مستخدم:WikimediaNotifier/notifications[RSS ]
Wikimedia notification systemThis is a global notification system for all Wikimedia wikis! If it is necessary to inform many/all wikis about something important, a global notification can be requested at meta:Global notifications/requests. It is possible to have wiki and/or language dependent text within every message. All Meta notifications are synchronized automatically, either on all wikis or just on specific, selected ones. To have a common access point, the messages are updated at مستخدم:WikimediaNotifier/notifications (mirrored, any changes to this page will be overwritten; use a separate page for translation); you can include this page(s) like a template wherever you want, let's say your village pump, with a description in your language! Have a look on the Frequently Asked Questions to see how it can fit your needs!
… it's for spreading information; and for a better cross-wiki communication & collaboration!
Translation of the Week2009-04-20 This week's article for the translation of the week: William Wilson (aquatics)
Commons: Picture of the Year 20082009-04-19 The third annual Picture of the Year Award on Wikimedia Commons goes into its second (final) round!
GNU Free Documentation License 1.32009-04-12 The GNU Free Documentation License has been released in version 1.3 by its responsible Free Software Foundation. The Wikimedia Foundation will soon organize a community wide referendum to decide whether our GNU FDL licensed wikis should be made availabe under the terms of this free and common CC-BY-SA license too, see dual-licensing. See also a detailed summary for further reading.(source) On Meta you can find further information (FAQ) and can discuss the licensing update process of our wikis.
Software news in brief2009-03-25
Wikimania 20092009-02-24 Wikimania 2009, this year's global event devoted to Wikimedia projects around the globe, is accepting submissions for presentations, workshops, panels, posters, open space discussions, and even artistic works related to the Wikimedia projects or free content topics in general. The conference will be held from August 26 to 28 in Buenos Aires, Argentina!
Quality illustrations2009-01-26 Beside an elder project for the creation and improvement of illustrations, there is a new project to grow our encyclopedic image restoration community. It's to provide media restorers with the technical resources they need, and to reach out to all the archives in the world.
Software localization2009-01-01 The localization of ويكيبيديا's software (MediaWiki) and its extensions is an ongoing task, and you can help! There are statistics about how much of the core messages and system messages in total have been translated so far. Apply, and help translating our software externally at TranslateWiki.net (=Betawiki, no Wikimedia project so far); have a look on the recent localization activity for your language [العربية].
Central Wikimedia help2008-12-24 There is a proposal to share Wikimedia's help pages by centralizing and localizing them on Meta or a dedicated wiki.
FlaggedRevs review feature2008-11-28 Beside the elder Patroller extension for patrolling recent changes and new pages, there is a highly configurable MediaWiki extension, called FlaggedRevs. FlaggedRevs – being already enabled on several Wikimedia wikis – is a toolset for transparent and ensured article patrolling and/or for reliable quality assurance by specifying certain accurate article revisions that are shown to the public by default. Those stable article versions are identified in a release process by a trustable editorial staff and/or get approved by a reviewing expert staff. It is even possible to mark (tag) revisions of selected articles for different purposes, let's say for an article validation aiming on a print edition. Furthermore, there is the possibility to let your readers give you evaluative feedbacks. FlaggedRevs will make your wiki more reliable and thus more reputable over the time! Have a look on Meta's description, the technical description and the guidance for requesting FlaggedRevs!
Wikipedia globe logo2008-11-13 A dedicated project aims on fixing errors on the globe of Wikipedia's logo as well as deciding another characters to complement the globe in its missing parts! This will not just improve Wikipedia's logo, it will for example also allow to produce three-dimensional Wikipedia globes.
Interlanguage links2008-11-02 Beside the ongoing discussion about introducing an interlanguage extension on Wikimedia projects to improve and centralize interwiki linking, an attempt to centralize the discussion about interlanguage link conflicts has been set up.
Global bots2008-11-01 On Meta, a bot account now can get a bot flag for all wikis that allow global bots! To qualify for global bot access, the following requirements must be met by a bot: