Ford, Model 094T
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, bus Ford, Model 194T
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, combination stake and platform Ford, Model 218TF
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, panel delivery Ford, Model 134-inch (W.B.)
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, platform Ford, Model 134-inch (W.B.)
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, chassis Ford, Model 134-inch (W.B.)
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, chassis, C.O.E. Ford, Model 134-inch (W.B.)
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, chassis, w/ conventional cab Ford, Model 134-inch (W.B.)
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, fire, class 135 Ford
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4x2, fire, class 500 Ford
541 Bus, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, 37-passenger International Harvester Company, Model K7
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, cargo International Harvester Company, Model K7
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, chassis International Harvester Company, Model K7
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, dump International Harvester Company, Model K7
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, combination stake and platform International Harvester Company, Model K7
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, dump International Harvester Company, Model KR7
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, tractor International Harvester Company, Model KR7R
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, tractor International Harvester Company, Model KR8R
542 Truck, 5-ton, 4x2, cargo International Harvester Company, Model KR11
Truck, 5-ton, 4x2, dump International Harvester Company, Model KR11
Truck, 5-ton, 4x2, tractor International Harvester Company, Model KR11
543 Trailer, 1-ton payload, cargo American Bantam
544 Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 1-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Black Diamond
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 1-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Carter
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 1-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Edward Iron Works, Model D-11-B
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 1-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Gramm, Model SC-600
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 1-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Highway Trailer Company
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 1-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Hyde
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 1-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Kentucky
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 1-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Lufkin
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 1-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Naborn
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 1-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Pointer Willamette
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 1-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Utility
545 Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, van Olson, Model LV-10
546 Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Naborn, Model GC-1
547 Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, bridge ponton, w/ winch Brockway Motor Company, Model B666
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, chassis, w/ quickway crane, w/ winch Brockway Motor Company, Model B666
Truck, 6-ton, 6x6, firde, class 155 Brockway Motor Company, Model B666
548 Ambulance 3/4-ton, 4x2, metropolitan Cadillac-Superior, Model 51-86
549 Ambulance 3/4-ton, 4x2, metropolitan Packard-Henney, Model 4294 HDA
Ambulance 3/4-ton, 4x2, metropolitan Packard-Henney, Model 2213-9
550 Car, 8-passenger, 4×2 (station wagon) Pontiac, Model Superior 62
551 Scooter, motor, w/ side car Cushman, Model 32
552 Truck, 3/4-ton, 4×4, amphibian Amphibian Company
553 Truck, 1 1/2- to 3-ton, 4×4, C.O.E, auger GMC, Model CCK 353
Truck, 1 1/2- to 3-ton, 4×4, C.O.E, air compresssor GMC, Model AFKX-352
Truck, 1 1/2- to 3-ton, 4×4, C.O.E, arms repair GMC, Model AFKX-352
Truck, 1 1/2- to 3-ton, 4×4, C.O.E, repair shop GMC, Model AFKX-352
554 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, cargo Diamond T, Model 614
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, dump Diamond T, Model 614
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, telephone maintenance Diamond T, Model 614
555 Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, stake Federal, Model 55-T
Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, combination stake and platform, w/ winch Federal, Model 55-U
Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, combination stake and platform, w/o winch Federal, Model 55-V
Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, dump Federal, Model 55-W
Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, dump Federal, Model 55-X
Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, cargo Federal, Model 55-Y
Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, combination stake and platform, w/ winch Federal, Model 55-Z
556 Truck, 8-ton, 6×4, tractor Corbitt Company, Model 40-SD-6
557 Truck, 10-ton, 4×2, dump Mack, Model FG
558 Semitrailer, 200-gal., gas tank Fruehauf, Model 02-DF Special
559 Semitrailer, 2-ton payload, 4-ton gross, 4-wheel, tandem axle, van A. J. Miller (Auto Cruiser Trailer Company), Model K-55
560 Semitrailer, 3-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, van Checker, Model CC-3
Semitrailer 3 1/2-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination stake and platform Checker, Model CC-4
561 Semitrailer, 3-ton payload, 2-wheel, van Gramm, Model DF-40
562 Semitrailer, 3 1/2-ton payload, 2-wheel, combination stake and platform Checker, Model CC-4
563 Semitrailer, 3 1/2-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination stake and platform Dorsey, Model D-8
564 Semitrailer, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination stake and platform Hobbs, Model 5DF
Semitrailer, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination stake and platform Hobbs, Model DF18
565 Semitrailer, 3 1/2-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination stake and platform Kingham Trailer Company, Model H-30-S
566 Semitrailer, 3-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, van Truck Engineering, Model 2 SF
567 Semitrailer, 3 1/2-ton payloas, 6-ton gross, 2.wheel, combination stake and platform Utility Trailer Manufacturing Company, Model G-SW-2
568 Semitrailer, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination stake and platform, Winter-Wiess Winter-Weiss, Model S-32-W
Semitrailer, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination stake and platform, Winter-Wiess Winter-Weiss, Model S-32-WA
Semitrailer, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination stake and platform, Winter-Wiess Winter-Weiss, Model S-32-WB
569 Semitrailer, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, shoe repair Gerstenslager, Model W-8120
570 Semitrailer, 3-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, van Carolina, Model M-2-A
571 Semitrailer, 3-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, van Steel Products, Model BSV
572 Semitrailer, 7-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Highway Trailer Company, Model SKD-2159
573 Semitrailer, 5-ton payload, 2-wheel, clothing repair van Rivers
574 Semitrailer, 5-ton payload, 2-wheel, pole Dorsey, Model L
575 Semitrailer, 5-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, refrigerator van American Body, Model DF-73R
Semitrailer, 5-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, refrigerator van Hyde
Semitrailer, 5-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, refrigerator van Watson
576 Semitrailer, 5-ton payload, 4-wheel, van Oneonta Linn Corporation, Model K-55
577 Semitrailer, 5-ton payload, 2-wheel, refrigerator van Trailer Company of America, Model TD-42
578 Semitrailer, 8-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination stake and platform Mack, Model ST-20
579 Semitrailer, 3-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, van Gramm
