قائمة صيغ وامتدادات الملفات الأرشيفية

هذه قائمة بصيغ وامتدادات الملفات المستخدمة بواسطة البرامج الأرشيفية وبرامج الضغط المستخدمة لأرشفة الملفات.

صيغ وامتدادات للأرشفة فقط

امتداد الملف[1] MIME type [2] الاسم الرسمي[3] المنصة[4] الوصف
.a, .ar Unix Archiver شبيه يونكس تشكيل الأرشيف التقليدي على نظم تشغيل شبيه-يونكس يستخدم حاليا في إنشاء المكتبات الثابتة.
.cpio application/x-cpio cpio شبيه يونكس RPM files consist of metadata concatenated with (usually) a cpio archive. Newer RPM systems also support other archives, as cpio is becoming obsolete. cpio is also used with initramfs.
.shar application/x-shar Shell archive شبيه يونكس أرشيف استخراج ذاتي (self extraction) يستخدم في برونو شيل Bourne shell (sh).


نظام لتخزين ملفات متعددة. أرشيف أل بي آر (LBR archives) عادة يحتوي على ملفات يتم معالجتها بواسطة SQ، أو الأرشيف نفسه يتم ضغطه بواسطة SQ. أرشيف أل بي آر (LBR archives) الذي تم ضغطه بواسطة SQ ينتهي بالإمتداد LQR
.iso ISO-9660 image (أنظمة مختلفة) تنسيق أرشيف مستخدم في الأساس لأرشفة وتوزيع محتويات دقيقة أو شبه دقيقة أو معدلة حسب الطلب لوسط تخزين ضوئي مثل قرص مضغوط أو DVD-ROM. ومع ذلك، يمكن استخدامه لأرشفة محتويات وسائط التخزين الأخرى والأقسام المحددة والمجلدات و/أو الملفات. عادةً ما يتم تحسين الأرشيف الناتج لتقديم عرض ملائم (لإعادة) وسائط CD أو DVD قابلة للكتابة.
.lbr كومودور 64/128 A library format used primarily on the Commodore 64 and 128 lines of computers. This bears no resemblance to the DOS LBR format. While library files were quick to implement (a number of programs exist to work with them) they are crippled in that they cannot grow with use: once a file has been created it cannot be amended (files added, changed or deleted) without recreating the entire file.
.mar Mozilla archive (أنظمة مختلفة) تنسيق أرشيف يستخدمه موزيلا لتخزين ديفات مختلفة. يستخدم تزامنًا مع bzip2.
.tar application/x-tar Tape archive شبيه يونكس تنسيق أرشيف شائع يستخدم في الأنظمة الشبيهة بيونكس. تستخدم بشكل عام مع صيغ الضغط gzip أو bzip2، أو xz لإنشاء ملفات.tar.gz أو.tar.bz2 أو.tar.Z أو tar.xz.

صيغ وامتدادات للضغط فقط

إمتداد الملف[1] MIME type[2] الاسم الرسمي[3] المنصة[4] الوصف
.bz2 application/x-bzip2 bzip2 Unix-like royalty-free compression format. The compression algorithm is a Burrows-Wheeler transform followed by a move-to-front transform and finally Huffman coding
.F Freeze/melt [1] QNX4 Old compressor for QNX4 OS. The compression algorithm is a modified LZSS, with an adaptive Huffman coding.
.gz application/gzip


