The working principle of Zero Voltage Switch (ZVS) inverter is presented in this paper. Simulations of the model are carried out with PSPICE. The loss of the inverter is analyzed with taking the actual situation into consideration. It is worthiness to practical engineering application.DOI:
Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah penurunan pada penjualan di Starbucks Coffee JIExpo Kemayoran baik pada total penjualan maupun pada saat adanya sales promotion Tumbler Day pada setiap tanggal 22, yang dimana menurut Strang (Kazmi dan Batra, 2008:482) sales promotion merupakan insentif jangka pendek untuk mendorong pembelian atau penjualan suatu produk atau jasa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh sales promotion Tumbler Day terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen di Starbucks Coffee JIExpo Kemayoran.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan di dalam penelitian i…
Riau is a province on the Island of Sumatera that is adjacent to Singapore and Malaysia. Currently more tourist come to Riau for various purposes. This arrival of tourist becomes a trigger of the hotel growth. By the increasing of the hotel growth, local government needs to organize the tourism sector. It aims to add the time of stay so that the people of Riau get the positive impact from this situation. Because of that reason, we need to know the factors that influence the confidence of investor, mainly in hotel sector.Keywords: hotel growth, tourism sector, confidence of investor
One area in Bogor regency has one of the most visitable place for tourist. It has tourismpotential and surely need to be well managed so that all the existed potentials can develop to be betterand more sustainable. The attraction that has highest offers potential among the six samples is KRBotani , while the lowest is KWA Gede Mountain. The shared problem of those attractions is the lack ofaccessibility to the attractions areas. The selected development strategies are improving the investmentclimate, performing maintenance of existing facilities, improving cleanness of areas, adding facilities…
Based on BPS data regarding "Data tourist arrivals to the archipelago in JakartaTourism Year 2014 - 2015" found that Taman Impian Jaya Ancol (TIJA) with a verysignificant, is the object of the most visited tourist tourists as many as30,966,381pengunjung. This study examines the "unlock the secrets MARKETINGSTRATEGY" ANCOL OUTSTANDING "(Study of Effects of Tourism Marketing Mixagainst Decision of Visitation)". The research method used by the author in thisresearch is quantitative method. This study uses data processing techniques SPSS20.The data analysis technique is looking for a causal effect…
ABSTRACTEvent is becoming more increasingly important both socially and economically. Such growth has raised many questions concerning the quality of event and impact on satisfaction and behavioral intentions of attendees, however, few studies have examined the actual event quality of a cultural performance. With so many competitions in the event business, an event planner must increase the level of event quality. In additon to create satisfaction and revisit of attendees in the event, a highly quality of performance, employees and environment is recommended.This study examined the underlying …
ABSTRACT An organization is a group of people who interact and work together to realize common goals. The most important element in an organization is a group of people or human resources. One of the causes of employee dissatisfaction in work is doing the same basic task repeatedly. Therefore, job expansion or as known as job enlargement is developed to increase the number of tasks undertaken by workers. This study aims to determine the effect of job enlargement on job satisfaction of front office department employees at Amaris Hotel Diponegoro Yogyakarta. Independent variable studied is jo…
Hasil ukur efektivitas bentuk suatu iklan di media cetak menjadi input penting bagi perusahaan. Khususnya di bidang perhotelan, hasil itu akan memberikan masukan terhadap peningkatan kreatifitas iklan yang disajikan. Model EPIC yang terdiri dari Empathy, Persuasion, Impact dan Communication merupakan salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur efektivitas suatu bentuk iklan. Dari hasil pengukuran efektivitas POP Hotel di Kelapa Gading Pada Majalah Venue No. 95 diperoleh hasil bahwa semua faktor pada model EPIC dinyatakan efektif. Saran bagi peneliti berikutnya adalah dapat membandingkan PO…
Dodol diolah dari tepung ketan, santan kelapa (dari kelapa yang sudah tua), dan gula jawa. Laki-Iaki bertugas mengupas kelapa dan mengaduk bubur tepung yang sudah mengental sampai masak dan berminyak. Dodol Betawi Hb.Toha hanya tersedia pada saat-saat tertentu seperti lebaran idul fitri. Karena itu penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk meneliti lebih jauh tentang ?Dodol Betawi?. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) mengkaji strategi pemasaran yang selama ini telah diterapkan oleh pembuat Dodol Betawi Hb.Toha dalam memasarkan produk dodolnya. (2) Mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis faktor-fakto…
Jakarta hadir dengan bus wisata tingkat yang disebut ?Mpok Siti?, yangkeberadaannya menjadi salah satu fasilitas pendukung bagi wisata perkotaan.?MpokSiti? haruslah dapat diakses oleh semua orang tanpa terkecuali dan secara tidaklangsung yaitu dengan cara mengaplikasikan konsep accessible tourism dalam rangkamendukung sustainable tourism.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuiimplementasi bus wisata Jakarta ?Mpok Siti? terhadap konsep accessible tourism.Metode penulisan yaitu kualitatif deskriptif dengan kajian pustaka dan dokumentasisebagi sumber data primer. Keterbatasan jurnal terkait…