Semitrailer, 3-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, van Highway, Model SKD-1742-A
Semitrailer, 3-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, chemical warfare van Highway, Model SKD-2043
Semitrailer, 3-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination stake and platform Highway, Model SKD-2030
Semitrailer, 3-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination stake and platform Highway, Model SKD-2267
Semitrailer, 3-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, van Highway, Model SKD-2269
580 Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 2-wheel, combination animal and cargo Trailer Company of America, Model TD-32-G
581 Semitrailer, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination atake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS220S
Semitrailer, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination atake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS222
Semitrailer, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination atake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS223
Semitrailer, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination atake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS224
Semitrailer, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination atake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS224S
Semitrailer, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination atake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS225
Semitrailer, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination atake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS226
Semitrailer, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination atake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS226S
Semitrailer, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination atake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS227
Semitrailer, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination atake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS228S
Semitrailer, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination atake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS229
Semitrailer, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination atake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS230S
Semitrailer, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination atake and platform Springfield, Model 939
582 Semitrailer, 3 1/2-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination atake and platform Strick, Model 300
Semitrailer, 3 1/2-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 2-wheel, combination atake and platform Strick, Model 300-18
583 Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 2-wheel, copying camera, map reproduction Travelcar, Model 20-A
584 Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, combination stake and platform Gramm Motor Truck & Trailer Corporation, Model DF-75
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, laundry Gramm Motor Truck & Trailer Corporation, Model DF-75
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, van Gramm Motor Truck & Trailer Corporation, Model DF-75
585 Motorcycle, shaft drive, solo Harley-Davidson, Model 42-XA
586 Semitrailer, 10-ton, textile repair van Gramm Motor and Trailer Company
587 Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, textile repair van Kentucky, Model 4QB
588 Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, textile repair van Utility Trailer Manufacturing Company, Model G-SW4
589 Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, sterilization and bath van Hyde, Model 22-S
590 Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, sterilization and bath Strick, Model 400
591 Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, clothing repair Rivers Body Factory
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, clothing repair Timpte Brothers, Model T-8
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, laundry Timpte Brothers, Model T-8
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, shoe repair Timpte Brothers, Model T-8
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, sterilization and bath Timpte Brothers, Model T-8
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, textile repair Timpte Brothers, Model T-8
592 Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 2-wheel, laundry Trailer Company of America, Model B34H
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 2-wheel, mobile records Trailer Company of America, Model B34H
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 2-wheel, shoe repair Trailer Company of America, Model B34H
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 2-wheel, sterilization and bath Trailer Company of America, Model B34H
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 2-wheel, van Trailer Company of America, Model B34H
593 Semitrailer, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, van Centry, Model TA
594 Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, van Highway Trailer Company, Model SKD-2181
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, van Highway Trailer Company, Model SKD-2270
595 Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Gramm Truck & Trailer Corporation
596 Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Carter Mfg. Company
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Edwards Iron Works
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Gramm Motor Truck & Trailer Corporation
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Highway Trailer Company
TM 9-2800 Standard Military Motor Vehicles, Seite 500.[2]
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Hyde Corporation
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Kentucky Mfg. Corporation
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Lufkin Foundry & Machine Company
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo W. C. Nabors Company
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Pointer Willamette Company
Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Whitehead & Kales Company
597 Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, cargo Carter, Model C-11-691
598 Semitrailer, 7-ton payload, 2-wheel, combination stake and platform Whitehead & Kales, Model SBE
599 Semitrailer, 11-ton gross, 2-wheel, refrigerator van Hyde, Model KR 20

G-600 – G-699

G-Nr. Bezeichnung Hersteller/Bemerkung Bild
600 Semitrailer, 7 1/2-ton payload, 12-ton gross, 2-wheel, low bed American Body & Trailer Company, Model HQD-ES-No. 696
Semitrailer, 7 1/2-ton payload, 12-ton gross, 2-wheel, low bed Hobbs, Model S-12-LS
Semitrailer, 7 1/2-ton payload, 12-ton gross, 2-wheel, low bed Lufkin Foundry, Model HQD-ES-No. 696
Semitrailer, 7 1/2-ton payload, 12-ton gross, 2-wheel, low bed Steel Products, Model HQD-ES-No. 696
Semitrailer, 7 1/2-ton payload, 12-ton gross, 2-wheel, low bed Truck Engineering, Model 4DFX
601 Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 2-whee, combination stake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS-124
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 2-whee, combination stake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS-224
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 2-whee, combination stake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS-226
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 2-whee, combination stake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS-226S
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 2-whee, combination stake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS-227
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 2-whee, combination stake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS-228S
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 2-whee, combination stake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS-229
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 2-whee, combination stake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS-230S
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 2-whee, combination stake and platform Fruehauf, Model WLS-939-Springfield
602 Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 2-wheel, low bed Highway Trailer Company, Model SKD-2235
603 Semitrailer, 12 1/2-ton payload, 4-wheel, van Fruehauf Trailer Company, Model FFLT 226-DF