gzip Unix-like GNU Zip, the primary compression format used by Unix-like systems. The compression algorithm is DEFLATE.
.lz application/x-lzip lzip Unix-like An alternate LZMA algorithm implementation, with support for checksums and ident bytes.
.lzma application/x-lzma lzma Unix-like The LZMA compression algorithm as used by 7-Zip
.lzo application/x-lzop lzop Unix-like LZO data compression algorithm
.rz rzip Unix-like A compression program designed to do particularly well on very large files containing long distance redundancy.
.sfark sfArk Windows compress/decompress- Linux and Mac OS X decompress only A compression program designed to do high compression on SF2 files (SoundFont)
.sz application/x-snappy-framed Snappy Unix-like Snappy aims for very high speeds, reasonable compression, and maximum stability rather than maximum compression or compatibility with any other compression library.
.?Q? SQ CP/M and DOS Squeeze: A program which compressed files. A file which was "squeezed" had the middle initial of the name changed to "Q", so that a squeezed text file would end with .TQT, a squeezed executable would end with .CQM or .EQE. Typically used with .LBR archives, either by storing the squeezed files in the archive, or by storing the files decompressed and then compressing the archive, which would have a name ending in ".LQR".
.?Z? CRUNCH CP/M and DOS A compression program written by Steven Greenberg implementing the LZW algorithm. For several years in the CP/M world when no implementation was available of ARC, CRUNCHed files stored in .LBR archives were very popular. CRUNCH's implementation of LZW had a somewhat unique feature of modifying and occasionally clearing the code table in memory when it became full, resulting in a few percent better compression on many files.
.xz application/x-xz xz Unix-like A compression format using LZMA2 to yield very high compression ratios.
.z application/x-compress pack Unix-like The traditional Huffman coding compression format.
.Z application/x-compress compress Unix-like The traditional LZW compression format.
.infl inflate Unix-like Joke compression program, actually increasing file size
.??_ MS-DOS/Windows Compression format(s) used by some DOS and Windows install programs. MS-DOS includes expand.exe to decompress its install files. The compressed files are created with a matching compress.exe command. The compression algorithm is LZSS.

صيغ وامتدادات للضغط والأرشفة معا

إمتداد الملف[1] MIME type[2] الأسم الرسمي[3] منصة الإنشاء[4] منصة استعادة[6] قابلية الاستعادة بأداة مجانية[7] الوصف
.7z application/x-7z-compressed 7z متعددة متعددة نعم تنسيق ملف مفتوح المصدر. يستخدمه 7 زيب.
.s7z application/x-7z-compressed 7zX ماك أو إس الاستعادة على منصات ماك أو إس المختلفة ممكنة على الرغم من أنها ليست فورية نعم Based on 7z. Preserves Spotlight metadata, resource forks, owner/group information, dates and other data which would be otherwise lost with compression.

Made obsolete by the introduction of AppleDouble-encoded 7z archives (Macintosh only).

.ace application/x-ace-compressed ACE Windows UNIX-like Old archive versions only Proprietary format
.afa application/x-astrotite-afa AFA شبيه يونكس شبيه يونكس لا AFA file. It has two ways to safeguard data integrity and subsequent repair of the file if has an error (repair with AstroA2P (online) or Astrotite (offline)).
.alz application/x-alz-compressed ALZip Windows


نعم تنسيق كوري مصمم للأرشيفات الكبيرة جدًا.
.apk application/vnd.android.package-archive APK

