Samuel Rutherford (1600-1661) adalah seorang teolog dan pastorPresbiterian dari Skotlandia dan juga seorang penulis. Buku Rutherford yang terkenal tentang politik adalah "Hukum adalah Raja" (Lex, Rex). Isinya merupakan teori politik tentang konstitusionalisme dan pembatasan kekuasaan pemerintah.
1. Exercitationes pro Divina Gratia Amstelodami 1636
2. A Peaceable and Temperate Plea for Paul's Presbytery in Scotland, London 1642
3. A Sermon before the House of Commons, on Daniel, London 1644
4. A Sermon before the House of Lords on Luke 7:22 London 1644
5. Lex Rex The Law of the Prince London 1644
6. The Due Right of Presbyteries London 1644
7. The Trial of Triumph of Faith London 1645
8. The Divine Right Of Church Government and Excommunication London 1646
9. Christ Dying and Drawing Sinners to Himself London 1647
10. A Survey of the Spiritual Antichrist London 1648
11. A Free Disputation against Pretended Liberty of Conscience London 1649
12. The Last and Heavenly Speeches of John Gordon, Viscount Kenmure Edinburgh 1651
13. Disputatio Scholastica de Divina Providentia Edinburgh 1651
14. The Covenant of Life Opened Edinburgh 1655
15. A Survey of Mr. Hooker's Church Discipline London 1658
16. Influences of the Life of Grace London 1659
17. Joshua Redivivus, or Mr Rutherford's Letters 1664
18. Examen Arminianismi Utrecht 1668
19. A Testimony left by Mr. S. Rutherford to the Work of Reformation uncertain date
20. Twelve Communion Sermons Glasgow 1876
21. The Cruel Watchman, The Door of Salvation Opened Edinburgh 1735
22. Treatise on Prayer 1713
23. Quaint Sermons Hodder & Stoughton, London 1885
Bersumber dari suntingan Andrew Bonar, Letters of Samuel Rutherford.[1]