Semitrailer, 12 1/2-ton payload, 4-wheel, van Fruehauf Trailer Company, Model FLT-2225
604 Semitrailer, 22 1/2-ton payload, 28 1/2-ton gross, 4-wheel, low bed Trailer Company of America, Model D-22 1/2
605 Trailer 1/2-ton payload, 2-wheel, public address van Bartlett, Model PA-2
Trailer 1/2-ton payload, 2-wheel, public address van Streich, Model V-1642
Trailer 1/2-ton payload, 2-wheel, public address van Streich, Model V-3642
Trailer 1/2-ton payload, 2-wheel, public address van Streich, Model V-12342
606 Trailer, 1/2-ton payload, 2-wheel, 2-horse van A. J. Miller
Trailer, 1/2-ton payload, 2-wheel, 2-horse van Bartlett Mfg. Company
Trailer, 1/2-ton payload, 2-wheel, 2-horse van Porto Products
Trailer, 1/2-ton payload, 2-wheel, 2-horse van Schult Plimpton
607 Trailer, 4-ton payload, 4-wheel, van Superior, Model R-H-4
608 Trailer, 5-ton payload, low bed, refrigerator van American Body, Model DF-73-R
609 Trailer, 5-ton payload, 4-wheel, van Corbitt Company, Modell T-15
610 Trailer, 20-ton payload, 6-wheel, low platform Jahn, Model LKD-620
611 Bicycle, motor (serviceycle) Simplex, Model G-A-1
612 Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, carryall Chevrolet, Model KC
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, canopy express Chevrolet, Model KC
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, panel Chevrolet, Model KC
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, pickup Chevrolet, Model KC
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, telephone maintenence Chevrolet, Model KC
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, chassis Chevrolet, Model 3103
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, telephone maintenence Chevrolet, Model 3103
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, pickup Chevrolet, Model 3104
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, panel Chevrolet, Model 3105
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, canopy express Chevrolet, Model 3107
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, carryall Chevrolet, Model 3116
613 Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, carryall Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-36
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, panel Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-37
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, express, pickup Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-38
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, telephone maintenence Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-39
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, pickup and express Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-47
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, carryall Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-48
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, panel Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-49
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, telephone installation Dodge Brothers Company, Model WC-50
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, fire, class 325 Dodge Brothers Company
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, fire, class 525 Dodge Brothers Company
614 Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, amphibian Ampühibian Company, Model XAC-2
615 Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, pickup, carryall Ford, Model 2GC (6-Zylinder)
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×4, pickup, carryall Ford, Model 2GC (8-Zylinder)
616 Truck, 3/4-ton, 4×2, pickup Chevrolet, Model KE
Truck, 3/4-ton, 4×2, pickup Chevrolet, Model KD
Truck, 3/4-ton, 4×2, pickup Chevrolet, Model 3604-BL
Truck, 3/4-ton, 4×2, panel Chevrolet, Model 3605-BL
617 Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, ambulance Chevrolet, Model 4105WA
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, cargo Chevrolet, Model 4105WA
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, canopy express Chevrolet, Model 4105WA
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, combination stake and platform Chevrolet, Model 4105WA
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, dump Chevrolet, Model 4105WA
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, panel Chevrolet, Model 4105WA
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, pickup Chevrolet, Model 4105WA
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, tractor Chevrolet, Model 4105WA
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, combination stake and platform Chevrolet, Model WB
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, dump Chevrolet, Model 4103-MR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, gas tank Chevrolet, Model 4103-MR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, tractor Chevrolet, Model 4103-MR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, cargo Chevrolet, Model 4103-YR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, chassis Chevrolet, Model 4103-YR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, dump Chevrolet, Model 4103-YR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, tractor Chevrolet, Model 4103-YR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, pickup Chevrolet, Model 4104-YR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, pickup Chevrolet, Model 4104-MR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, ambulance Chevrolet, Model 4105-YR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, panel Chevrolet, Model 4105-YR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, panel Chevrolet, Model 4105-MR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, canopy express Chevrolet, Model 4107-MR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, canopy express Chevrolet, Model 4105-YR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, combination stake and platform, w/ bows, tarpaulin Chevrolet, Model 4109-YR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, combination stake and platform Chevrolet, Model 4109-MR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, station wagon Chevrolet, Model 4112-YR
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, chassis, w/ cowl Chevrolet, Model 4402
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, cargo, w/ cab Chevrolet, Model 4403
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, chassis, w/ cab Chevrolet, Model 4403
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, dump Chevrolet, Model 4403-MS
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, platform, w/ cab Chevrolet, Model 4408
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, combination stake and platform, long wheelbase Chevrolet, Model 4409
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, combination stake and platform Chevrolet, Model 4409-YS
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, chassis, w/ cowl Chevrolet, Model 4412
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, tractor, C.O.E. Chevrolet, Model 5103
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, fire, class 300 Chevrolet
618 Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, cargo Dodge Brothers Company, Model VF-31
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, chassis Dodge Brothers Company, Model WF-31
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, dump Dodge Brothers Company, Model WF-31
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, tractor Dodge Brothers Company, Model WF-31
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, cargo Dodge Brothers Company, Model WF-32
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, fire, pumper Dodge Brothers Company
Equipment by W.S. Darley Corporation
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, fire, pumper Dodge Brothers Company
Hahn Motor Truck Company
619 Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4 Ford
620 Truck 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, cargo GMC, Model ACX-353
Truck 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, cargo GMC, Model AC-100
Truck 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, cargo GMC, Model AF-240
Truck 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, panel delivery GMC, Model AF-240
Truck 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, cargo GMC, Model CC-11
Truck 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, cargo GMC, Model CC-302
