Towards information technology era, every organization is urged to be able to produce information related to its environment in order to survive and to compete. Information gathering process stage will cause to new concept as a basic for organization in its event planning. The purpose of the article is to acknowledge information function related to consumer behavior as organization communication with the public, analyse, produce, and use it for the interest of organization’s working planning. Every data and information in the article come from literature study by processing information from books and mass media. The result of the article that every organization which aims to increase its quality and quantity performance and to compete continuously must understand the consumer behavior through message exchanging with the public which could be used through personal communication strategy. 

Published by Universitas Bina Nusantara
Journal Name Humaniora
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Location Kota adm. jakarta barat, Dki jakarta INDONESIA
Website Humaniora||
ISSN ISSN : 20871236, EISSN : 24769061, DOI : -,
Core Subject Humanities,
Meta Subject Humanities,
Meta DescThe journal invites professionals in the world of education, research, and entrepreneurship to participate in disseminating ideas, concepts, new theories, or science development in the field of Language, Culture, Visual Communication Design, Interior and Furniture Design, Character Building, Law, International Relations, Psychology, and Communications through this scientific journal.
PenulisDamanik, Elsye Rumondang
Publisher ArticleBina Nusantara University
Subtitle Article Humaniora Vol 2, No 1 (2011): Humaniora
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DOI Number DOI: 10.21512/humaniora.v2i1.3049
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