Rekan kerja mutlak dibutuhkan oleh siapaun dalam melakukan sebuah pekerjaan tim, demikian juga pada dokter dan perawat yang melakukan pekerjaan dalam menangani pasien, penelitian ini akan bertujuan untuk melihat makna rekan kerja perawat bagi dokter di RSUD Karawang. Metode penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi fenomenologi yaitu sebuah kajian mengenai pemaknaan pengalaman yang dilakukan secara sadar dan diketahui konsekeensinya oleh pelaku komunikasi. Dalam penelitian ini diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut motif para dokter memiliki rekan kerja adalah untuk mempermudah…
ABSTRAKVlog gen halilintar yang berjudul ?Borong mini market Korea rusuh? ini adalah vlog tentang kegiatan mereka di negara Korea. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah pendekatankualitatif, memusatkan perhatian pada prinsip-prinsip umum yang mendasari perwujudansebuah makna dari gejala-gejala sosial di dalam masyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalahuntuk mengetahui makna yang terdapat dalam vlog dengan menelaah aspek denotasi,konotasi, dan mitos dari tanda di dalamnya. Pada penelitian ini, digunakan analisis semiotikaRoland Barthes, yaitu teori pemaknaan tanda secara dua tahap. Hasil dari pene…
ABSTRAK Kondisi perempuan disektor industri atau sektor di luar rumah (publik) kini jauh lebih baik. Sehingga kianbanyak perempuan yang terdorong untuk memasuki sektor ini. Realitasnya mereka yang bekerja sebagai wanitakarir atau disektor publik memiliki penghasilan lebih besar dibanding suami. Mengenai istri disektor publik, makaakan muncul sebuah konstruksi istri tentang peran suami dan relasi suami istri dalam rumah tangga. Peran danpembagian tugas perempuan dan laki-laki sangat ditentukan oleh budaya. Di Indonesia perempuan diposisikansebagai ibu rumah tangga yang harus melakukan peran dom…
PT. UK, an automotive producer, is one of the vendors of a motorcycle manufacturing company. During the production, it is needed Dies, jig and inspection jig. Dies is used for supporting the cutting and formingsheet metal into steel pipe for making a certain product. During the process, blanking Dies component is getting many collisions and frictions that can cause machine breakdowns. These breakdowns have an impact to production loss time. In 2016, the production was 697.41 hours. Not only the production loss, the customer deliveries were also late that caused penalty costs from customers. Th…
ABSTRACTPT. XYZ is a company engaged in automotive for motorcycles and car vehicle. The increasing number of product demand from customers requires companies to provide the best service, especially the quality of the product itself. The company often gets a lot of consumer complaints against Fuse Box X products that are not function on the busbar A and busbar B when are assembled by the customer in the last 3 months from March to May 2017.Based on the problem, the authors propose the need for the holding of checking tools that are able to detect that Busbar A and Busbar B are mounted tightly o…
Pharmaceutical industry especially that move in generic products, have many kinds of products to be manufactured in its production lines with the shortest possible time. This condition causes the frequent of changeover process. This cause requires the company to further improve the effectiveness of the machine by reducing the time of changeover process in terms of setup and clean-up machine. In order to reducing the time of setup and clean-up activity use the method of approaches the SMED analysis method to reduce unnecessary motion waste (value added and non-value added derived from lean manu…
Nowaday, the use and demand of laser engraving machines is increasing for production and practical activities in vocational schools and engineering faculty in Indonesia. However, the price of laser engraving machine in the market is still quite high. Therefore, there is a need to find a solution to overcome this problem by designing a laser-engraving machine that is devoted for practical purposes at affordable prices. The control system on the laser-engraving machine is designed using an Arduino Nano-based 2-axis CNC controller, with three stepper motor drive actuators, to drive the machine on…
Food factory is a chemical trading and processing company for semi-finished food. One of the processed foods produced is jelly powder. The problems faced by food manufacturers are how to reduce the occurrence of product defects and the length of product mixing process that is 180 minutes for A-type 147 jelly. Proposed improvements are made by the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method where defective products occur at most hardness and syneresis parameters and are caused by 4 elements namely method, environment, human, and material. In this proposed improvement, additional methods are …
PT. ASIKA Indonesia is a big manufacturing toy company in Indonesia. Many problems occur in PT. ASIKA Indonesia. The obstacle that may occur such as about the product quality, the technological system of the company or the documentation system of the company. In this section, the obstacle that occurs in PT. ASIKA Indonesia is the double counted of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and some of the documents have not been registered yet even those documents are legal documents. It has the impact on the quality management system of the company. It will give impact when the company needs to revie…
In tire manufacturing process, amount of defects that occur in the tire company has a tendency to increase and above the target limits. In order to improve the quality of tire manufacture, an analysis to decrease the number of defects is conducted by using the Six Sigma concept. The repair process is done to reduce the defect types Under Cure. This is a defect with the highest number from the seven types of defects. The design DOE (Design of Experiment) is used to determine the optimum setting tires in the cooking process. Defect Under Cure is a type of defect that occurs due to imperfection o…