Truck 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, dump GMC, Model CC-302
Truck 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, cargo GMC, Model CF-300
Truck 1 1/2-ton, 4×2, van, C.O.E. GMC, Model CF-351
621 Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, cargo Dodge Brothers Company, Model VF-401
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, cargo, w/ winch Dodge Brothers Company, Model VF-402
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, dump Dodge Brothers Company, Model VF-403
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, cargo Dodge Brothers Company, Model VF-404
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, cargo, w/ winch Dodge Brothers Company, Model VF-405
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, dump Dodge Brothers Company, Model VF-406
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, ambulance Dodge Brothers Company, Model VF-407
622 Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, cargo (box bed), w/ rear duals Ford Motor Company, Model GTB
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, cargo (box bed), w/ rear duals Ford Motor Company, Model GTBA
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, wrecker, w/ hoist boom Ford Motor Company, Model GTBB
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, bomb service Ford Motor Company, Model GTBC
Truck, 1 1/2-ton, 4×4, bomb service Ford Motor Company, Model GTBS
623 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, combination stake and platform GMC, Model AC-355
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, combination stake and platform GMC, Model AC-500
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, dump GMC, Model ACX-453
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, tractor GMC, Model ACX-503
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, cargo GMC, Model AF-500
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, tractor, C.O.E. GMC, Model AF-500
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, combination stake and platform GMC, Model CC-453
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, cargo GMC, Model CC-453
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, canopy express GMC, Model CC-453
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, dump GMC, Model CCX-453
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, combination stake and platform GMC, Model CCX-454
624 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, dump Mack Manufacturing Corporation, Model EES
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, cargo Mack, Model EG
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, combination stake and platform Mack, Model EG
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, dump Mack, Model EG
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, oil tank Mack, Model EHS
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, water sprinkler Mack, Model EHS
625 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, cargo REO, Model BHHS
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×2, dump REO, Model XHHS
626 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×4, C.O.E., oil service Autocar, Model U-2044
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×4, C.O.E., oil service Autocar, Model U-4044
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×4, oil service Autocar, Model U-4144
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×4, tractor Autocar, Model U-4144
627 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 4×4, tractor, C.O.E. GMC, Model AFKX-502
628 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×4, C.O.E., cargo GMC, Model AFWX-354
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×4, C.O.E., searchlight GMC, Model AFWX-354
629 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×4, C.O.E. Mack, Model NB
630 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×4, short wheelbase, tractor Studebaker, Model US 6×4
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×4, long wheelbase, cargo, w/o winch Studebaker, Model US 6×4
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×4, long wheelbase, cargo, w/ winch Studebaker, Model US 6×4
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, short wheelbase, cargo, w/o winch Studebaker, Model US 6 (6×6)
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, short wheelbase, cargo, w/ winch Studebaker, Model US 6 (6×6)
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, long wheelbase, cargo, w/o winch Studebaker, Model US 6 (6×6)
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, long wheelbase, cargo, w/ winch Studebaker, Model US 6 (6×6)
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, dump, side Studebaker, Model US 6 (6×6)
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, dump, rear Studebaker, Model US 6 (6×6)
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, gasoline tank, 750 gal. Studebaker, Model US 6 (6×6)
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, refrigerator Studebaker, Model US 6 (6×6)
631 Motorcycle, shaft drive, solo Indian, Model 841
632 Truck, 4-ton, 4×4, C.O.E., van GMC, Model AFKX-804
633 Truck, 4-ton, 6×6, cargo, w/ winch White Motor Company, Model 950×6
Truck, 4-ton, 6×6, wrecker White Motor Company, Model 950×6
634 Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, dump Autocar, Model C-50
635 Truck, 5-ton, 4×4, C.O.E., tractor Autocar, Model U5044
636 Truck, 5-ton, 6×4 GMC, Model CCW-353
637 Truck, 5-ton, 6×4, cargo International Harvester Company, Model M5-6
638 Truck, 5- to 6-ton, 4×4, C.O.E., cargo Four Wheel Drive, Model SU-COE
639 Truck, 5- to 6-ton, 4×4, C.O.E., tractor, ponton Mack, Model NJU-1
Truck, 5- to 6-ton, 4×4, C.O.E., tractor, topographical Mack, Model NJU-2
640 Truck, 6-ton, 4×2, dump Mack, Model FPD
641 Truck, 7 1/2-ton, 6×6, tractor Minneapolis-Moline, model GTX
642 Truck, 10-ton, 6×4, prime mover White Motor Company, Model 1064
643 Truck, 7 1/2-ton, 6×6, cargo Hug, Model 51-6
644 Bus, sedan, 15-passenger, converted type GMC (Chassis)
Packard (Body)
Car, 5-passenger, medium sedan Packard, Model 1803
Car, 5-passenger, medium sedan Packard, Model 1903
Car, 5-passenger, medium sedan Packard, Model 2003
646 Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, carryall GMC, Model AC-101
Truck, 1/2-ton, 4×2, pickup GMC, Model AC-101
647 Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, dump GMC, Model AC-723
Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, combination stake and platform GMC, Model AC-725
Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, dump GMC, Model AC-803
Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, combination stake and platform GMC, Model AC-805
648 Truck, 20-ton, 6×4, Diesel, tractor, w/o winch Federal, Model 604
Truck, 20-ton, 6×4, Diesel, tractor, w/ winch Federal, Model 604
649 Truck, 5- to 6-Ton, 4×4, timber hauling tractor Four Wheel Drive, Model CU
650 Truck, 2-ton, 4×2, fire, 750 gal. per Minute, class 750 Mack, Model 70
651 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, cargo International Harvester Company, Model M5-6
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, dump International Harvester Company, Model M5-6
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, fire International Harvester Company, Model M5-6
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, pipeline International Harvester Company, Model M5-6
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, tanker International Harvester Company, Model M5-6
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, telephone International Harvester Company, Model M5-6
652 Truck, 5-ton, 6×4, chassis Mack, Model LMSW
Truck, 5-ton, 6×4, wrecker, w/ winch Mack, Model LMSW
653 Master parts book Autocar
654 Master parts book Chevrolet
655 Master parts book GMC
656 Master parts book Studebaker
657 Master parts book Dodge Brothers Company
658 Master parts book Ford
659 Master parts book International Harvester Company
660 Trailer, ammunition, M10 Fruehauf Trailer Company
661 Trailer, 2 1/2-ton payload, 6 1/2-ton gross, 4-wheel, van A. J. Miller (Auto Cruiser Trailer Company), Model K-72
662 Cart, 2-wheel, jungle A. J. Miller (Auto Cruiser Trailer Company)
663 Semitrailer, 6 1/2-ton gross, 2-wheel, pipe Fruehauf Trailer Company, Model P-2F
664 Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, van Gerstenslager Company, Model W8125