متعددة متعددة

نعم Android application package (variant of JAR file format).
.arc ARC Multiple Multiple نعم
.arj application/x-arj ARJ Originally DOS, now multiple Multiple نعم
.b1 application/x-b1 B1 Multiple Multiple نعم Open archive format, used by B1 Free Archiver (http://dev.b1.org/standard/archive-format.html)
.ba Scifer Multiple Multiple نعم Binary Archive with external header
.bh BlakHole نعم Proprietary format from the ZipTV Compression Components
.cab application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed Cabinet Windows Multiple نعم WISE.
.car Compressia archive Windows Windows نعم Created by Yaakov Gringeler; released last in 2003 (Compressia beta), now apparently defunct. Free trial of 30 days lets user create and extract archives; after that it is possible to extract, but not to create.
.cfs application/x-cfs-compressed Compact File Set Windows, Unix-like, Mac OS X Multiple نعم Open source file format.
.cpt Compact Pro Mac OS Multiple نعم Compact Pro archive, a common archiver used on Mac platforms until about Mac OS 7.5.x. Competed with StuffIt; now obsolete.
.dar application/x-dar Disk Archiver Windows, Unix-like, Mac OS X Windows, Unix-like, Mac OS X نعم Open source file format. Files are compressed individually with either gzip, bzip2 or lzo.
.dd DiskDoubler Mac OS obsolete
.dgc application/x-dgc-compressed DGCA Windows Windows
.dmg application/x-apple-diskimage Apple Disk Image Mac OS X Windows, Linux نعم Safari is the only browser that supports this form of extraction; however, the images can be manually extracted as well. This format can also be password-protected or encrypted with 128-bit or 256-bit AES encryption.
.ear EAR Multiple Multiple نعم Enterprise Java Archive archive
.gca application/x-gca-compressed GCA The predecessor of DGCA.
.ha [2] Originally DOS Originally DOS نعم, but may be covered by patents DOS era format; uses arithmetic/Markov coding
.hki WinHKI MS Windows MS Windows لا HKI
.ice ICE Windows Windows نعم Produced by ICEOWS program. Excels at text file compression.
.jar JAR Multiple Multiple نعم ZIP files
.kgb KGB Archiver Multiple Multiple نعم Open sourced archiver with compression using the PAQ family of algorithms and optional encryption.
.lzh, .lha application/x-lzh LHA Originally DOS, now multiple Multiple نعم The standard format on Amiga.
.lzx application/x-lzx LZX Amiga Archiver originally used on The Amiga. Now copied by Microsoft to use in their .cab and .chm files.
.pak PAK HP NonStop HP NonStop نعم[8] file format from NoGate Consultings, a rival from ARC-Compressor.
.partimg PartImage Multiple Multiple نعم A disk image archive format that supports several compression methods as well as splitting the archive into smaller pieces.
.paq6, .paq7, .paq8 and variants PAQ Windows Windows نعم An experimental open source packager (http://mattmahoney.net/dc)
.pea PeaZip Windows Windows نعم CRCs to SHA-512 and Whirlpool (algorithm)|Whirlpool hashes), fast deflate based compression
.pim PIM Windows Windows نعم The format from the PIM - a freeware compression tool by Ilia Muraviev. It uses an LZP-based compression algorithm with set of filters for executable, image and audio files.
.pit PackIt Mac OS obsolete
.qda Quadruple D Windows Windows Delphi. Uses byte pair compression.
.rar application/x-rar-compressed RAR Originally DOS, now multiple Multiple نعم proprietary archive format, second in popularity to .zip files.
.rk RK and WinRK [3] Multiple Multiple لا PPMD and PPMZ (PPMD with unlimited-length strings), as well as a proprietary algorithms.
.sda Self Dissolving ARChive Commodore 64, Commodore 128 Commodore 64, Commodore 128 نعم SDAs refer to Self Dissolving ARC files, and are based on the Commodore 64 and Commodore 128 versions of ARC, originally written by Chris Smeets. While the files share the same extension, they are not compatible between platforms. That is, an SDA created on a Commodore 64 but run on a Commodore 128 in Commodore 128 mode will crash the machine, and vice versa. The intended successor to SDA is SFX.
.sea Self Extracting Archive Mac OS Mac OS (implicitly) A pre-Mac OS X Self-Extracting Archive format. StuffIt, Compact Pro, Disk Doubler and others could create .sea files, though the StuffIt versions were the most common.
.sen Scifer Multiple Multiple نعم Scifer Archive with internal header
.sfx Self Extracting Archive Commodore 64, Commodore 128 Commodore 64, Commodore 128 نعم SFX is a Self Extracting Archive which uses the LHArc compression algorithm. It was originally developed by Chris Smeets on the Commodore platform, and runs primarily using the CS-DOS extension for the Commodore 128. Unlike its predecessor SDA, SFX files will run on both the Commodore 64 and Commodore 128 regardless of which machine they were created on.
.shk NuFX Originally Apple II, now multiple Multiple نعم An archive format designed for the Apple II series of computers. The canonical implementation is ShrinkIt, which can operate on disk images as well as files. Preferred compression algorithm is a combination of RLE and 12-bit LZW. Archives can be manipulated with the command-line NuLib tool, or the Windows-based CiderPress.
.sit application/x-stuffit StuffIt Originally Mac OS, now multiple Originally Mac OS, now multiple نعم A compression format common on Apple Macintosh computers. The free StuffIt Expander is available for Windows and OS X.
.sitx application/x-stuffitx StuffIt X Multiple Multiple نعم The replacement for the .sit format that supports more compression methods, UNIX file permissions, long file names, very large files, more encryption options, data specific compressors (JPEG, Zip, PDF, 24-bit image, MP3). The free StuffIt Expander is available for Windows and OS X.
.sqx SQX Windows Windows نعم A royalty-free compressing format
.tar.gz, .tgz, .tar.Z, .tar.bz2,
.tbz2, .tar.lzma, .tlz
application/x-gtar tar with gzip, compress, bzip2, or lzma Multiple Multiple نعم The "tarball" format combines tar archives with a file-based compression scheme (usually gzip). Commonly used for source and binary distribution on Unix-like platforms, widely available elsewhere.
.uc .uc0 .uc2 .ucn .ur2 .ue2 UltraCompressor II DOS DOS UltraCompressor 2.3 was developed to act as an alternative to the then popular PKZIP application. The main feature of the application is its ability to create large archives. This means that compressed archives with the UC2 file extension can hold almost 1 million files.
.uca PerfectCompress[9] Windows Windows لا Based on PAQ, RZM, CSC, CCM, and 7zip. The format consists of a PAQ, RZM, CSC, or CCM compressed file and a manifest with compression settings stored in a 7z archive.
.uha UHarc Windows Windows نعم A high compression rate archive format originally for DOS.
.war WAR Multiple Multiple نعم Web Application archive (Java-based web app)
.wim Windows Image Windows Windows نعم File-based disk image format developed to deploy Microsoft Windows.
.xar XAR Multiple Multiple نعم
.xp3 KiriKiri Windows Windows نعم Native format of the Open Source KiriKiri Visual Novel engine. Uses combination of block splitting and zlib compression. The filenames and pathes are stored in UTF-16 format. For integrity check, the Adler-32 hashsum is used. For many commercial games, the files are encrypted (and decoded on runtime) via so-called "cxdec" module, which implements xor-based encryption.
.yz1 YZ1 Windows, DOS, Linux Windows, DOS, Linux نعم DeepFreezer archiver utility created by Yamazaki Satoshi. Read and write support exists in TUGZip, IZArc and ZipZag
.zip, .zipx application/zip ZIP Originally DOS, now multiple Multiple نعم Macintosh and Unix systems as well.
.zoo application/x-zoo zoo Multiple Multiple نعم
.zpaq ZPAQ Multiple Multiple نعم deduplication and incremental update based on last-modified dates. Multi-threaded. Compresses in LZ77, BWT, and context mixing formats. Open source.
.zz Zzip Multiple Multiple نعم Archiver with a compression algorithm based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform method.

