
觀測資料 (J2000.0 曆元)
赤經07h 44m 30.0s[1]
赤緯−23° 51′ 24″[1]
距離3.38 kly(1.037 kpc[1]
視星等 (V)6.0[2]
視大小 (V)10′[3]
質量723[4] M
估計年齡387.3 Myr[1]
其他特徵NGC 2447、Cr 160, OCl 649.0 [5]

梅西耶93M93,也稱為NGC 2447,是位於南天星座船尾座中的一個疏散星團船尾座是從廢棄的南船座中拆解出來的星座。






它的川普勒分類為I 3 r,表明它高度集中(I),亮度範圍大(3),富含恆星(r)[9]

M93距離地球大約3,380光年[1],在空間中的半徑從太陽半徑到5光年[3]潮汐半徑13.1±2.3 ly[4],和核心半徑為4.2 ly[10]。它的年齡估計為3億8730萬年[1],它幾乎位於銀河平面上,其軌道與銀河核心在28—29 kly(8.5—8.9 kpc)之間變動,軌道週期超過 242.7±7.9百萬年[1]

在M93中發現了54顆變星,包括一顆慢脈動B型變星,一顆旋轉橢球變星,七顆盾牌座δ型變星,六顆劍魚座γ型變星和一顆雜交δ[b] Sct/γ Dor[c]脈動器[11]。還有四個光譜聯星系統,包括一個黃離散星組件[12]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Wu, Zhen-Yu; et al, The orbits of open clusters in the Galaxy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, November 2009, 399 (4): 2146–2164, Bibcode:2009MNRAS.399.2146W, arXiv:0909.3737可免费查阅, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.15416.x. 
  2. ^ Messier 93. SEDS Messier Catalog. [30 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-04). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Finlay, Warren H., Concise Catalog of Deep-Sky Objects: Astrophysical Information for 550 Galaxies, Clusters and Nebulae, The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series 2nd, Springer: 120, 2014, ISBN 978-3319031705 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Piskunov, A. E.; et al, Tidal radii and masses of open clusters, Astronomy and Astrophysics, January 2008, 477 (1): 165–172, Bibcode:2008A&A...477..165P, doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20078525可免费查阅. 
  5. ^ NGC 2447. SIMBAD. 斯特拉斯堡天文資料中心. 
  6. ^ Frommert, Hartmut; Kronberg, Christine, Messier 93, SEDS Messier pages (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS)), September 2, 2007 [2018-12-07], (原始内容存档于2018-10-14). 
  7. ^ Hoskin, Michael, Gazing at the starry heavens, Astronomy & Geophysics, February 1, 2016, 57 (1): 1.22–1.25, Bibcode:2016A&G....57a1.22H, doi:10.1093/astrogeo/atw038可免费查阅 
  8. ^ Houston, Walter Scott. Deep-Sky Wonders. Sky Publishing Corporation. 2005. ISBN 978-1-931559-23-2. 
  9. ^ Maitzen, H. M., Photoelectric Search for Peculiar Stars in Open Clusters - Part Fourteen - NGC1901 NGC2169 NGC2343 CR:132 NGC2423 and NGC2447, Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement, November 1993, 102 (1): 1, Bibcode:1993A&AS..102....1M. 
  10. ^ Piskunov, A. E.; et al, Towards absolute scales for the radii and masses of open clusters, Astronomy and Astrophysics, June 2007, 468 (1): 151–161, Bibcode:2007A&A...468..151P, arXiv:astro-ph/0702517可免费查阅, doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20077073. 
  11. ^ Eyer, L.; Eggenberger, P.; Greco, C.; Saesen, S.; Anderson, R. I.; Mowlavi, N., Time resolved surveys of stellar clusters, JENAM 2010, Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting held 6-10 September, 2010 in Lisbon Portugal: 212, September 2010, Bibcode:2010jena.confE.212E, 212. 
  12. ^ da Silveira, M. D.; et al, Red giants and yellow stragglers in the young open cluster NGC 2447, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, June 2018, 476 (4): 4907–4931, Bibcode:2018MNRAS.476.4907D, doi:10.1093/mnras/sty265 
  1. ^ On March 20
  2. ^ Delta Scuti
  3. ^ Gamma Doradus
