Ernest Crawley
Alfred Ernest Crawley (11 Juli 1867 – 21 Oktober 1924)[2][3] adalah seorang guru sekolah bahasa Inggris, seksolog, antropolog, jurnalis olahraga dan eksponen permainan bola.
- 'Branchos', Folk-Lore, Vol. 6, No. 2 (June 1895), hlmn. 267–69
- 'Achilles at Skyros', The Classical Review, Vol. 7 No. 6 (Juni 1893), hlmn. 243–45
- 'Sexual Taboo: a study in the relations of the sexes', Journal of the Anthropological Institute, Vol. 24 (1895), hlmn. 116–25
- 'Sexual Taboo: a study in the relations of the sexes (Part II)', Journal of the Anthropological Institute, Vol. 24 (1895), hlmn. 219–35
- 'Sexual Taboo: a study in the relations of the sexes (Part III)', Journal of the Anthropological Institute, Vol. 24 (1895), hlmn. 430–446
- 'Taboos of Commensality', Folk-Lore
- The mystic rose: a study of primitive marriage, 1902.
- Terjemahan ke dalam bahasa Yunani untuk pencetakan privat multibahasa dari Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, the astronomer-poet of Persia, terjemahan bahasa Inggris oleh Edward Fitzgerald, dicetak secara privat dalam kertas buatan tangan / Japanese vellum, 1902
- The tree of life: a study of religion, 1905
- 'The origin and function of religion', dalam Sociological Society, ed., Sociological Papers, Vol. 3, 1906, hlmn. 243–278, kutipan daring di sini Diarsipkan 2018-10-06 di Wayback Machine..
- 'Exogamy and the Mating of Cousins', dalam Anthropological Essays presented to E. B. Tylor, 1907, hlmn.52–68
- The idea of the soul, 1909
- Review of The Threshold of Religion oleh R. R. Marett, Man, Vol. 9 (1909). hlmn. 140–41
- 'Primitive eugenics', The Eugenics Review, Jan. 1910, hlmn. 275–80. Dicetak ulang secara daring di sini.
- 'Totemism Unveiled', Nature 84 (1910), hlmn. 31–2
- Book of the ball, 1913
- Lawn tennis, 1919.
- Skating: English, international, speed, 1920
- Lawn tennis do's and don'ts, 1922
- The technique of lawn tennis demonstrated by cinematography, 1923.
- The lawn tennis umpire & referee: what he must know, and what he should do, 1923
- Studies of savages and sex, 1929. disunting oleh Theodore Besterman.
- Dress, drinks, and drums: further studies of savages and sex, 1931. diunting oleh Theodore Besterman.
- Oath, curse, and blessing, and other studies in origins, 1934. disunting oleh Theodore Besterman. Thinker's Library, no. 40. (Publikasi pilihan dari Studies (1929) and the Dress, drinks, and drums (1931).)
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