
/*  _____________________________________________________________________________
 * |                                                                             |
 * |                    === WARNING: GLOBAL GADGET FILE ===                      |
 * |                  Changes to this page affect many users.                    |
 * | Please discuss changes on the talk page or on [[WT:Gadget]] before editing. |
 * |_____________________________________________________________________________|
 * Defines the list of notices to be shown to registered users based on their location
 * Format is:
 * ID: {
 *   begin: 'date',
 *   end: 'date',
 *   corners: [ [ lat, lon ], [ lat, lon ] ],
 *   text: 'message'
 * }
 * There also is an option to use country instead of corners. For example:
 * ID: {
 *   begin: 'date',
 *   end: 'date',
 *   country: 'US',
 *   text: 'message'
 * }
 * See http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/legacy/codes/iso3166 for full list of country codes
 * - There must be commas between the notices, but not after the last one.
 * - BE SURE TO ESCAPE YOUR APOSTROPHES (put a backslash in front of it, like this: \')! 
 * - Use [[meta:w:en:link|link]] format for internal links, so that they work properly (Note that the gadget does not support HTML URL encoding for special characters such as "%27" for an apostrophe (') )
 * on the other projects where the geonotice is displayed.
 * - Note that if a user is eligible for multiple notices on their watchlist, these will be displayed in reverse order to the listing here.
 * When selecting an ID, try to ensure that it has not been used in the previous 100 days

window.GeoNotice = {};
window.GeoNotice.notices = {

{  begin : '7 April 2017 0:00 UTC',
  end : '12 April 2017 12:00 UTC',
  country: 'EG',
  text : "تجربة."

 *             End of list.
 *           Edit only above!