665 Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, van, knockdown body American Body, Model DF233V
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, van, knockdown body Carter, Model C15935A
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, van, knockdown body Dorsey, Model E14
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, van, knockdown body Kentucky, Model 1-ORD
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, van, knockdown body Olsen, Model KV10
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, van, knockdown body Strick, Model 400W
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, van, knockdown body Timpte, Model T8D
Semitrailer, 6-ton payload, 10-ton gross, 2-wheel, van, knockdown body Utility, Model GSW4
666 Truck, 12-ton, COE, stake, GMC
667 Semitrailer, 12-ton, flat bed, Fruehauf trailer co.
668 Semitrailer, 12-ton, flat bed, Steel Products
669 Truck, 6-ton, 6×6, cargo White Motor Company, Model 666-LMB
670 Truck, 4-ton, 6×6. Dump, REO
671 Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, tractor, C.O.E., M425 International Harvester, Model H542-9
Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, tractor, C.O.E., M426 International Harvester, Model H542-11
Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, tractor, C.O.E., M426 Marmon-Herrington, Model H542-11
Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, tractor, C.O.E., M426 Kenworth, Model H542-11
672 Scooter, motor, 3-wheel Cushman, Model 39
673 Motorcycle, chain drive, Indian
674 Motorcycle, chain drive, Indian
675 Semitrailer, 5-ton, combination stake and platform Olson Mfg. Company, Model 516
Semitrailer, 5-ton, combination stake and platform Trailmobile, Model 516
Semitrailer, 5-ton, combination stake and platform Truck Engineering Corporation, Model 516
676 Dolly, 10-ton, 2-wheel, trailer converter, M365 Springfield Auto Works
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform A. J. Miller
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform American Body
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform Carter
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform Coleman
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform Dorsey
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform Fruehauf Trailer Company
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform Highway
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform Keystone
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform Kreiger Steel
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform Omaha Std. Body
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform Oneida
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform Pike
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform Queen City Trailer
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform Springfield Trailer
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform Strick
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform Timpte
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform Trailer Company of America
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform Utility
Semitrailer, 10-ton payload, 14-ton gross, 2-wheel, stake and platform Winter-Weiss
677 Semitrailer, 11-ton, 2-wheel, 28-feet, van Kentucky Mfg. Company, Model C
678 Semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-wheel, gasoline tank, 2000 gal. Davis Welding, Model ST62M
Semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-wheel, gasoline tank, 2000 gal. Heil Company
Semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-wheel, gasoline tank, 2000 gal. Lufkin, Model ST62M
Semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-wheel, gasoline tank, 2000 gal. Keystone, Model ST62M
Semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-wheel, gasoline tank, 2000 gal. Krieger Steel, Model ST62M
Semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-wheel, gasoline tank, 2000 gal. Independent, Model ST62M
Semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-wheel, gasoline tank, 2000 gal. Progress, Model ST62M
679 Scooter, motor, w/ sidecar Cushman, Model 34
680 motorcycle, Harley-Davidson, model 40-UA
681 Semitrailer, 11-ton, 2-wheel, 28-feet, van Trailer Company of America, Model B34H15
682 Semitrailer, 11-ton, 2-wheel, 28-feet, van Black Diamond, Model SC728
683 Scooter, motor, 2.wheel, airborne Cushman Motor Works, Model 53
684 Truck, 4-ton, 4×4, crane, w/ shovel Quick-Way Truck Shovel Company
685 Trailer, 1/4-ton payload, 2-wheel, telephone cable splicer York Hoover Body Corporation, Model K-38
686 Trailer 2-ton payload, 2-wheel, pole hauling and cargo American Coach and Body Company
Trailer 2-ton payload, 2-wheel, pole hauling and cargo Highway Trailer Company
687 Trailer 5-ton, 2-wheel, telephone construction and combination cable hauler Highway Trailer Company, Model K-37
688 Bus, 29-passenger, 4×2 International Harvester Company, Model K5
Truck, 4×2, fire, Class 125 International Harvester Company, Model K5
690 Truck, 6-ton, 6×6, bridge construction Brockway
691 Truck, 4- to 5-ton, 4×4, tractor, C.O.E. White Motor Company, Model 444T
692 Truck, 7 1/2-ton, 6×6, crane Federal, Model C-2
Truck, 7 1/2-ton, 6×6, tractor Federal, Model C-2
Truck, 7 1/2-ton, 6×6, wrecker Federal, Model C-2
693 Trailer, 3/4-ton, pole hauler, York-Hoover
695 dolly, 8-ton, 2-wheel, trailer converter Fruehauf, Model K-83 / K-83A
696 Trailer, 7-ton gross, 4-wheel, antenna mount Fruehauf Trailer Company, Model K-28B / K-28C
697 Trailer, 5-ton payload, 4-wheel, van A. J. Miller (Auto Cruiser Trailer Company), Model K-34
698 Semitrailer, 12-ton gross, 2-wheel, van Fruehauf Trailer Company, Model K-78
Semitrailer, 12-ton gross, 2-wheel, van, radio SCR-584 Fruehauf Trailer Company, Model K-78
699 Trailer 1 1/2-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 4-wheel, house Checker Cab Manufacturing Company, Model K-35 / K-65
Trailer 1 1/2-ton payload, 6-ton gross, 4-wheel, house Meteor Motor Cab Company, Model K-35 / K-65

G-700 – G-799

G-Nr. Bezeichnung Hersteller/Bemerkung Bild
700 Trailer, 5-ton, 4-wheels, antenna mount Fruehauf Trailer Company, Model K-76 / K-77
701 Semitrailer, 6-ton gross Fruehauf Trailer Company, Model K-67
Semitrailer, 32-passenger, 3-ton, 2-wheel, bus chassis Fruehauf Trailer Company, Model 220DDF-SP
702 Trailer, 10-ton gross, 4-wheel, antenna mount Kingham Trailer Company, Model K-75
Trailer, 14-ton gross, 4-wheel, antenna mount Kingham Trailer Company, Model K-75
703 Semitrailer, 8-ton gross, 2-wheels, antenna mount Kingham Trailer Company (Chassis), Model K-22
Couse Laboratories (Aufbau)
Semitrailer, 8-ton gross, 4-wheels, antenna mount Kingham Trailer Company (Chassis), Model K-64-C
Couse Laboratories (Aufbau)
704 Trailer, 1/2-ton, PG-45, pigeon Weston Trailer Company
705 Trailer, 3-ton gross, 2-wheel, house, K-29
706 Semitrailer, 11-ton payload, 15-ton gross, 2-wheel, van Omaha Standard Body Corporation
Semitrailer, 11-ton, 2-wheel, 28-feet, van Omaha Standard Body Corporation, Model F16
707 Semitrailer, van, 6-ton, 2-wheel Gramm, Model STV620
Semitrailer, van, 6-ton, 2-wheel Checker, Model STV620
Semitrailer, van, 6-ton, 2-wheel American Bantam, Model STV620
Semitrailer, van, 6-ton, 2-wheel Carolina, Model STV620
708 Dolly, 3-ton, 2-wheel, trailer converter, light, M363 Fruehauf, Model DC3
709 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, medical van
710 Trailer 20-ton, low bed, w/ dolly Jahn, Model LKD-620
Trailer 20-ton low bed, w/ dolly Fruehauf, Model CPT-20
Trailer, 22-ton, low bed, w/ dolly Fruehauf, Model CPT-22
711 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, van, Signal Corps, K-53 GMC, Model CCKW 353
712 Semitrailer, 11-ton, 2-wheel, 28-feet, van Reliance Trailer and Truck Company, Model STV1128
713 Semitrailer, 7-ton gross, 4-wheel, van, w/ dolly Fruehauf Trailer Company, Model V9/MPC-1 (Trailer)
Fruehauf Trailer Company, Model C2 (Dolly)
Semitrailer, 15-ton gross, 4-wheel, w/ dolly, V-9/MPG-1 Fruehauf Trailer Company
Semitrailer 15-to gross, radar, AN/MPG-1
714 Trailer, 7-ton gross, 4-wheels, low bed, tandem axle, antenna mount Fruehauf Trailer Company, Model K-84
715 Set, dolly and track, M13
716 Power Unit, PE-95 Milleys Engine, Model 441
717 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×4, 10,000 Gal. water sprinkler
718 Truck, 2 1-2-ton, 6x4, gasoline tank, 1350 gal. GMC (Chassis)
Heil (Aufbau)
