據上等兵阿特·迪馬齊奧(Private First Class Art DiMarzio)所稱,史比爾在攻擊行動開始前槍擊一名同袍軍士,當時迪馬齊奧與該名軍士一同躺在散兵坑中、而該名軍士處在喝醉狀態;當時史比爾正沿著陣線傳達堅守陣地的指令,該軍士拒絕聽令、且想要衝上前去與德軍交戰;史比爾接著第二度聲明堅守陣地的指令並要求遵守,隨後史比爾發現該軍士已經太過酒醉、無法履行職責而認為他應該自行後撤,該名軍士則再次拒絕指令且開始接近自己的配槍;當史比爾第三度聲明指令並警告該軍士時,該軍士已經舉槍瞄準向他。迪馬齊奧表示他看見史比爾出於自我防衛目的而向該軍士開槍,而整個排都目擊了該事件的發生。史比爾旋即向他的上級、傑瑞·格羅斯上尉(Captain Jerre S. Gross)報告這起事件,迪馬齊奧說格羅斯馬上前去查看狀況,並認定這是史比爾的正當自我防衛行動。由於格羅斯在6月8日的戰鬥中陣亡,這起事件也就再也沒被追究。[3]:262
1945年1月,突出部之役尾聲,第506步兵團第2營E連正在進攻比利時富瓦時遭遇困難,第2營營長理查德·溫特斯下令由史比爾(當時為D連連長)接替諾曼·戴克中尉(First Lieutenant Norman S. Dike Jr.)的職位,解除困境並重新組織攻勢[3]:176;當時這個選擇是偶然的:溫特斯後來表示他只是因為史比爾是他在四處尋找軍官時第一個看見的,才選擇由他接手[3]:185[2]:209。而史比爾也成功解圍並帶領E連完成進攻拿下勝利。在這場作戰過後,史比爾被調任為E連連長,並擔任此職直到戰爭結束。若以二戰期間擔任過E連連長的所有軍官相比,史比爾是在職最久的。[3]:272
溫特斯認為史比爾是整個第2營之中最為優秀的作戰軍官之一,溫特斯在他的個人回憶錄中提及,史比爾努力工作以贏得一個冷酷殺手的形象與聲譽、且曾為了震攝他人而行動[3]:187。溫特斯提及一個傳言,傳言據稱史比爾曾被指控以湯普森衝鋒槍一次擊斃六名德軍戰俘、而知情的營部高層卻不得不為了保留足夠優秀的作戰領導者而選擇忽略這些指控;溫特斯說這若以現代軍隊而言,史比爾一定會被送上軍事法庭並且被指控犯下暴行,但當時像史比爾那樣足智多謀、無懼於衝鋒陷陣的作戰軍官實在太有價值而必須留著。在數十年過去之後,溫特斯在接受賓夕法尼亞州眾議院議員約翰·D·佩恩(英语:John D. Payne)採訪時表示,出版商西蒙與舒斯特的法律部門擔心關於史比爾的傳言與指控可能會引發訴訟,導致溫特斯必須與史比爾當面對質。溫特斯接著說,史比爾不僅證實這些指控、還為此寫了信給他。[5]
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to First Lieutenant (Infantry) Ronald C. Speirs (ASN: 0-439465), United States Army, for gallantry in action while serving with the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. On 10 October 1944, in the vicinity of Rendijk, Holland, he was assigned the mission of leading a patrol to the bank of the Neder Rijn River to determine enemy activity across the river. He reached the river bank with his patrol in the early hours of the morning and spent the entire day observing across the river. After dark he voluntarily swam across to the opposite bank alone where he found himself in unknown territory. He located an enemy machine gun nest, an enemy headquarters and other enemy activity near the town of Wageningen. He secured a rubber boat left by the enemy and returned to the friendly side of the river with this information. While returning to his own lines, he was wounded by fire from an enemy machine gun. Lieutenant Speirs was the first to cross the Neder Rijn River in this vicinity, and in so doing he paved the way for other patrols to make similar reconnaissance's. The information proved of great value to his unit. His actions were in accordance with the highest standards of military service.[6]
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, 20 July 1942, takes pleasure in presenting the Legion of Merit to Lieutenant Colonel (Infantry) Ronald C. Speirs, United States Army, for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States from October 1961 to March 1964.[6]
^"Massachusetts, Boston Passenger Lists, 1891–1943," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:23XG-W15 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) : 4 December 2014), Ronald Speirs, 1924; citing Immigration, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States, NARA microfilm publication T843 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 1,404,420.