To support the production activities to maintain a good production activity, the company should concern on the operators? health and productivity by providing proper working condition and tools considering the ergonomics aspects. This observation was conducted for operators in handling Bobbin Film Pack materials manually in cigarette company. The problem solving is analyzed by assessment of REBA, RWL, and CTDs. After analyzing the current working posture and lifting method from all of the chosen operators, the root causes were found. The result shows the bad working conditions which are the in…
PT. X is producing pharmaceutical packaging that made by glass tube as the raw material of the product; this study took ampoule as the sample. During the production process which is in the quality inspection, the operator found many defect products of ampoule such as crack 32%, glass particle 30%, deformation 14%, scratches 11%, air bubbles 10%, and printing 3%. Multi-Attribute Failure Mode Analysis (MAFMA) is one of them used to eliminate or reduce the causes of failure in order to prevent the repeating failure. The attributes became the criteria level in a hierarchy structure and the potenti…
Maintenance is an important activity in ensuring the machine operation in a company. If maintenance activities are carried out in a planned manner, production activities can run smoothly. This research was conducted in a manufacturing company engaged in the manufacture of paper packaging. Based on the data, Duplex machines have a higher frequency of breakdown compared to other machines, which is 125 times in 22 months. This study aims to implement preventive maintenance of Duplex machines. The analysis starts with determining the critical components on a Duplex machine. Furthermore, the calcul…
Abstract: This study titled Leadership speech Tjahaja Basuki Purnama. Research aims to determine speech Tjahaja Basuki Purnama. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach. This research data is Basuki Tjahaja Purnama speech conversation with the society of honesty, courtesy, and interesting. Source of research data is a video leadership Basuki Purnama Tjahaja of seven video obtained from the site youtube. From this video obtained by the speech of leadership that has honesty, courtesy, and attractiveness. This study used a technique that documents the sourc…
Abstract: This study entitled Imperative utterances in a Malam Minggu Miko comedy series. This study aimed to describe the form and meaning of the imperative in Malam Minggu Miko comedy series. The research is a qualitative research with descriptive methods. This research data is the form and meaning of speech imperatives contained in Malam Minggu Miko comedy series. Data obtained using the technique of listening and listening. The validity of the data obtained by a triangulation technique. Then, the data were analyzed by identifying and classifying based on the nature and meaning of the imper…
Abstract: This study titled is Endofora Reference in the Short Story of Riau Pos Daily. This study aimed to describe the reference endofora in Riau Pos daily short stories. The research is a qualitative research with descriptive methods. This research data is the entire sentence that uses a reference endofora, both based on the reference position and by type of object contained in Riau Pos daily short stories. Data obtained using the technique of reading. Then, the data were analyzed by identifying and classifying based on a reference shape endofora short story text. From the data obtained in …
Abstract: This study investigated the ability to determine the composition of personal letters and official letters seventh grade students of SMPN 10 Tapung Tapung District of Kampar regency. This study aimed to obtain information that will be described regarding the ability to determine the composition of personal letters and official letters, and is there a significant difference between the ability to determine the composition of a personal letter and a composition of a formal letter. This study is a quantitative-descriptive. This research data is test data to determine the composition of p…
Abstract: This research aims to find out the students’ ability in writing script at the eighth grade students of MTs Nahdlatul Ulum Kecamatan Tapun Kabupaten Kampar. This research uses descriptive method which is used to explain about the data that has been got. This research also uses writing script test technique. The descriptions of this reseach are: (1) prologue compatibility, (2) dialogue compatibility, (3) epilogue compatibility. The purpose of this research is to describe the students’ ability in writing script at eighth grade students of MTs Nahdlatul Ulum Kecamatan Tapun…
Abstrak: The purpose of this research is to discover communication strategy used by japanese learners. This research divided the learners onto two groups, Elementary level learners and intermediate level learners. On this research, student on 4th semesters are elementary level learners while 6th semesters students are intermediate level learners; each group will be taken 10 people as object which make 20 people in total. Data collected using roleplay as a form of conversation As results this research found that elementary level learners tend to use intralingual strategy asking for help and int…
Abstrak : Microscopic physics education subject like core atom is invisible physics subject that needed multimedia to help the students understanding the subject. All this time student understanding about this subject was still low and it make some of student afraid about this subject. Start from how important to understand this subject so we need to make the solution. Learning multimedia which base on three-dimensional animation that can create something abstract to be more real is the solution that given on this research. It was create by Blender application and designed by ADDIE design mode…