Gar Wood
719 Trailer, 5-ton, cargo, Fruehauf trailer
720 Trailer, 22-ton, low bed, La Cross model DF 6C-22
721 Sled, cargo, 1-ton, M1
722 Semitrailer, 6-ton, V-9 trailer AN/MPG-1
723 Semitrailer, 11-ton, 2-wheel, 28-feet, van Fruehauf Trailer Company, Model FF22BL
724 Trailer, 12-ton gross, 4-wheels, van, V-5/MPN-1 Adam Black and Sons Inc
Trailer, 12-ton gross, 4-wheels, van, V-5/MPN-1 Standard Auto Body
725 Truck, 4-ton, 6×6, torpedo, Air Corps Diamond T
726 Motorcycle, solo, extra light Indian, Model 149M
727 Trailer, 2 1/2-ton payload, 2-wheel, cargo (amphibian) Cleaver-Brooks Company, Model WT CT-6
728 Trailer, 22-ton, low bed La Cross, Model DF 6T-22
729 Trailer, 7 1/2-ton, gasoline, 2500 gal.
730 Semitrailer, 2 1/2-ton, stake and platform, w/dolly Highway Trailer Company
731 Ambulance, 1 1/2-ton, metropolitan, M423 Linn Coach and Truck Division
737 Sled, cargo, 1-ton, M1A1
738 Sled, cargo, 1-ton, M14
739 Sled, cargo, 1-ton, M14A1
740 Truck, 1/4-ton, 4x4, utility
(Willys M38)
Truck, 1/4-ton, 4x4, station wagon
(Willys Station Wagon)
Willys, Model 4x463
Truck, 1/4-ton, 4x4, station wagon Willys, Model 4x473
741 Truck, 3-4-ton, 4x4, M37, cargo Dodge Brothers Company
Truck, 3-4-ton, 4x4, M42, command Dodge Brothers Company
Truck, 3/4-ton, 4x4, M43, ambulance Dodge Brothers Company
Truck, 3/4-ton, 4x4, V-41, telephone maintenance Dodge Brothers Company
Truck, 3-4-ton, 4x4, V-126, AN/MPX-7 Dodge Brothers Company
Truck, 3-4-ton, 4x4, M152, enclosed utility truck Dodge Brothers Company
742 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M34, cargo Dodge Brothers Company
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M35, cargo, w/o winch
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M35, cargo, w/ winch
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M36, cargo, w/o winch ,long wheelbase
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M36, cargo, w/ winch ,long wheelbase
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M46, Mobil shop
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M47, dump, w/o winch
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M47, dump, w/ winch
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M48, tractor, w/o winch
Truck, 2 1-2-ton, 6x6, M48, tractor, w/ winch
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M49, gasoline tank
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M50, water tank
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M59, dump (dual rear tires)
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M60, light wrecker
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M108, crane
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M109, van (12-foot body)
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M275, tractor (short wheelbase)
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M292, van (17-foot expansible body)
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M342, dump (HD dump body)
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M387, guided missile launcher
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M398, guided missile launcher
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M756, pipeline construction
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, M764, earth borer & pole setter
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, V17, telephone construction and maintenance
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, V18, earth borrt and pole setter
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, class 530A, tactical fire pumper
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, compressors WDS Davey and G1 LeRoi
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6x6, water purification (1500 gph and 3000 gph)
743 Trailer, 1/5-ton, M104, cargo
Trailer, 1/5-ton, M105, cargo
Trailer, 1/5-ton, M106, water tank
744 Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M40, chassis
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M41, cargo
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M51, Dump
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M52, tractor
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M54, cargo
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M5, cargo, extra long wheelbase
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M61, chassis
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M62, medium wrecker
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M63, Chassis
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M64, van
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M139, missile launcher
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M246, wrecker
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M289, missile launcher
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M291, van, expansible
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M328, bridge
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M386, missile launcher
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M543, medium wrecker
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M748, bolster
745 Dolly, 6-ton, 2-wheel, trailer converter, M364 Heil Company, Model D2
746 Dolly 10-ton, trailer converter, Springfield auto
747 Trailer, 1/4-ton, 2-wheel, M100, cargo Dunbar Kapple
Trailer, 1/4-ton, 2-wheel, M367, K-38B
748 Trailer, 3/4-ton, 2-wheel, M101, cargo
Trailer, 3/4-ton, 2-wheel, M116, chassis
749 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M135, cargo, w/o winch
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M135, cargo, w/ winch
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M211, cargo (dual rear tires)
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M215, dump (dual rear tires)
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M216, dump (single rear tires, Canada only)
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M217, gasoline tank
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M220, shop van
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M221, cargo, w/o winch
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M221, cargo, w/ winch
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M222, water tank
750 Semitrailer, 12- ton, 4-wheel, M126, chassis Fruehauf Trailer Company
Semitrailer, 12- ton, 4-wheel, M127, cargo
Semitrailer, 12- ton, 4-wheel, M128, van cargo
Semitrailer, 12- ton, 4-wheel, M129, van supply
Semitrailer, 12- ton, 4-wheel, M308, water tank, 4000 gal.
751 Semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-wheel, M117
Semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-wheel, M118, cargo
Semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-wheel, M119, cargo van
Semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-wheel, M457, maintenance
Semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-wheel, M458, maintenance
Semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-wheel, M459, maintenance
Semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-wheel, M508, shop van
754 Trailer, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheel, M102 Fruehauf Trailer Company
Trailer, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheel, chassis Fruehauf Trailer Company
Trailer, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheel, cargo, M104 Fruehauf Trailer Company
Trailer, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheel, cargo, M105
Trailer, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheel, water tank , M106
Trailer, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheel, water tank , M107
Trailer, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheel, M448, shop van
755 Semitrailer, 12- ton, 4-wheel, M131, gasoline tank
756 Trailer, 3-ton, 2-wheel, M200, generator
758 Truck, utility, 1/4-ton, 4×4, M38A1
Truck, utility, 1/4-ton, 4×4, M38A1C
Truck, ambulance, front line, 1/4-ton, 4×4, M170
759 Ambulances and Hearses
760 Automobiles, including station wagones
761 Busses
762 Motorcycles
763 Trucks 1/4-ton
764 Trucks 1/2 ton
765 Trucks 3/4-ton
766 Trucks 1-ton
767 Trucks 1 1/2-ton
768 Trucks 2 1/2-ton
769 Trucks 4-ton
770 Trucks 5-ton
771 Trucks 7-ton
772 Semitrailers, 2- to 3 1/2-ton
773 Semitrailers 5- to 6-ton
774 Semitrailers, 10- to 11-ton
775 Trailers 1-ton
776 Trailers, 1 1/2-ton
777 Trailers 2- and 2 1/2-ton
778 Trailers, 3- and 3 1/2-ton
779 Trailers, 5- and 6-ton
780 Truck, 1/4-ton, 4×4, utility, w/ winch Willys, Model C-3A
781 Trailer, 2-wheel, laundry, mobile, No. 1 American Machine and Metals Inc.
Trailer, 2-wheel, laundry, mobile, No. 1 Fruehauf Trailer Company
Trailer, 2-wheel, laundry, mobile, No. 1 U.S. Hoffmann Machine Corporation
Trailer, 2-wheel, laundry, mobile, No. 2 American Machine and Metals Inc.