استرجاع بيانات

إمتداد الملف[1] MIME type[2] الاسم الرسمي[3] المنصة[4] الوصف
.ecc dvdisaster error-correction file متعددة تنسيق الملف المستخدم بواسطة dvdisaster ليتم استخدامه لاسترداد البيانات عندما تتلف الأقراص أو تكون غير قابلة للقراءة جزئيًا.
application/x-par2 Parchive file متعددة newsgroup distribution of binary files.

مصادر ومراجع

  1. ^ ا ب ج د قد يختلف امتداد الملفات في مختلف الأنظمة. وقد تختلف حالة هذه الملحقات على الأنظمة غير الحساسة لحالة الأحرف.
  2. ^ ا ب ج د MIME media types may be conjectural. Very few have been officially registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority|IANA. Compression-only formats should often be denoted by the media type of the decompressed data, with a content coding indicating the compression format.
  3. ^ ا ب ج د قد يكون هناك اختلاف حول الأسماء الرسمية.
  4. ^ ا ب ج د تشير منصة الإنشاء إلى النظام أو الأنظمة الأساسية التي يمكن بموجبها إنشاء تنسيق.
  5. ^ RFC 6713 - The 'application/zlib' and 'application/gzip' Media Types نسخة محفوظة 03 مارس 2016 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  6. ^ تشير منصة الاستعادة إلى المنصة أو المنصات التي يمكن بواسطتها استعادة/استخراج التنسيق. يمكن فهم معظم تنسيق الملفات بواسطة أكثر من نظام.
  7. ^ "قابلية الاستعادة بأداة مجانية" يشير إلى ما إذا يمكن استعادة التنسيق باستخدام أداة استخراج تعتبر مجانية.
  8. ^ Tandem Unpak GUI http://sybond.web.id/project/?p=8 نسخة محفوظة 2020-09-22 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  9. ^ "PerfectCompress". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2012-07-23. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2016-05-19.{{استشهاد ويب}}: صيانة الاستشهاد: BOT: original URL status unknown (link)

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