Ayat-ayat Emas Pythagoras (bahasa Yunani: Χρύσεα Ἔπη, Chrysea Epê; bahasa Latin: Aurea Carmina) adalah sebuah kumpulan pesan moral. Karya tersebut terdiri dari 71 baris yang biasanya diatributkan kepada Pythagoras.
Firth, Florence M. (1904). The Golden Verses Of Pythagoras And Other Pythagorean Fragments. Theosophical Publishing House.
Joost-Gaugier, Christiane L. (2007). Measuring Heaven: Pythagoras and his Influence on Thought and Art in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Cornell University Press. ISBN978-0-8014-7409-5
Russo, Attilio (2003-2004). Costantino Lascaris tra fama e oblio nel Cinquecento messinese in Archivio Storico Messinese, LXXXIV-LXXXV, Messina 2003-2004, pp. 5-87. ISSN0392-0240