Trailer, 2-wheel, laundry, mobile, No. 2 Fruehauf Trailer Company
Trailer, 2-wheel, laundry, mobile, No. 2 U.S. Hoffmann Machine Corporation
782 Trailer, 3 1/2-ton payload, 2-wheels, M271, pole hauler
Trailer, 3 1/2-ton payload, 2-wheels, pole hauling and cargo, V-13-GT
783 Ambulance 3/4-ton, 4x2, metropolitan Cadillac-Superior, Model 51-86
789 Trailer, 2-ton, 4-wheel, M242 trailer, van, radar dish mount für M33 fire control system, Nike (rocket)
Trailer, 2-ton, 4-wheel, M243, antenna hauler für M33 fire control system, Nike (rocket)
Trailer, 2-ton, 4-wheel, M244, van, fire control
Trailer, 2-ton, 4-wheel, M258, van, radar tracking central
Trailer, 2-ton, 4-wheel, M259, van, director station
Trailer, 2-ton, 4-wheel, M260, drop bed, antenna mount
Trailer, 2-ton, 4-wheel, M261, flat bed, guided missile
Trailer, 2-ton, 4-wheel, M262, van, launching control
Trailer, 2-ton, 4-wheel, M359, van, electronic repair shop
Trailer, 2-ton, 4-wheel, M382, van, electronic repair shop
Trailer, 2-ton, 4-wheel, M383, van, electronic repair shop
Trailer, 2-ton, 4-wheel, M406, low bed, antenna mount
Trailer, 2-ton, 4-wheel, M424, van, guided missile directors trailer
Trailer, 2-ton, 4-wheel, M428, van, guided missile tracking station
Trailer, 2-ton, 4-wheel, M564, shop van
Trailer, 2-ton, 4-wheel, M582, shop van
Trailer, 2-ton, 4-wheel, M583, shop van
790 Trailer, 25-ton, M173, tank transporter
791 Trailer, 60-ton, M160n tank transporter
792 Truck, 10-ton, 6×6, M123, tractor
Truck, 10-ton, 6×6, M125, cargo
793 Sled, cargo, 2-ton, T-37
797 Semitrailer, 25-ton, 4-wheel, M172, low bed

G-800 – G-899

G-Nr. Bezeichnung Hersteller/Bemerkung Bild
800 Dolly, 6-ton, 2-wheel, M197, trailer converter
Dolly, 8-ton, 2-wheel, M198, trailer converter
801 Truck, sedan Chevrolet
802 Semitrailer, low-bed, wrecker, 12-ton, 4-wheel, M269
Semitrailer, low-bed, wrecker, 12-ton, 4-wheel, M270
803 Automobile, 5-passenger, sedan, medium Pontiac, Model Chieftain
804 Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, tractor Diamond T, Model 720
805 Truck, 1/2-ton, pickup
(Dodge B-Serie)
Dodge Brothers Company, Model Series-B
Truck, 1/2-ton, van Dodge Brothers Company, Model B-Serie
806 Truck, 1/2-ton, panel
(Ford F-Serie)
Ford, Model F1
Truck, 1/2-ton, pickup Ford, Model F1
Bus, 2-ton Ford, Model F6
807 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, tractor GMC, Model 400
808 Truck, 1/2-ton, canopy express GMC, Model 100-22
Truck, 1/2-ton, Panel GMC, Model 100-22
Truck, 1/2-ton, pickup GMC, Model 100-22
Truck, 1/2-ton, stake rack GMC, Model 100-22
809 Truck, 5-ton, 4×2, tractor White Motor Company, Model WC22PLT
810 Automobile, 5-passenger, sedan, light Ford, Model 1HA
811 Dolly, 18-ton, M199, trailer converter
812 Trucks, 10-ton
813 Trailer, 3 1/2-ton, M310, cable reel, K37B
814 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, XM147, amphibian GMC, Model „Super Duck“
815 Semitrailer, 7 1/2-ton, 2-wheel, M349, refrigerator
816 Trailer, 10-ton, M345, platform
817 Trailer, M278, water tank, 2000 gal.
819 Semitrailer, 6-ton, M295
Semitrailer, 6-ton, M313, van, expansible
Semitrailer, 6-ton, M447, van, shop
Semitrailer, 6-ton, M749, van, repair parts and shop equipment
Semitrailer, 6-ton, M750, van, parts storage
820 Semitrailer, 7 1/2-ton, M349, refrigerator
821 Trailer, M329, rocket transporter für MGR-1 Honest John
822 Trailer, 2 1/2-ton, M269, utility
823 Carrier, 1/2-ton, 4×4, M274, light weapons, infantry
(M274 Mechanical Mule)
824 Semitrailer, 6-ton, M146, shop van
833 Semitrailer, 3-ton, M33A1, trainer van
Semitrailer, 3-ton, M348, van electronics für AN/MSC-25 (V-189)
Semitrailer, 3-ton, M373, van electronics
Semitrailer, 3-ton, M394, van medical
Semitrailer, 3-ton, XM1005, van electronic
Semitrailer, 3-ton, XM1007, van electronic
834 Truck, 1-ton, 4×4, M601, cargo
Truck, 1-ton, 4×4, M615, ambulance
835 Truck, 2 1/2-ton, M607, 6×6, tractor
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, M608, 6×6, dump
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, M609, 6×6, shop van
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, M610, 6×6, water tank, 1000 gal.
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, M611, 6×6, gasoline tank, 1200 gal.
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M612, van expansible
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M613, instrument repair shop
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M614, dump
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M616, chassis
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M617, chassis
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M618, chassis
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M619, chassis
Truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6×6, M620, chassis
838 Truck, 1/4-ton, 4×4, M151, utility
(Ford M151 MUTT)
AM General
839 Trailer, 2-ton, M390, chassis
Trailer, 1-ton, M514, chassis
Trailer, 1-ton, XM545, chassis
840 Trailer, 1-ton, M389, chassis
842 Trailer, 3-ton, M113, chassis für PGM-19 Jupiter
Trailer, 3-ton, M114, low bed für PGM-19 Jupiter
Trailer, 5-ton, M455, low bed für PGM-19 Jupiter
Trailer, 5-ton, M456, low bed für PGM-19 Jupiter
Trailer, 5-ton, M460, van electronics für PGM-19 Jupiter
Trailer, 5-ton, M461, van electronics für PGM-19 Jupiter
Trailer, 5-ton, M518, transporter
Trailer, 5-ton, M525, chassis
843 Truck, 1/4-ton, 4×4, M422, utility
(M422 Mighty Mite)
American Motors Corporation
845 Truck, 4/4-ton, 4×4, M604, cargo
846 Truck, 2 1/5-ton, 6×6, M605, cargo
847 Truck, 1/4-ton, 4×4, M603, utility
848 Semitrailer, 6-ton, M348, van electronic
Semitrailer, 6-ton, M373, van electronic
849 Trailer, 2 1/2-ton, M454, chassis
852 Truck, 5-ton, 8×8, M656, cargo Ford
Truck, 5-ton, 8×8, M757, tractor Ford
Truck, 5-ton, 8×8, M791, expansible van Ford
854 Trailer, 3 1/2-ton, M353
855 Semitrailer, 60-ton, M162, low bed
856 Semitrailer, 15-ton, M347, refrigerator
857 Trailer, 1/4-ton, 2-wheel, M416, cargo
Trailer, 1/4-ton, 2-wheel, M416B1, cargo
Trailer, 1/4-ton, 2-wheel, M569, chassis
Trailer, 1/4-ton, 2-wheel, M569B1, chassis
858 Trailer, 7-ton, M529, low bed, Nike missile für Rakete Nike
859 Semitrailer, 6-ton, M527, low bed
Semitrailer, 6-ton, M539, chassis
Semitrailer, 6-ton, M539E2, van, field maintenance
Semitrailer, 6-ton, M671, van, maintenance
Semitrailer, 6-ton, M672, van, field maintenance
860 Truck, 16-ton, 4×4, M437, cargo Caterpillar Incorporated
Truck, 16-ton, 4×4, M438, gasoline tank, 5000 gal. Caterpillar Incorporated
Truck, 20-ton, 4×4, M554, wrecker Caterpillar Incorporated
861 Truck, 8-ton, 4×4, M520 Caterpillar Incorporated
Truck, 8-ton, 4×4, M553, wrecker Caterpillar Incorporated
Truck, 8-ton, 4×4, M559, gasoline tank, 2500 gal. Caterpillar Incorporated
Truck, 8-ton, 4×4, M877, cargo Caterpillar Incorporated
865 Semitrailer, 6-ton, M555, electronics van
Semitrailer, 6-ton, M556, electronics van
Semitrailer, 10-ton, M557, electronics van
Semitrailer, 10-ton, M558, electronics van
867 Tailer, 1 1/2-ton, M536, laundry
Tailer, 1 1/2-ton, M537, bakery
Tailer, 1 1/2-ton, M538, dough mixer
Tailer, 1 1/2-ton, M759, dough mixer
868 Truck, 25-ton, M523, tractor Kenworth
869 Semitrailer, 55-ton, M524, low bed
870 Dolly, 35-ton, M528, load divider
871 Trailer, 1 1/2-ton, M463, air conditioner
872 Dolly, 15-ton, M354, trailer converter
874 Truck, 1 1/4-ton, 6×6, M561, cargo
(Gama Goat)
