Brian Westrate menulis dalam catatan sejarahnya tahun 1992 tentang Biro Arab bahwa "agensi tersebut kemudian telah banyak dicerca karena kesalahan penanganan akut Inggris terhadap kebijakan Timur Tengah saat dan tak lama setelah Perang Dunia I."[1]
^Committee of Defence Paper, "Establishment of an Arab Bureau in Cairo", 7 January 1916, FO882/2 ArB/16/4, quoted in Polly Mohs, Military Intelligence and the Arab Revolt (New York, 2008) p. 34.
Daftar pustaka
A Peace To End All Peace , David Fromkin, Avon Books, New York, 1990
Arabian Personalities of the Early Twentieth Century with a new Introduction by Robin Bidwell (reprints from Bureau's Handbooks ) The Oleander Press 1986 ISBN0-906672-39-2
Military Intelligence and the Arab Revolt: The First Modern Intelligence War , Polly Mohs, Routledge, New York, 2008
The Arab Bureau, Bruce Westrate, Penn State Press, 1992