Ben Saul adalah Challis Professor of International Law di Universitas Sydney dan Australian Research Council Future Fellow.[1] Ia tampil sebagai advokat pengadilan regional, nasional dan internasional di luar Australia,[1] dan juga berpraktek sebagai barrister di New South Wales.[2] Peminatan risetnya meliputi hukum internasional, terutama, aspek-aspek internasional dari hukum anti-terorisme, hukum kemanusiaan, hukum hak asasi manusia, dan lain-lain.[3]
- Saul, B., "Documents in International Law: Terrorism", Hart: Oxford (2010)
- Saul, B., Stephens, T., McAdam, J. and Sherwood, S., "Climate Change and Australia: Warming to the Challenge", Federation Press: Sydney ( 2010)
- Nasu, H. and Saul, B. (eds), "Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region: Towards Institution Building", Routledge-Cavendish: Abindgon (2010)
- Saul, B., "Defining Terrorism in International Law", Oxford University Press – Monographs in International Law Series: Oxford (2006), (2008 paperback)
- Crock, M., Saul, B. and Dastyari, A., "Future Seekers II: Refugees and Irregular Migration in Australia", Federation Press: Sydney (2006)
- Crock, M. and Saul, B., "Future Seekers: Refugees and the Law in Australia", Federation Press and the Law and Justice Foundation of NSW: Sydney (2002)