James Fenimore Cooper (15 September 1789 – 14 September 1851) adalah seorang penulis Amerika Serikat pada paruh pertama abad ke-19. Romansa sejarah buatannya yang mengisahkan para karakter kolonialis dan penduduk asli dari abad ke-17 sampai ke-19 menciptakan bentuk unik dari sastra Amerika. Ia menjalani sebagian besar masa mudanya dan lima belas tahun terakhir hidupnya di Cooperstown, New York, yang didirikan oleh ayahnya William Cooper di atas properti miliknya. Cooper menjadi anggota Gereja Episkopal tak lama sebelum kematiannya.[1] Ia menuntut ilmu di Universitas Yale selama tiga tahun, dimana ia menjadi anggota Linonian Society.[2]
——— (1852). The Chainbearer, Or The Littlepage Manuscripts, Stringer and Townsend, 228 pages; eBook
Bacaan tambahan
Clavel, Marcel (1938). Fenimore Cooper and his critics: American, British and French criticisms of the novelist's early work, Imprimerie universitaire de Provence, E. Fourcine, 418 pages; Book
Darnell, Donald. (1993). James Fenimore Cooper: Novelist of Manners, Newark, Univ. of Delaware
Dekker, George (2017). James Fenimore Cooper the Novelist, Routledge, 2017, ISBN 9781351580014
Doolen, Andy (2005). Fugitive Empire: Locating Early American Imperialism, Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota P.
Franklin, Wayne (1982). The New World of James Fenimore Cooper, Chicago: Univ. of Chicago P, Book
–—— (2007). James Fenimore Cooper: The Early Years, New Haven: Yale UP, Book
Krauthammer, Anna. The Representation of the Savage in James Fenimore Cooper and Herman Melville. NY: Peter Lang, 2008.
MacDougall, Hugh C. (1993). Where Was James? A James Fenimore Cooper Chronology from 1789–1851. Cooperstown: James Fenimore Cooper Soc.
Rans, Geoffrey (1991). Cooper's Leather-Stocking Novels: A Secular Reading. Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina
Redekop, Ernest H., ed. (1989). James Fenimore Cooper, 1789–1989: Bicentennial Essays, Canadian Review of American Studies, entire special issue, vol. 20, no. 3 (Winter 1989), pp. 1–164. ISSN0007-7720
Reid, Margaret (2004). Cultural Secrets as Narrative Form: Storytelling in Nineteenth-Century America. Columbus: Ohio State UP
Ringe, Donald A. (1988). James Fenimore Cooper. Boston: Twayne.
Romero, Lora (1997). Home Fronts: Domesticity and Its Critics in the Antebellum United States. Durham: Duke UP
Smith, Lindsey C. (2008). Indians, Environment, and Identity on the Borders of American Literature: From Faulkner and Morrison to Walker and Silko. NY: Palgrave Macmillan.