875 Trailer, 1-ton, M417, cargo
877 Trailer, M149, water tank, 400 gal.
Trailer, M625, water tank, 400 gal.
879 Carrier, M571, utility, articulated Canadair
881 Trailer, 1-ton, M580, chassis
Trailer, 1 1/2-ton, M581, electronic van
882 Trailer, 4-ton, M586, water tank, 2000 gal.
Trailer, 4-ton, M796, bolster
883 Semitrailer, 4-ton, M574, electronic van
Semitrailer, 4-ton, M654, electronic van, telemeter
Semitrailer, 4-ton, M680
Semitrailer, 4-ton, M738
Semitrailer, 4-ton, M739, switchboard
Semitrailer, 4-ton, M823
Semitrailer, 4-ton, M824
884 Semitrailer, 15-ton, M674, low bed
Semitrailer, 15-ton, M682, radar transmitter van
Semitrailer, 15-ton, M683, radar control
Semitrailer, 15-ton, M684, heat exchanger
888 Semitrailer, M131, gasoline tank, 5000 gal.
889 Solly, M689, transportable shelter
Dolly, M690, front
Dolly, M691, rear
Dolly, M829, transportable shelter
Dolly, M830, front
Dolly, M831, rear
890 Truck, 1 1/4 ton, 4×4, M715 Kaiser Jeep Corporation
Truck, 1 1/4 ton, 4×4, M724, chassis Kaiser Jeep Corporation
Truck, 1 1/4 ton, 4×4, M725, ambulance Kaiser Jeep Corporation
Truck, 1 1/4 ton, 4×4, M726, telephone Kaiser Jeep Corporation
891 Trailer, 10-ton, flat bed
892 Trailer, 14-ton, bolster, swivel
893 Trailer, 7-ton, flat bed
894 Trailer, 60-ton, 6-wheel, low bed Rogers Brothers Corporation, model D60-DS
895 Trailer, 8-ton, 4-wheel, low bed Fruehauf Trailer Company
896 Trailer, bolster
897 Trailer, 9-ton, bolster, swivel
898 Dolly set, 3-ton, M720
Dolly, M721, front
Dolly, M722, rear

G-900 – G-999

G-Nr. Bezeichnung Hersteller/Bemerkung Bild
900 Truck, cargo, M621
Truck, fuel tank, 1200 Gal., M622
Truck, van, shop, M623
Truck, dump, M624
901 Truck, chassis, M766
Truck, chassis, M767
Truck, chassis, M768
Truck, chassis, M769
Truck, cargo, M770
Truck, cargo, M771
Truck, cargo, M772
Truck, cargo, M773
Truck, cargo, M774
Truck, cargo, M775
Truck, tank, M776
Truck, Chassis, M777
Truck, cargo, dropside, M778
Truck, fuel tank, M779
Truck, water tank, 1000 Gal, M780
Truck, van, shop, M781
Truck, repair shop, instrument, M782
Truck, tractor, M783
Truck, dump, M784
Truck, bolster, M785
Truck, pole construction, M786
Truck, telephone maintenence M787
Truck, auger, M788
902 Semitrailer, tank hauler, jointed, 52,5-ton, M627 Ward LaFrance Truck Corporation
Semitrailer, tank hauler, jointed, 52,5-ton, M793
903 Truck, tractor, tank transporter, 222,5-ton, M746
904 Semitrailer, tank transporter, low bed, 52,5-ton, M747 Condec
905 Truck, cargo, 5/4-ton, 4×4, M705 Chevrolet
Ambulance, 5/4-ton, 4×4, M737
906 Truck, cargo, 2,5-ton, 6×6, M36A2C
907 Trailer, tilt loading, flat bed, 6-ton, M789
908 Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M809, chassis AM General
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M810, chassis, short wheelbase AM General
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M811, chassis, extra long wheelbase AM General
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M812, chassis, long wheelbase AM General
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M813, cargo (14-foot body) AM General
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M814, cargo (20-foot body), M814 AM General
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M815, bolster AM General
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M816, medium wrecker AM General
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M817, dump AM General
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M818, tractor AM General
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M819, wrecker tractor AM General
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M820, van, expansible AM General
Truck, 5-ton, 6×6, M821, bridge transport AM General
909 dolly set, portable shelter


  • War Department: Ordnance publications for supply index. War Department, Washington D.C. 1943.
  • Office of the Chief of Ordnance, Technical Division (Hrsg.): Catalogue of standard ordnance items. Tank and automotive. Volume 1. Washington D.C. 1. Mai 1945 (Textarchiv – Internet Archive).
  • Ordnance Department: The ordnance catalogue. Standard nomenclature list No. G-1. War Department, Washington D.C. 1930.
  • War Department: TM 9-2800, Standard military motor vehicles. War Department, Washington D.C. 1943.
  • War Department: TM 9-2800, Standard military motor vehicles. War Department, Washington D.C. 1947.
  • War Department: TM 9-2800, Standard military motor vehicles. War Department, Washington D.C. 1953.


  1. TM 9-1773 Ordnance Maintenance: Heavy Tractor M1. Caterpillar D7. In: US-Department of War (Hrsg.): War Department technical Manual. TM 9-1773. Washington D.C. 2. September 1942, OCLC 702189436 (Textarchiv – Internet Archive).
  2. TM 9-2800 Standard Military Motor Vehicles. In: US-Department of War (Hrsg.): War Department technical Manual. TM 9-2800. Washington D.C. 1. Januar 1943, OCLC 1029574401 (Textarchiv – Internet Archive).