Anihilasionisme (juga dikenal sebagai ekstinksionisme atau destruksionisme[1]) adalah sebuah keyakinan bahwa setelah penghakiman terakhir, beberapa manusia dan seluruh malaikat jatuh (semuanya yang terkena hukuman kekal) akan secara bulat dihancurkan sampai bagaikan tak pernah ada, atau kesadaran mereka akan padam,[2] alih-alih mengalami hukuman tak berkesudahan di neraka (sering kali disinonimisasikan dengan lautan api). Anihilasionisme sangat berkaitan dengan keabadian kondisional, gagasan bahwa jiwa manusia tidaklah abadi alih-alih diberi kehidupan abadi.
Bacaan tambahan
Various doctrines about hell:
- William Crockett, ed., Four Views on Hell
- Edward Fudge and Robert Peterson, Two Views of Hell: A Biblical & Theological Dialogue. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2000
- Neusner, Jacob; Avery-Peck, Alan Jeffery (2000). Judaism in Late Antiquity: Part Four: Death, Life-After-Death, Resurrection and the World-To-Come in the Judaisms of Antiquity. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. hlm. 342. ISBN 978-90-04-11262-9.
Advocates of annihilationism:
Critics of annihilationism:
- Stanley Grenz, "Directions: Is Hell Forever?" Christianity Today 42:11 (October 5, 1998), p?
- Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson, eds., Hell Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents Eternal Punishment. Zondervan, 2004; ISBN 0-310-24041-7, ISBN 978-0-310-24041-9
- Robert A. Peterson, Hell on Trial: The Case for Eternal Punishment. P&R Publishing, 1995; ISBN 0-87552-372-2, ISBN 978-0-87552-372-9
Pranala luar
- Supportive
- Exploring evangelical conditionalism
- The Conditional Immortality Association of New Zealand Inc. is a non-profit organization established to promote a Biblical understanding of human nature, life, death and eternity as taught throughout Scripture.
- Jewish not Greek Shows how Biblical hermeneutics proves "annihilationism" and not the Greek philosophical belief in innate immortality.
- Critical