AbstractThe objective of this paper is to examine the development of a travel and tourism curriculum that is relevant to the state of educational institutions and the situation in the industry. In term the suitability of graduate results can be absorbed in the tourism industry. In addition to develop curriculum through the DACUM (Develop a Curriculum) travel and tourism are primarily studied in depth by involving other parties, as well as adjusting the relevance of the relevant institutions. Curriculum development based on DACUM through several stages consists of analysis, design, implementati…
Upacara manusa yajna merupakan suatu korban suci yang bertujuan untuk memelihara hidup dan membersihkan lahir bathin manusia, dari hal tersebut satu upacara yang akan dikaji adalah fungsi dan makna pendidikan upacara Nyuwun Beruk pada anak perempuan di Desa Songan. Upacara ini dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat Desa Songan, ketika anak perempuan sudah menginjak usia 6-7 Tahun, upacara dilaksanakan di sebagai rasa syukur kehadapan Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa sebagai manifestasi-Nya Bhatara Hyang Guru. Tujuan dari upacara Nyuwun Beruk adalah sebagai tahap awal seorang anak untuk diberikan suatu pelajara…
Pendidikan karakter yang tengah gencar dilaksanakan di Indonesia dirasakan masih belum maksimal. Hal ini hendaknya menjadi prioritas utama yang harus diselesaikan oleh seluruh komponen pendidikan. Komponen pendidikan memerlukan suatu alat ukur yang valid dan reliabel guna mengukur tingkat keberhasilan pendidikan karakter. Alat ukur yang paling mendekati tepat digunakan adalah kecerdasan spiritual. Hal ini dikarenakan indikator dan instrumen pengukuran antara pendidikan karakter dengan kecerdasan spiritual sama. Pengukuran tingkat keberhasilan pendidikan karakter dapat dilakukan dengan memban…
Keberadaan aktifitas yajna khususnya di Bali, selain berperan sebagai suatu rutinitas spiritual keagamaan, juga berperan sebagai identitas keagamaan budaya dan tradisi. Suatu realita nyata yang terlihat di lapangan adalah pesatnya perkembangan tekhnologi era modern yang seolah melaju tanpa henti. Namun uniknya meski demikian pesat perkembangan tekhnologi, eksestensi budaya khususnya yajna di Bali tetap mampu bertahan bahkan bersinergi dengan perkembanganyang terjadi di masyarakat. Hari raya Galungan sebagai hari pawedalan jagat, sehingga wajib memuja Ida Sang Hyang Widi atas terciptanya alam s…
The success and failure of educational leadership is determined by the nature and leadership style of the educational institution. To achieve educational leadership success spiritual intelligence is needed. spiritual intelligence and educational leadership are integrated into the framework of achieving of achieving educational success not only in the realm of intelligence, but also success in the spiritual realm. In the specific context spiritual intelligence is intelligence to deal with and solve problems of meaning and value in life, and place behaviour in a broader and richer contect. Peopl…
Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemenkominfo) mengungkapkan pengguna internet di Indonesia saat ini mencapai 63 juta orang. Dari angka tersebut, 95 persennya menggunakan internet untuk mengakses jejaring sosial. Andreas Kaplan dan Michael Haenlein mendefinisikan media sosial sebagai "sebuah kelompok aplikasi berbasis internet yang membangun di atas dasar ideologi dan teknologi Web 2.0, dan yang memungkinkan penciptaan dan pertukaran user-generated contens. Fungsi aplikasi ini adalah untuk memudahkan manusia berinteraksi satu dengan lainnya. Aplikasi media sosial ada banyak, seper…
Changes in time will bring changes in education which are dynamic and drastic so that the adaptation of educators with knowledge, skills, and values is highly needed to be invested to the students. Being a teacher is a challenging profession. A good teacher is a teacher who enjoys his work, believes in taught material, hard worker, spends a lot of time preparing lesson plans, uses parenting patterns, cares about his students' needs, and seeks to enable all students in learning. Being a creative and innovative teacher is not something that comes in just a second, it takes a long process. Theref…
This paper aims to describe the implementation of character education to students in SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar. Its don?t need to doubt about the existence of this high school because of the achievements. Its can not be separated from character education that is manifestly implemented in the in the classroom or outside the classroom learning. Principals and teachers believe that the purpose of education should be returned to the original goal of forming a good character.Keywords: Implementation of character education, students, SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar
The ?Kekawin Sutasoma? composition is a masterpiece containing the teachings of ethics, philosophy and theological concept of Shiva ? Buddha, which guide humans to obtain the essence of ultimate happiness in life. The research on the ?Kekawin Sutasoma? composition could be said as the activity and effort to make an inventory of culture, which has the significant objective, namely, protecting and preserving traditions born from the civilization of Hindu ? Buddha community. Conducting the research on the ?Kekawin Sutasoma? composition composed by Mpu Tantular has signified the digging of the pur…
Education is the interaction between educators and learners. Educational interactions are always related to knowledge, potential development, and the cultivation of values, either through the process of learning, guidance or training. In this interaction individuals behave, and behaviors into study materials of educational psychology. Thus the psychology of education is the study of a person's behavior (especially learners) in interacting with the educational environment. A teacher is obliged to understand the psychology of education, considering that teachers interact with students and also o…